We provide IT Staff Augmentation Services!

Senior Programmer/analyst Resume

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Summary of Skills

  • Programmer/analyst with extensive experience in all phases of project life cycles, doing system and business analysis, software development, support and maintenance.
  • Expertise in legacy hardware and software systems at financial institutions.
  • Analysis and upgrade of existing processes, implementing solutions to improve data entry, data flow, system efficiency and data quality. Develop, release and maintain software for time-critical, data-intensive systems.
  • Creator of detail-oriented, business and technical requirements.
  • Liaison between technical and user groups, including developing requirements, education and training software use and maintenance by both communities.

Technical Skills

Programming Languages

  • Expert PL/I
  • Intermediate Fortran, VAX Basic
  • Entry-Level COBOL


  • Mainframe: VM/CMS, REXX, SQL/DS, DMS, Batch Processing
  • Entry-level interface with UNIX, LINUX
  • Minicomputers: PDP/RSX-11M, VAX/VMS
  • PC-Based: CVS Code Version Software for revision control
  • Quality Center test tracking software
  • TeamTrack project status software
  • Microsoft Office, Access, Visio, desktop publishing

Professional Experience

A financial analysis company providing financial market data, real-time market data, time-sensitive pricing, evaluations and reference data for securities trading.

Senior Programmer/Analyst 1995-2010

  • 2000-2010 Primary development and support for reference data collection system for descriptive data relating to dividends, earnings, shares outstanding and equity maintenance for U.S. and Canadian securities. Trained technical staff in system support and maintenance. Contact person for production problems, user questions and maintenance requests.
  • 1995-1996, 1998-2000 Consultant for development and support of municipal and corporate bond pricing systems. Upgraded legacy systems for Year 2000 processing.
  • As part of a small team, extensive involvement in all phases of project life cycles for mainframe application development, maintenance and enhancements.
  • Worked with end-users to translate business needs into functional specifications
  • Wrote system specifications
  • Developed software
  • Developed and executed system test cases
  • Provided methodology and training for production operations staff in software release and installation
  • In charge of end-user training in use of applications
  • Provided production support for all live syste
  • Created extensive technical documentation of procedures in a Lotus Notes database, used as a corporate resource for reference and staff training
  • Restructured system to create separate development, pre-production and production environments. This improved the quality of development and user acceptance testing
  • Created a database of test scripts via Quality Center for development testing. This improved accuracy of development and user acceptance testing and reduced the need for correcting previous software releases.
  • Implemented a novel approach for Best Practices policies developed, tested and implemented a mainframe source code maintenance system using CVS to store code on a UNIX platform and retrieve mainframe code from the UNIX to the mainframe. Created a standardized release process to automate software builds and installation by non-development staff. Documented the process and trained the staff in charge of software release.
  • Upgraded all in-house developed software from VM/CMS to VM/ESA operating system. This also included code change and testing for periodic operating system upgrades within VM/ESA.
  • Upgraded the municipal bond pricing system a highly visible, time critical application for Year 2000.
  • Hardware IBM/370 (z/VM), data transmission/receipt for UNIX, LINUX
  • Software PL/I, REXX, SQL/DS, DMS, CVS, Quality Center, Microsoft Office, Visio

Software consulting company
Programmer/Analyst 1996-1998

  • Development, implementation and support for multiple clients, including political contribution tracking and campaign finance applications.
  • Software FoxPro

Programmer/Analyst Bank Officer 1980-1993

  • 1980-1990 Development, implementation and support of the Cash Connector system, a high profile international cash management system for money transfer payments, data file transfers and summary financial reporting.
  • 1993 Consultant for Cash Connector System.
  • Hardware VAX/VMS
  • Software Fortran, VAX Basic


B.S., Computational Mathematics
M.S., Computer Science

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