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Mainframe Programmer Analyst Resume Profile

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More than 10 years of significant and progressive experience in Information Technology consulting with leading companies in the industry. Broad area of activities include analysis design development and implementation of large-scale mainframe applications using VS COBOL II JCL DB2 UDB VSAM CICS etc.

Around 10 years of experience in Mainframe systems using VS COBOL II JCL DB2 VSAM CICS Xpeditor File-Aid Panvalet Endevor TSO/ISPF SPUFI QMF REXX IBM MQ Series.

  • Around 3 years of experience in Object Oriented technologies Distributed computing and Web based applications using J2EE and Web technologies
  • Strong experience and knowledge using Java Servlets Java Beans JSP EJB XML Oracle.
  • Strong experience in Weblogic and WebSphere.
  • Strong knowledge in ETL Technologies.
  • Excellent Business Functional knowledge in Credit Card Industry Retail Management Distribution Logistics Tax Finance Systems.
  • Well exposed to all phases of typical software development life cycle Logical and Physical Data models entities and relationships.
  • Worked as primary contact secondary contact on maintenance projects supporting critical production modules in Mainframe.

Technical Skills

Operating Systems

z/OS OS/390 Unix Windows NT Solaris

Languages Known

VS-Cobol II Java REXX EasyTrieve

Mainframe Technologies

CICS VSAM JCL Xpeditor File-Aid Panvalet Endevor TSO/ISPF Super-C SPUFI QMF Exceed Hiperstation


IBM MQ Series

Java Development Tools

Eclipse IDE JBuilder WebSphere Studio Application Developer Rational Application Developer

Web Technologies

EJB J2EE JDBC RMI Servlets JSP Java Script XML HTML Java Script

Web Servers s/w

iPlanet Server Apache Visibroker ServeletExec SiteMinder as WebAgent and BroadVison Plug-in

Application Servers s/w

Websphere Weblogic Inprise Application Server

Database Tools

DB2 UDB Oracle 7.x/8.x Sybase Windows SQL Server

Automation Tools

Rational ClearCase Rational ClearQuest Sybase Infomaker PVCS Version Manager 6.0 PVCS Tracker LoadRunner Win Runner


  • Received Empire award for outstanding performance in NY Dept of Tax Finance.
  • Received Excelsior award 4 times for outstanding performance in NY Dept of Tax Finance.
  • Received High Five award for outstanding performance from MasterCard International Inc.

Major Project Assignments


Position Sr. Programmer Analyst


z/OS VS Cobol II DB2 UDB JCL CICS MVS TSO/ISPF SPUFI Infomaker CA Intertest REXX Java J2EE EJB Servlets JSP IBM Rational Application Developer 6.1 IBM WebSphere 6.1 IBM HTTP Server IBM MQ Series XML LDAP HTML IBM JADE framework

Application e-MPIRE Project

e-MPIRE e-Managed Processes for an Integrated Revenue Enterprise system provides comprehensive functionality for Taxpayer Identification TI Return Processing RP Taxpayer Accounting TA and Revenue Accounting RA for all major tax types processed by DTF. The goal is to implement a system that will provide a single more efficient method for capturing storing and retrieving through huge amount of Tax Data.


  • Requirement analysis and preparation of requirement specifications for batch and online Cobol DB2 programs.
  • Preparation of specifications Coding and unit testing of COBOL DB2 programs for the different tax types like Personal Income Tax Corporation Tax and also Maintain Taxpayer Identification.
  • Meeting with business analysts to discuss changes and possibilities of implementing them.
  • Prepared JCL/PROCs jobs for running the COBOL-DB2 programs
  • Production support and system maintenance for Release 2.0.
  • Worked on several major enhancements and created new jobs Data fix programs etc.
  • Prepared Unit test cases and test case Logs for the new/modified programs.
  • Used File Master CA Intertest SPUFI MQBridge widely in this project
  • Data analysis data access data manipulation technical and user documentation


Position Mainframe Programmer Analyst


OS/390 VS Cobol II DB2 UDB JCL VSAM CICS Expeditor File-Aid Hiperstation Endeavor QMF SPUFI Test Director Visual Basic SP Tool DB2Connect.

Application MPS Member Parameter System

MPS Member Parameter System is the system of master records for MasterCard. This system is to serve as the repository for all parameters for all the members interacting with MasterCard. MPS online system provides Data Entry Forms to add modify or delete data in the Business Tables however MPS online does not directly update the business Table. The Data will be stored in workflow temporary tables until they are ready to be processed by the Commit Engine. This project involves both Mainframe and Client server technologies. In the mainframe area the development activities involve COBOL DB2 UDB and CICS. The Stored-Procedures are used to access the data from the VB Front-end client applications through the IBM DB2 Connect middleware.


  • Prepared Technical Description for the Business rules that needed to be validated thru DB2 Stored Procedure for MPS Authorization Regional Service Centers Transaction Block modules.
  • Involved in Coding Unit Testing of History Retrieval Entity Validation and Group validation DB2 Stored Procedures for Auth Account Range Auth calendar Entities.
  • Involved in analysis coding and Unit Testing of FIM Elimination Extract Programs as the FIM System is replaced with MPS System.
  • Prepared Procs Job JCL s for the FIM Elimination Extract Programs.
  • Compare and verify results between MPS and FIM systems
  • Prepared Technical Documentation of Software Requirement Specifications.
  • Prepared Unit Test Plan Test Cases Captured Unit Test Results and entered into Test Director for the programs Coded.


