Senior Vice President, Chief Risk Officer Resume
3.67/5 (Submit Your Rating)
- Experienced financial executive with an appetite to deliver superior results and work product, and an adaptable skill set to achieve corporate goals through changing internal and external environments while continually meeting deadlines.
- Reputation for building teams and achieving results through developing strategies and initiatives that enhance company value.
- Developed enterprise risk management frameworks, performed high - level financial monitoring, delivered high quality strategic plans, directed operational processes, implemented sound credit practices, managed departments comprised of skilled employees to achieve the objectives of the company, and provided growth and advancement in all areas.
- Well versed in all aspects of banking, particularly Capital, Earnings, Asset Quality, Liquidity, Interest Rate Risk, Compliance, Bank Secrecy Act, and Information Technology
- Significant experience and skill in areas of Credit, Operations and Enterprise Risk Management
- Served as member and chair for various risk, credit, and operational committees
- Organized and delivered presentations on critical issues to the Board of Directors and various sub groups, including focal groups, Confidential, and new employees
- Exercised supervisory authority to make personnel decisions regarding hiring, training, and development, work assignments, performance management, salary recommendations, and retention
- Significant experience with on-site auditing and evaluations, and generating written reports for executive staff, examiners, and Board members
- Managed staff, teams and departments of all sizes including those in excess of 20 employees/consultants
- Strong ability to interpret laws and regulations to ensure compliance, perform gap analysis and successfully explain to third parties, including Board members, auditors and regulators
- Proficient in various modeling applications including MIAC, DebtX, Opera Analytics, and Mission Capital
- Experienced with DFAST and CCAR stress testing
- Successfully created, led, and participated on large teams to effectively and efficiently complete various projects and tasks
- Developed innovative and effective risk management solutions to support the financial institution's strategic risk management approach, including Board reporting, threshold tolerances, and identifying top risk
- Served as a member of the Officer Loan Committee, Problem Asset Committee, ALLL Committee, Operational Steering Committee, ALCO Committee, Audit Committee (Bank Lead), Risk Management Committee (Bank Lead), and Management Executive Committee
- Made regular presentations and recommendations to all committees and the Board of Directors
- Monitored and reported on a broad range of advanced risk measures, including strategic, balance sheet, credit, operational, technology, and enterprise risk, to enable the bank management and Board to have a comprehensive understanding of risk positions, market conditions, and the impact of new initiatives
- Fully implemented a new enterprise risk management program that included the development of Key Risk Indicators, Key Financial Indicators, Top Risk, Risk Assessment, and a Risk Culture document
- Prepared refinements and updates to bank policies and guidelines to enable proactive risk management within the context of a dynamic business environment and best industry practices
- Led C-Level executives to gather ideas and direction to produce the bank's 3 year strategic plan which included strategic statements, strategic initiatives, and strategic projects
- Oversaw all aspects of the internal audit function (planning, overseeing, and implementing solutions)
- Supervised all compliance personnel and ensured effective reporting with compliance laws and regulations
- Operated as the primary contact for regulatory relationships and ongoing monitoring calls and was subject to four regulatory reviews
- Managed the bank's Information Technology department including, but not limited to, Telecommunications, Hardware, Software, Cybersecurity, System Availability, Patch Maintenance etc.
- Established and utilized various quantitative analyses and models to monitor third party counterparties, vendors, risk assessments, and stress testing
- Performed gap analysis on current bank practices recommending new or changes to regulation requirements with recommendation for compliance or improvement
- Acted as the bank's Community Reinvestment and Information Security officer
- Oversaw bank fraud activities including ATM skimming issues, bank robberies, employee and customer fraud, and overall bank security
- Performed several due diligence reviews and assessments of potential merger and acquisition candidates
- Led the operational aspects of merger acquisition teams to ensure deadlines and timelines were met
- Implemented operating risk incident tracking and reporting systems to improve operational processes and reduce risk
- Introduced the bank to various banking, customer, and vendor relationships that were utilized to develop business, produce income, or provide bank solutions
- Led various strategic projects to improve efficiencies, evaluate risk limits, and improve operational processes
- Managed the maintenance and miscellaneous projects of 28 Branch Facilities, 2 Loan Production offices, and 2 Operational Centers
Confidential, Pittsburgh
Responsibilities:- Oversaw the credit quality and collateral position of all members (300+ banks, credit unions and insurance companies) to preserve capital stock by ensuring solid internal controls, credit and collateral monitoring, and appropriate valuation of assets
- Responsible for establishing collateral valuation framework, valuation methodologies, understanding of model risk, and vendor products/pricing approaches
- Served as a voting member and chair of the Credit Risk Committee
- Served as a voting member of the Risk Management Committee, Credit Approval Committee, and Member Services committee
- Led presentations and made recommendations to Board level committees on a regular basis
- Acted as the bank liaison in dealing with the FDIC in member failure situations to ensure any outstanding indebtedness was resolved in a timely manner to protect the appetite for zero credit losses
- Had loan approval authority for up to $500 million
- Represented the bank in the Credit Officer Group for the 11 Federal Home Loan Banks and acted as chair for the Secured Credit Group
- Led an Opportunity and Innovation team of senior leaders to develop new products, services, and ideas for the bank
- Managed a staff of Collateral Managers, outside consultants, and several accounting and loan review firms who performed on site asset quality reviews at the bank's 300+ members.
