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Lead Salesforce Engineer Resume

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Burbank, CA


  • Salesforce Certified Administrator and Platform Developer I.
  • Expertise in sales cloud and service cloud and marketing cloud .
  • Passionate about learning new things with go getter attitude.
  • Implemented 2 full life cycle implementations. Designed, Implemented, Deployed the projects. Written Test cases for success and failure scenarios.
  • Managed 300+ users at a time, including priority setting for salesforce.com Administrator’s assignments.
  • Experience in giving end user training and mentoring junior developers.
  • Expertise in writing Apex Classes, Apex Triggers, Apex Scheduler, Batch Apex, Apex Web service & integrations.
  • Unit testing of the user stories after development and bug fixes.
  • Experience in APEX Programming by creating Custom Triggers and perform Asynchronous calls to implement the business logic as per the requirements.
  • Efficient in monitoring Apex asynchronous processing using future method, batch apex, controlling processes with queueable apex and scheduling jobs using apex scheduler.
  • Extensive experience in designing Custom Objects, Custom Tabs, Custom Fields, Customizing Page Layouts, Workflow rules & Actions, Record Types, Validation Rules, Formula Fields, Reports, Dashboards, and Email Generation according to application requirements.
  • Excellent in Administrative tasks like Creating Profiles, Roles, Users, Permission Sets, Email Services, Approvals, and Activities.
  • Hands on experience in implementing security and sharing rules (criteria based & manual sharing) at object and record level for different users at different levels of organization. Also created various profiles and configured the permissions based on the organizational hierarchy.
  • Used Data Loader for insert, update, and bulk import or export of data from Salesforce.com Objects. Used it to read, extract, and load data from comma separated values (CSV) files.
  • Good understanding of Salesforce.com Governor Limits with an ability to optimize code to respect those limits.
  • Experienced in automating processes using process builder and debug issues related to the same.
  • Experience in lead, Case management, Web - to-lead, Web-to case, And Email-to-case.
  • Sound understanding of SOQL and SOSL for Querying and data fetching and manipulation on Force.com platform.
  • Experienced using Salesforce Lightning UI. Created Lightning Apps combining Lightning Design System, Lightning App Builder and Lightning Component features .
  • Experienced in using Aura framework to develop UI using Aura tags in lightning components and rollout to lightning experience.
  • Upgraded some Apps from Salesforce Classic to Lightning Experience to develop rich user interface and better interaction of pages.
  • Familiar steel bricks CPQ and Marketo.
  • Experience in using Oracle, SQL Server and SQL databases and Familiar with Stored procedures triggers and Functions using PL/SQL.
  • Experience in writing complex SQL queries involving inner and outer joins, stored procedures.
  • Hands on Experience of Salesforce Web Services API like REST & SOAP.
  • Experience with setting up FSL data model (Work Orders, Service Appointments, Service Resources, Territories etc.).
  • Ability to configure Service Rules and objectives in support of field service business processes.
  • Experience in installing FSL managed package and guided set up configuration.
  • Updated FSL to the latest version also by updating the metadata components such as Triggers, classes to use the new objects.
  • Experience in Object Oriented Languages (Java/J2EE) and familiar with frameworks such as struts 2x, Hibernate.
  • Hands on experience working with HTML, XML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript and AJAX.
  • Excellent analytical, de-bugging skills and documentation skills.
  • Experienced in Sandbox Management & Maintenance (Like Refreshing Sandbox, Creating New sandbox, and migrating code from one sandbox to the other using change sets and using Force.com migration tool, ANT, maintaining all the changes in sandbox as well).
  • Experienced in Agile & DevOps development methodology. Involved in daily standup meetings, Scrum . This resulted to bring good solution to the business requirement .
  • Sound understanding and knowledge on git commands.
  • Quick learner to new concepts, Applications and implemented them in the project successfully.
  • A strategic thinker with attention to detail, Detail-oriented energetic team player, motivated with multi-tasking capabilities, problem solver, and hands-on leader with exceptional presentation and client/customer relation skills.
  • Hard working with a go-getter attitude.
  • Self-driven highly motivated and enthusiastic team player with excellent presentation and interpersonal skills who can also work independently in a challenging and cross-platform environment.


Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX, Solaris, MAC OSX, OEL, RHEL

J2EE Technologies: Java, JSP, JDBC, JMS, XML Parsers, ANT, WebServices

Salesforce Tools: Force.com Eclipse IDE Plug-in, Visual Studio Code, Force.com Data Import Wizard, Force.com

Data Loader, Force.com Migration Tools ( ANT )

Salesforce Technologies: Apex classes/Controllers, Visualforce pages, SOQL & SOSL queries, Apex Triggers, Lightning Components, Lightning Pages.

Development Tools: Net Beans, Eclipse, MyEclipse

Application/Web Servers: Tomcat, OAS and WLS

Languages: Java, Apex, SQL and PL/SQL

Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, Java Script and XML, Ajax, JQuery

Databases: Oracle 12c, IBM DB2, MSSQL Server, MYSQL

Network Protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS and FTP

Scripting Languages: Shell Scripting, Python

ETL tools: Informatica

DevOps tools: Git, Jira, Atlassian, Jenkins

Office tools: MS Excel, Open Office Calc sheets and other MS tools like word and power point


Lead Salesforce Engineer

Confidential, Burbank, CA


  • Working on service cloud module.
  • Working on grooming the backlogs and addressing the priority Issues.
  • Working on requirement gatherings on onboard teams into salesforce.
  • Working on code changes/Refactoring to implement best practices. Mentoring juniors with best coding standards and improving the code quality.
  • Working on custom development and metadata migration and test class coverage.
  • Working on integration between payroll system and salesforce.
  • Working on custom code for Mass Update of cases.
  • Integrated FIVE9 with salesforce. Created a Lightning Component and added it to the VF page to automatically pop up the screen when a call comes in through FIVE9. Created a soft Phone layout.
  • Created a Lightning Component for Case cloning functionality for all the teams.
  • Created knowledge base, community portal and published articles.
  • Working on Live Agent to support customers and also installed a managed package from Salesforce labs for internal chat among the users.

Lead Programming Analyst.

Confidential, Burbank, CA


  • Responsible for delivering customized solutions in a controlled environment to a large user base across the regions.
  • Conducted extensive code reviews to implement coding standards, best practices and deliver a robust solution.
  • Prepare for all the salesforce release/instance upgrades, mitigate the risk and thereby by prepare for internal release.
  • Installed FSL package.
  • Implemented field service lightning as an enhancement. Migrated all the metadata (Triggers, Process builders etc.) from old FSL objects to the new standard objects.
  • Involved in the migration of home grown CPQ to Vlocity CPQ.
  • Have written custom code and Triggers on Workorder object to calculate number of Service Appointment for a workorder to close.
  • Debugged the issues and unit testing of the same.
  • Extensive experience with Version Control System such as GIT , and CI/CD tools such as Jenkins .
  • Created Test artifacts including Test Strategy, Test Execution for the QA team.
  • Migrated some Apps and VF pages from Salesforce Classic to Lightning.
  • Created Aura component to auto refresh list views of the case object.
  • Created Aura component to show a pop message on a record if another user is working on the same record.
  • Configured Process builders to send notification to the resource on service appointments.
  • Maintaining the existing API’s integrations and webservices by making changes to the existing services with enhancement requests.
  • Implemented an integration project for small groups where Sales Connect (Salesforce) receives request from other system and performs the necessary logic in salesforce such as Lead creation and converting to Accounts and contacts.
  • Was able to work and be a part of sprint assignments from week 1 with minimal/no assistance.
  • Was able to pick up the data model easily and have written test classes with >80% coverage.
  • Implemented the best practices like design patterns, Util classes and having dynamic values in the code by putting all the static values in the Utils class and separate class for Error Handlers.
  • Implemented Trigger best practices.
  • Implemented Mass Approval and Mass Submit of approval requests by customizing and making changes to existing code using Approval class API.
  • Have implemented Soql, Sosl and dynamic Soql queries.
  • Handled the August 2019 release independently. Deploying all the components to Prod, validations, and fixing errors.
  • Fixed Support requests within SLA’s. Was able to quickly locate the code and identify the errors within the huge org and customizations.
  • Was part of new enhancements and quickly picked up and adapted the new changes.

