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Applications Consultant Resume

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Louisville, KentuckY


Seeking a challenging position as a Sr. Mainframe Developer in the design and development of commercial and business applications.


SOFTWARE: JCL/Proc, COBOL, CL, DB2 Utilities, SPUFI, CICS, ORACLE, UNIX, SQL, Systematics (Advanced Loan System), Easytrieve, Data Cards, TSO/ISPF, ROSCOE, Panvalet, MVS, VSAM, IDCAMS, IEBGENER, IEFBR14, DFSORT, XPEDITER, File - Aid, Abend-Aid, CA7, AS/400 Utilities, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Visio, ABC Flowchart, Actuate, Connect Direct, SmartSend, QUICKSTART, Platinum, REXX, CLIST, Assembler, RPG, PL/1, DYL-280


Confidential, Louisville, Kentucky

Applications Consultant


  • Provided development and ongoing software support and issue resolution using Panvalet, TSO/ISPF, COBOL, JCL, DFSORT, IEBGENER, IEFBR14, Data Cards, Procs, Parms, Copybooks, File-Aid, DB2 SQL, DB2 Utilities, Platinum and Easytrieve in a z/OS environment.
  • Developed a standards-driven, scalable, secure and dynamic portal for the information delivery of the Premium Billing System using TSO/ISPF, Panvalet, COBOL, JCL, Data Cards, Procs, Parms, Copybooks, DFSORT, File-Aid, IEBGENER, IEFBR14, DB2 SQL, DB2 Utilities, Platinum and Easytrieve in a z/OS environment.
  • Developed enhancements, resolved issues and oversaw regular production efforts including data extracts, data warehouse feeds and printing, using TSO/ISPF, Panvalet, COBOL, JCL, DB2 SQL, DB2 Utilities, Platinum, SPUFI, Data Cards, Procs, Parms, Copybooks, DFSORT, File-Aid, IEBGENER, IEFBR14 and Easytrieve in a z/OS environment.
  • Lead team for yearly Disaster Recovery test.
  • Performed on call responsibilities as required.
  • Used CA7 for scheduling jobs.

Confidential, Louisville, Kentucky

Senior Mainframe Developer


  • Performed COBOL, JCL, CICS, Easytrieve, Procs, DFSORT, Data Card and DB2 SQL code reviews in a z/OS environment to ensure they followed procedures and were efficient on pre-release changes.

Confidential, Louisville, Kentucky

Applications Consultant


  • Designed, developed and tested numerous projects in the claims, provider and enrollment areas using TSO/ISPF, Panvalet, COBOL, JCL, Easytrieve, Data Cards, Procs, Parms, Copybooks, DFSORT, File-Aid, Abend-Aid, XPEDITER, IDCAMS, IEBGENER, IEFBR14, DB2 SQL, DB2 Utilities, Platinum, SPUFI, VSAM, CICS, QUICKSTART and SmartSend in a z/OS environment from inception to implementation.
  • Developed Daily Enrollment table updates and insert programs and processes
  • Managed change control of DB2 data tables
  • Developed and enhanced programs and processes to in corporate new data
  • Developed batch database and reporting applications in COBOL and DB2 SQL
  • Developed and enhanced program and processes to reconcile weekly Enrollment files to Enrollment tables
  • Developed new Infopac reports process
  • Lead team for yearly Disaster Recovery test and other Disaster Recover functions.
  • Managed and acted as subject matter expert for the transfer of several hundred files.
  • Performed on call responsibilities as required.
  • Used CA7 for scheduling jobs.
  • Followed IT Standards, Procedures, Policy and Change Control.

Confidential, Louisville, Kentucky

Systems Analyst


  • Developed and enhanced system of over 200,000 lines of code using COBOL, CL and DB2.
  • Maintained Database consisting of over 130 million Records using DB2 SQL.
  • Developed and implemented numerous enhancements to improve Business Process using COBOL, CL and DB2 SQL.
  • Expletive Check
  • National Change of Address
  • Business Suppression
  • Testing Scenarios
  • Validation Rules
  • Exceptions Processing
  • Worked directly with Sears Client, Business Analyst, Vendors, Marketing
  • Directors and Executive staff to ensure proper program execution and review.
  • Provided daily support for all individuals and system processes necessary to ensure proper production execution using COBOL, CL and DB2 SQL.

Confidential, Louisville, Kentucky



  • Served as System Analyst to identify, develop, enhance and document all system functions and database requirements.
  • Developed an automated manual Service Warranty System using ORACLE and UNIX.
  • Provided support for all individuals and system processes necessary to ensure proper production execution.

Confidential, Louisville, Kentucky



  • Developed programs and process to edit and reformatted file to create an Explanation of Benefits letter using COBOL and JCL.
  • Developed programs and process TO Position data on the Explanation of Benefits letter using AFP Pagedefs.
  • Used Confidential to print the Explanation of Benefits letter.

Confidential, Louisville, Kentucky



  • Designed, developed and implemented an interest accrual program for Savings accounts that used multiple interest rates in COBOL.
  • Designed, developed and implemented a new automated installment loan extension
  • Promotion using COBOL, JCL and Systematics Advanced Loan System.
  • Converted Confidential Cobol programs to Confidential Cobol and Confidential Easytrieve programs.
  • Provided daily support for all individuals and systems to ensure proper production execution.
  • Enhanced existing COBOL programs with user-specified revisions.
  • Developed, tested, maintained and documented production JCL.
  • Enhanced System consisting of over 100,000 accounts.

Confidential, Louisville, Kentucky



  • Developed, tested and documented application programs.
  • Enhanced existing programs with user-specified revisions.
  • Analyzed, designed, developed and implemented batch programs.
  • Developed, tested, maintained and documented production JCL.
  • Assisted with site EDP audits.

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