- Performed troubleshooting on complex databases and sophisticated systems designed to monitor credit and collateral positions of member banks
- Assisted in stress testing and compliance with DFAST and CCAR utilizing various models and analytical tools
- Complied with regulatory requirements on model validation and model benchmarking requirements
- Interacted with member institutions regarding eligibility of assets as collateral and provided members with guidelines and interpretation of the bank's collateral policies
- Led discussions with member institutions regarding delivery requirements associated with credit score downgrades
- Actively participated as key interface with auditors (internal and external) and Federal Housing Finance Agency examiners, providing explanations/interpretations
- Routinely interfaced with senior management of members, providing professional insight and guidance on compliance issues with bank credit and collateral policies
Confidential, Pittsburgh
- Oversaw the organization and administration of the Collateral Management department including the Collateral Risk, Collateral Operations, and Collateral Review areas
- Complied with standards to maintain an effective internal control environment to ensure the bank was fully secured at all times
- Established, recommended and implemented procedures, practices and workflows to ensure compliance with FHFA regulations, bank policies and Credit Risk Committee directives
- Participated in negotiating and obtaining collateral from members placed in full collateral delivery including negotiating the associated legal documents, ensuring ongoing member compliance and periodically reviewing/auditing established systems and procedures to ensure they are operating as approved
- Managed regulatory contacts and interfaces for those members that are processed through the bank's Member and Counterparty Failure and Liquidation Plan
- Served as the coordinator of multi-departmental task forces to manage potential or actual member or counterparty failure
- Created procedures and practices for on-site review of members' collateral including auditing of origination, underwriting and servicing of residential mortgages, multi-family mortgages, home equity loans, commercial mortgages, small business loans, agricultural loans and investment securities
- Ensured reviews were risk-focused and covered a high percentage of the Bank's credit risk, and reported conclusions of the on-site reviews and resulting collateral adjustments to the Credit Risk Committee
- Ensured compliance with applicable policies, procedures and regulations to ensure safe and sound business operations
- Recommended new policy guidelines, limits or actions to the Credit Committee designed to mitigate the Bank's credit risk with its members and counterparties as a result of in-depth, independent analyses, FHFA rules/regulation changes, and/or auditor/examiner feedback.
- Managed the interpretation and implementation of Credit Committees' directives designed to measure or mitigate the risk associated with the Bank's collateral position
- Served as a voting member of the Credit Approval Committee, Collateral Committee (Chairman) and both voting member and Vice Chairman of the Credit Risk Committee
- Made presentations and recommendations to the Risk Management Committee
- Assessed the adequacy of the bank's collateral weighting using third-party market valuation models
- Ensured collateral models were validated, current and met industry standards
- Managed sophisticated systems and complex databases designed to accurately monitor member collateral data
- Conducted comprehensive examinations of some of the largest and most complex thrift institutions in the Northeastern United States
- Supervised and led numerous examiners as Examiner in Charge of safety and soundness reviews
- Acted as Examiner in Charge of banks under enforcement action and memorandum of understanding at times with upwards of 25+ matters requiring Board attention
- Performed loan reviews of single-family, multi-family, commercial real estate, commercial business, and consumer credits
- Appointed as Mortgage Banking Specialist and worked on several large scale banks during the credit crisis
- Presented regulatory findings to senior management and the Board of Directors
- Performed reviews of bank holding companies
- Reviewed and analyzed financial records, operations, policies, loans, investments, systems and controls
- Evaluated loan underwriting policies, procedures, lending practices, and risk monitoring systems
- Determined compliance with federal laws and regulations
- Analyzed the trend and adequacy of institutions' earnings and capital
- Evaluated organizations' exposures to liquidity and interest rate risks
- Performed a corporate activities detail that focused on mergers and application approvals, new branch approvals, and new charter approvals