Application Systems Engineer Resume
- Expert in programming, technical analysis, design, implementation and post - implementation support of complex business application systems, as defined by software development lifecycle methodology or SDLC.
- Proven record of consulting and contracting in IBM mainframe application development.
- Thorough understanding of SDLC. Both team player and independent contributor in project settings.
- Open to both permanent and contract opportunities.
Platforms and Operating Systems: IBM MVS JES/JES2 with Z/OS, Windows-based Personal Computers
Programming Languages: COBOL, Microfocus COBOL, PL/1, CICS, JCL, Cataloged Procedures, SQL, Stored Procedures, UNIX and Shell Scripting
Databases: DB2, VSAM
IBM Mainframe Technologies: TSO, ISPF, MQSeries, Xpediter, CA-InterTest, Debug, CA-Easytrieve, SPUFI, ChangeMan, Endevor, Fileaid, Syncsort, IBM Utilities (IEBGENER, IDCAMS, IEBCOPY), Control-M, Zeke
Data Transfer Programs: NDM, XMIT, FTP
Other Technologies: Micro Focus Enterprise Server, Web, XML, MS Office, Windows, Visio, etc.
Vendor Software Products: Confidential 7.4 (Automated Credit Application Processing System), Confidential product, BureauLink 5.5 - Confidential product, Strata 4.1.5 - Confidential product
Application Systems Engineer
- Online and batch COBOL applications development for the Confidential for the whole application lifecycle, and user support.
- Development of new CICS screens, programs and enhancements of existing screens and programs through implementation. Direct interface with project managers, QA analysts and Confidential users.
Technologies: Strata, Bureaulink (products), IBM Z/OS/MVS, COBOL, CICS, VSAM, DB2 SQL/SPUFI/DBI Utilities JCL, EZTRIEVE, ENDEVOR, DEBUG and several other IBM Mainframe development utilities and tools.
Senior Mainframe Technical Analyst/Developer Contractor
- Developer for the migration of several IBM mainframe applications and reports to the Micro Focus Enterprise Server on Windows.
- Support all levels of the project team with technical analysis and solution as and when needed.
- Technical lead for all the mainframe activities to support the migration, including CICS, JCL, COBOL, VSAM datasets, EasyTrieve, analysis, coding and testing. Heavy involvement with integration testing, User Acceptance Testing and production implementation.
- Technical assistance to set up LRS VPSX and PageCenterX and to migrate thousands of reports from CA View/Deliver to LRS PageCenterX or PCX.
- Functional role as System Administrator for the Micro Focus Enterprise Server on the Windows platform. Work with Micro Focus on issues related to the Enterprise Server and to the migration generally.
- Developed DOS batch scripts for the Micro Focus Enterprise Server to perform several administration and operational tasks and processes. These include the server startup, shutdown, maintenance, including reorganization of the spool, catalog and data files, and cleanup of server core dumps.
- Validated several Micro Focus COBOL programs through the Eclipse IDE suite
- Functioned as a part-time mainframe technical services analyst and systems programmer for the IST department.
Technologies: IBM Mainframe technologies and tools, Computer Associates mainframe tools, Micro Focus Enterprise Server technologies and productivity tools, Windows XP.
Senior Consultant
- Reviewed design documents for 7.4 - Enterprise Gateway interface project and retrofitted all code changes for 200+ COBOL and CICS batch and online modules.
- Compiled and linked all modules.
- Set-up dedicated online test region for integration testing and executed test scripts.
- Participated in Strata 4.1.5 version upgrade at Confidential .
- Received formal Bureaulink training
Senior Developer
- Developed new online CICS programs and screens. Modified, added, and updated online CICS programs and screens, batch programs and reports.
- Performed unit testing and integrated testing and supported user acceptance testing.
- Prepared turnover documentation to migrate new and enhanced components into production.
- Partnered in implementation and post-implementation support.
- Participated in after-hours, on-call production support rotation .
Technologies: IBM Z/OS mainframe development technologies, ChangeMan, CA-Easyrieve, Fileaid, DumpMaster and Zeke Scheduler.
Senior Developer
- Developed new online and batch programs, modified existing modules, tested and supported user testing and implemented new versions into production.
Technologies: IBM Z/OS mainframe development technologies and Endevor.
Senior Developer
- Contracted by Confidential for Confidential merger brokerage accounts conversion project.
- Wrote DB2 batch programs to prepare data for merging.
- Tested programs and verified data for accuracy.
- Executed batch JCL with programs to implement merging.
