Software Engineer Resume
Bethesda, MD
COBOL, COBOL II, CICS.SQL, C++, Visual Basic, JCL SCOBOL, Easytrieve Plus, Oracle 11; DB II, and DL/I IMS (DB/DC) on IBM mainframe, VSAM, Dbase IV, FoxPro;MicroFocus, Talon, Workbench, APS, TSO/ISPF, UNIX, DOS, Windows 3.1/95/NT, MVS, CICS 4.1, IDCAMS, Xpediter, CA Interest, Panvalet, CEDA/DADS, Endevor, Control - M, Abend-Aid, Sunflower; IBM 30XX, IBM PC and compatible, AS400, HP 3000, Toad, UNIX, Appworx, Development Manager.
Software Engineer
Confidential, Bethesda, MD
- Provide COBOL/IMS/DB2 programming support to the Confidential Administrative Database group.
- The ADB system automates the processes related to the procurement of goods, payroll, property, services and translates these procurement actions into accounting transactions that are processed by the Central Accounting System (CAS).
- Work as a DB2 and IMS administrator for a large Mainframe environment dealing with payroll, procurement, services, property, and accounting system for Confidential to deal with development and maintenance programming.
- Analyze requirements and modifies existing COBOL batch and online programs for the ADB and CAS systems.
- Provide support to the Central Accounting System and Inventory including reviewing the JCL, parameter file and output message file and monitoring the nightly job that creates accounting transactions and a valid transaction file for the Confidential Business System ( Confidential ).
- Develop new batch and online programs for the Fellowship Payment System and the Miscellaneous Payments Subsystem using COBOL with IMS and DB2.
- Provide System Administrator lead support to the Confidential Property Management solution. . Work with the Master and Transaction Reconciliation team to pinpoint concerns, provided information used by the Institutes and Centers (ICs) in the data clean - up effort, performed validation of property and accounting data for conversion, and signed off as the lead Confidential analyst/programmer for Property and Accounting conversion to an Oracle based GUI system from Legacy. Configure Sunflower Assets software to be used by Confidential as the core property management system. It involves both system setup and general maintenance of the lifecycle asset management process. Received a certificate of excellence for his role in CRP3 and I was also awarded “6.0 Continuing Education Units” award for attending and participating in Sunflower Systems 3.8 Administration. Provide support in creating and monitor daily jobs using Appworx(UC4 Application manager). Troubleshoot the frontend and backend using Unix/SFTP applications. Change Management and perform the functions as required. Create chains, agents, define path, and run SQL in FROG application for Oracle backend.
- Monitor nightly batch jobs and make sure they are being processed correctly.
Confidential, Baltimore, MD
Programmer Analyst
- Worked with the development team coding new modules and designing specs for the Confidential Case Registry System.
- This tool enabled Child Support Enforcement agencies to collect information to locate, establish and enforce functions.
- Mastered ENDEVOR skills, in addition to applying basic mainframe with AIX based add on system.
- Used MICROFOCUS COBOL with TELON on a day-to-day basis and with this and other related applications.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA
Programmer Analyst
- Took part in installation of CICS 4.1 to the motor vehicle system. Reacquired additional CICS/VS command level programming on a mainframe with AIX based add on system .
- Maintained a complex system for billing, electronic transmissions, and registration processing online and batch.
- Worked with a team of developers in support of the State’s Vehicle Registration and Titling applications.
- Provided production support, and performed new development coding projects ranging.
- Mastered HOURGLASS 2000 in testing Confidential compliancy.
- The application was primarily COBOL-based, running under CICS for Transaction Processing services and used DB2 for database calls.
- Acted as the CEDA/DADS administrator for the MVD-state programmers at Tradeport.
- Administered cleanup and security for PANVALET, a library management tool.
Confidential, Colombia, GA
Programmer Analyst
- Responsible for design, development, and testing programs using APS, COBOL II, TSO/ISPF, JCL, EASYTRIEVE and IMS, DB2.
- Responsible for the online, CICS portion of the project.
- Created inquiry, update/add, and cross-referenced transactions for the project clients.
- Performed analysis, corrections, and maintenance of production programs for the Wisconsin Project.
- Created formal documentation of report functionality and conducted code walkthroughs with system experts and end-users.
- Distributed all electronic claims sent for professional and institutional processing. In addition, answered help desk calls and evaluated problems sent from all other lines of business. Used ENDEVOR for source storage, module retrieval, compilation of modules, and program migration.
Confidential, Richmond, VA
Programmer Analyst
- Responsible for the on-going support of critical production systems.
- This included coding and testing applications in response to user requests, identifying and correcting system bugs, ensuring that on-line transfers between stores and multiple vendors nationwide were processed correctly.
- Verified that scheduled batch jobs were processed successfully, and provided 24-hour on-call support.
- Performed these duties for a variety of applications including inventory, sales and purchasing.
- Accomplished all maintenance and new development on an IBM 3090 mainframe, utilizing CICS, VSAM, DB2, COBOL II, IS/JCL, APS and TSO/ISPF.