We provide IT Staff Augmentation Services!

Mainframe Developer Resume

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Columbus, OH


  • Innovative IT Professional with significant progressive experience in analyzing and programming financial applications using COBOL, EASYTRIEVE, PDL, and structured programming and design techniques in both batch and on - line environments. Adept at analyzing, developing, testing, and implementing multiple project enhancements and new developments. Customer-focused and adaptable to a variety of work environments, with high tolerance for risk and stress associated with tight deadlines.


  • Project Management
  • System Analysis
  • System Design
  • Application Testing
  • System Implementation
  • Root Case Analysis
  • Communications
  • Requirement Analysis


Hardware: Confidential 4361, Confidential 370, Confidential ES /9000, Confidential 2064-1C7 Z/900, Confidential 9672- RA6

Software: MVS/ESA, z/OS, z/VM, VM/CMS, XEDIT, TSO, ISPF, SDSF, Confidential File Manager, Confidential File Manager for DB2, VSAM, CICS, DB2, Confidential Debug Tool, Confidential Fault Analyzer, CA-Scheduler, Tivoli Workload Scheduler, CA-Dispatch, Tivoli Output Manager, PWC (Programmer Work Center), HP ALM (HP Quality Center), SQL 6.5 Client, SQL 7.0 Client, SQL 2000 Client, SQL 2008 R2 Client, SQL 2014 Client, Query Analyzer, Visual Studio 6.0, M: Series GEAC A/P, M: Series GEAC A/R, GEAC Millennium, GEAC PDL (Procedure Definition Language), GEAC SDT (System Development Tool), GEAC M:Edit, MS Word, MS Access, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook, MS VB SourceSafe, Statview, Version Merger, Remedy Problem Management, ISM 7.2 / 7.6 (Integrated Service Management), QuickPlace, ProjecTrak, Lotus Notes, Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer, Windows XP, Windows 7

Programming Languages: COBOL, EASYTRIEVE, PDL, JCL, CL, SQL, VB 6.0


Confidential, Columbus, OH

Mainframe Developer


  • Tested, modified, and implemented COBOL CICS programs as needed to ensure sending and receiving programs used the same COMMAREA lengths so that no production outages would be experienced when their future CICS Upgrade Project was initiated.


Senior IT Analyst


  • Drove IT support / development functions relating to several mainframe financial applications as well as distributed environments involving both SQL and Oracle Servers.
  • Implemented new send/receive process from soon-to-be decommissioned Advantis Mailbox structure to Enterprise FTP solution, remedying migration issues and seamlessly running daily files on 1st day following transition.

Confidential, Columbus, OH

IT Specialist


  • Launched applications successfully on remote disaster recovery site during multiple testing events without error.
  • Tested new releases of MVS, DB2, and CMS pre-production, confirming common functions worked as expected, ensuring nearly 100% success rate in production environment.
  • Performed detailed analysis throughout all phases of deployment for financial application transformation projects, implementing application changes with no production defects.
  • Eliminated system downtime by supporting Mainframe and Distributed applications, resolving production-related issues and determining root causes.
  • Converted Mainframe Billing reports from paper to PDF Files, reducing user’s time 70% for distributing bills to affiliates.

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