Position Mainframe Programmer

Environment OS/390 VS Cobol II CICS DB2 UDB MQ Series Total JCL VSAM File-Aid Hiperstation REXX Panvalet EasyTrieve QMF SPUFI AIX/Unix

Application SMaRT Strategic Merchandising and Retailing Transformation

SMaRT is the largest most substantial merchandising initiative Meijer has taken on in the last 20 years focused to improve how Meijer buys moves and sells product. SMaRT is being implemented to Increase Same Store Sales Increase Inventory Turns and Increase Profitability.

The SMaRT Project includes the following initiatives and subsequent processes to improve financial performance Inventory Performance Vendor Performance Distribution and Logistics Efficiency Organizational Effectiveness Promotion and Pricing Effectiveness.


  • Gathered system design requirements Developed and enhanced the existing modules of Traffic Data System which includes clipper replacement such as Multi pickup number cost calculations total miles fax date/time etc.
  • Changed all ftp transfer into MQ File Transfer in all JCLs Procs for Traffic system.
  • Modified CICS Screens such as MICS Meijer Inventory Control System Load Ready information Traffic Delete Manifest info that holds large volume of Data on the screen.
  • Involved in Purchase Order Number expansion UPC Number expansion and replaced many Cobol subroutines by writing SQL queries or Cursors in the main programs.
  • Prepared Unit Test Plan Test data Test Cases for all of the New/Enhanced Programs and extensive Unit Test have been done.
  • Purchase Order Number Expansion UPC code Expansion has been done for BDP FRITZ modules.


Position Mainframe Programmer

Environment J2EE EJB Java Servlet BV JSP Java Script Shell Script HTML Jbuilder 4.0 Homesite 4.5 Web based PVCS VM I-NET and PVCS Tracker I-NET WS-FTP Pro iPlanet 4.51 WebServer iPlanet 3.5 Proxy Server jrun ServletExec Servlet Engine Web Agent SiteMinder Plug-in WebLogic 5.1 Oracle Client Oracle 8.i UUNetLive Sybase Netegrity Siteminder Policy Server Iplanet Directory Server LDAP HP Openview Message Processor.

Application WorldCom Customer Center WCC

This project is aimed to get e-commerce solution for the existing Customer Care Online Site. The project includes enhancement of the existing site as well as by providing new functionality to the customers. There are several new pieces like Install Status UUDial Online Trouble Ticketing Manage Accounts Network Statistics Quick Stats Update Contact Info and providing Reference Guide for everything. Enterprise Java Beans as to provide business needs and HTML/XML for front end look and feel have been used all over the project.


  • Involved in analysis design and development of various modules as per the requirements of the client.
  • Involved in design development and implementation of Manage Account Install Status Install Notification product IP-VPN Reporting and Rebranding modules.
  • Wrote business components using EJB Web Client component like BV JSP HTML and Java Script.
  • Wrote Servlets to read User s data as XML format and pass it to Application Server for Authentication and to collect all the roles given to the Customer.
  • Write Application Client for unit testing.


Position Mainframe Developer

Environment Apache Stronghold 3.0 ServletExec 3.0 Macromedia Generator Jrun Inprise Application Server Visibroker Unix J2EE JBuilder 2.02 WS FTP Pro PVCS Oracle 8.1.6 Sybase

Application Customer Care Online Services CCO

The current CCO website has partially automated a small array of low-level functions relating to basic dial-up and dedicated account administration services. The goal was to allow dial-up and dedicated account customers to perform some of their own administrative functions and to thereby reduce the number of phone calls coming into the Customer Care service center. These functions allow customer users to manage dial-up accounts POP accounts and domains.

Functions that a user may perform include changing an account password changing a mail alias and changing mail forwarding listing mail accounts modifying a domain name or modifying domain zone records. Additionally users may request additional accounts for dial-up and POP accounts or registers a new domain. Each of these functions generates an e-mail to another UUNET department for processing and are not real-time updates. Finally a customer user may view usage statistics for a particular account or monitor its web and e-mail servers and receive alerts when those servers are down.

Customers that have signed a Service Level Agreement currently have access to an additional piece of functionality that allows users to update contact information online.


  • Added functionality to the existing pages using Servlets containing Customer s information interface to Corba and to pass data back to customers.
  • Wrote IDL files and generated as Java Code which contains all the business Logic and Database related codes for User Authentication and Customer s data from UUNET LIVE.
  • Bug fixing for the current development
  • Developed tool called CCO Server monitoring using Multithreading which keeps running as a background process. This tools checks whenever any of the production servers is down and if yes then notifies particular group of people. When the server comes up notification to the same people is sent automatically.
  • Was involved in development of Auto Registration process for CCO site. This site allows UUNET customers to auto register with CCO without making any contacts with Internal Customer. This was the first step in E-Commerce
  • Developed Servlets and JSP pages

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