- Participated in after-hours on-call production support rotation in post-implementation.
Technologies: IBM Z/OS mainframe development technologies, ChangeMan, CA-Easyrieve, Fileaid, DumpMaster, Zeke Scheduler, NDM and Secure FTP.
Senior Developer
- Consulted on Confidential, participated in acquisition conversion of Confidential and played post-conversion support role. Coded, tested and migrated into production Microfocus COBOL modules and Korn Shell scripts. Conducted new enhancements.
Technologies: Microfocus COBOL, Oracle SQL, UFOS Database, UNIX and Korn Shell.
Senior Developer
- Spearheaded Confidential, wrote new online and batch programs, modified existing modules, tested, supported user in integration and acceptance testing phases and migrated new and enhanced modules into production.
Technologies: Z/OS COBOL, VSAM, ChangeMan, INFOMAN, CA-InterTest, MQ Series, Fileaid, JCL, CICS, Omegamon, ABEND-AID, CA-Easytrieve Plus, CONTROL-M, DocSum, DocuGen, NDM, Visio and Planview.
Senior Consultant
- Directed technical, user and production support of Authorized Expenditure Financials application.
- Created management reports using SQR reporting language.
- Made modifications to existing programs and changed reports.
Technologies: Enterprise COBOL, DB2, ORACLE, PL/SQL, SQR, DB2I utilities (SPUFI, QMF, DCLGEN) VSAM, UNIX, Korn Shell Scripts and CA Ideal.
Senior Developer
- Orchestrated BOA’s Confidential ’ enhancement project, developed several new online and batch programs, modified existing modules, unit-tested them, supported user testing and implemented new versions into production. BOA extended assignment after implementation in production support role.
Technologies: IBM MVS S370 mainframe development technologies, Xpediter, SAS, TSYS, MVS 370, COBOL, VSAM, ChangeMan, Xpediter, MQSeries, Fileaid, JCL, CICS, CA-Easytrieve Plus, CONTROL-M, SAS, Peregrine, TSYS, TS2 and NDM (bulk data transmission package).
Senior Developer
- Designed, coded and tested 2 online programs for Same Person Processing subsystem. Altered DB2 table attributes.
Technologies: IBM MVS S370 mainframe development technologies, Xpediter, SAS, TSYS, MVS 370, COBOL, CICS and IBM DBI Utilities.
Senior Programmer AnalystResponsibilities:
- Completed changes to DB2 CICS COBOL online programs used by Customer Service Representatives, servicing Confidential ’s healthcare / health insurance subscribers and providers.
- Defined MQ Series queues and developed online programs to send / receive messages and managing queues for client’s HIPPA project.
Senior Programmer Analyst
- Defined new DB2 tables and collaborated with DBA in implementation. Created stored procedures for SQL statements which accessed DB2 tables repeatedly, making system more efficient.
- Created views of tables for testing and validation. Modified queries to use JOIN and UNION, eliminating redundancy and number of hits to databases, increasing efficiency.
Technologies: CICS, COBOL, APS, DB2, QMF, SPUFI, SQL, SMARTEST, Endevor and MQ Series.
Technical Consultant
- Contributed to implementation of replication and re-hosting of client’s 2 application databases from Confidential to MVS DB2.
- Performed exploration, analysis, and design of alternative architectures to implement synchronous database updates and MVS DB2 through MQSeries and DB2 Connect. Tested MQSeries COBOL programs to trigger MVS API transactions.
- Completed design and implementation of version control and change management process for using ChangeMan, a Serena Corporation product. Participated in customization of ChangeMan to handle SQL and COBOL stored procedures.
- Conducted configuration management functions and trained client employee to handle change and configuration processes following implementation. Completed requirements definition and implementation of new application processing environments for quality testing and production.
- Received honorable mention for excellence.
Senior Contractor
- Partnered in development and support of Data Concentrator and Marketing computer system to process invoices of client’s world-wide aviation fuel sales through airport service affiliates.
- Performed analysis and completed coding, testing, implementation and support of DB2 SQL stored procedures and CICS COBOL online and batch programs.
- Created DCLGENs for tables and coded embedded SQL using technique of cursor processing to select and process multiple rows from DB2 tables. Used SPUFI to develop new programs and test new queries.
- Developed and installed QMF procedures for DB2 data extraction and reporting.
- Converted DB2 DDL and extracts to XHTML / XML for a client server application interface.
Technologies: DB2, CICS, COBOL, QMF, SPUFI, SQL, XHTML / XML, JCL, OS/390 and VSAM.