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Senior Mainframe Storage Administrator Resume

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Kansas City, MissourI



Senior Mainframe Storage Administrator


  • My primary specialty is mainframe hardware configuration and storage administration.
  • This includes designing and implementing system automation using REXX, CLISTs, and custom - built high level assembler utilities.
  • Other responsibilities include designing, installing, maintaining, and troubleshooting our enterprise disaster recovery ( corporate resiliency) solution for the mainframe which features point-to-point local synchronous data replication and remote asynchronous data replication.
  • Hardware experience includes IBM zEnterprise z13 processors, Hitachi VSP and G-1000 Enterprise Storage Arrays, Brocade FICON Directors, Hitachi Universal Replicator, Hitachi TrueCopy synchronous replication, Hitachi ShadowImage, and IBM TS7700/7720 Virtual Tape Libraries.
  • Software experience includes IBM High-level assembler language, REXX programming language, TSO CLIST, ISPF Dialog Services, JES2, DFSMS, DFHSM, Mainview Autooperator, and z/OS operating system maintenance.


Systems Programmer


  • My primary function was to install, maintain, and troubleshoot various third-party vendor MVS program products and as well as several IBM MVS program products.
  • I constructed foreground and batch productivity tools designed to streamline the analysis and application of maintenance as it related to both new and existing product installations.
  • Productivity tools that I designed and built to enhance the software installation role used the following applications and utilities: REXX programming language, ISPF Dialogue Services, IBM High-level assembler language, SMP/E, JES3, ISPF Utilities, CLIST, PDSTOOLS, SAS, and FileAid/MVS.

Confidential, WICHITA, KANSAS

Business systems programmer/analyst


  • Responsible for developing end-user application software for various industrial engineering and manufacturing groups within the Confidential.
  • Major technical achievements include being the primary architect responsible for designing and installing on-line IMS-DC systems using DB2.
  • Major programming experience includes COBOL application development using DB2 and DL/I under IMS for both on-line and batch applications running on IBM 3090 processors.
  • Other experience includes MVS/ESA, JES2, TSO, ISPF, RACF, VM/CMS, DCF/Script, Easytrieve and Syncsort utilities.

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