Confidential, Burbank, CA

Sr Salesforce Consultant


  • Maintained the existing API’s integrations and webservices by making changes to the existing services with enhancement requests.
  • Implemented an integration project for small groups where Sales Connect (Salesforce) receives request from other system and performs the necessary logic in salesforce.
  • Was able to work and be a part of sprint assignments from week 1 with minimal/no assistance.
  • Was able to pick up the data model easily and have written test classes with >80% coverage.
  • Implemented the best practices like design patterns, Util classes and having dynamic values in the code by putting all the static values in the Utils class and separate class for ErrorHandlers.
  • Implemented Trigger best practices.
  • Implemented Mass Approval and Mass Submit of approval requests by customizing and making changes to existing code using Approval class API.
  • Have implemented Soql, Sosl and dynamic Soql queries.


Sr Salesforce Consultant


  • Implemented Territory management.
  • Managed API integrations and web services. Integrate external database to salesforce to get the product data.
  • Created Visualforce pages and implemented ajax functionality by implementing Action Function, Action Status.
  • Have Implemented Apttus CPQ and CLM. Configured Products, Catalog, Hierarchies, Bundles, Product Lists across all the products.
  • Configured PLI with different charge types. Various pricing factors like variance pricing, volume based, attribute-based pricing has been configured.
  • Written code using REST API’s to push data into Salesforce from external application.
  • Written code without hitting the governor limits.
  • Created Apex triggers and classes to implement the functionality of sending and attachment mail as soon as it is uploaded in the attachments related list in salesforce.
  • Scheduled Reports, which is to be received by operations team every Monday.
  • Implemented batch apex to add standard price for the products daily.
  • Automated Email to case functionality.
  • Integrated Ring Central app from App Exchange version 5.7 for all users to provide a soft phone layout to make call easily and log activities easily.
  • Integrated Box for Salesforce and trained user on the same.
  • Packaged and Deployed customizations from Sandbox to other environments using Eclipse and change sets.
  • Written Unit Test classes and achieved >80% of test code coverage.
  • Created Reports (Tabular, Matrix & Summary as per the requirement) and Dashboards for the users following access levels.
  • Supported users post GOLIVE/ Changes to make sure they are at ease with the system.
  • Implemented the best practices like design patterns, Util classes and having dynamic values in the code.
  • Debugged and solved few complex scenarios while coding.


Salesforce Developer|Consultant


  • Interacted with various business user groups for gathering the requirements for Salesforce implementation and documented the Business and Software Requirements.
  • Created workflow rules for various departments such as marketing, sales and operations.
  • Designed the system. Created custom objects, fields and relationships (Master detail, look up, Many-Many) as required.
  • Set the Org by creating users, roles, profiles, granting permissions, access levels etc.
  • Created VF pages as per the business requirement.
  • Written a clean code following the standards and governor limits.
  • Gave end user training to about 2000 + users across the company.
  • Mentored Junior developers on the platform.


Java Developer

Key Responsibilities

  • Involved in development, analysis and design of assigned work using Servlets, JSP, Html, Java Script, and Java Beans.
  • Developed JAVA classes as per designed docs.
  • Developed Core Java classes and methods for handling data from database.
  • Used connection pooling for better performance.
  • Created sequence diagrams using Eclipse and document all the technical specifications.
  • Developed Ant builds script and ant task classes to clean, compile, copy, run, doc, deploy, jar, war and ear files, and develop web service.
  • Used JDBC Statements to call the stored procedures and Prepared Statements to perform dynamic SQL operations. DAO classes are accessed in EJBs to connect to Database.
  • Involved in writing JavaScript for validation of page data in the JSP pages.
  • Involved in writing procedures and Packages for Report Generation using Oracle as Database.
  • Responsible for Testing - unit testing & integration testing using Junit.

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