Software Analyst Resume Profile
Albany, NY
- Over 18 years of experience on IBM mainframe in software design, development and implementation on ASSEMBLER, COBOL, CICS, DB2, VSAM, JCL, UNYSIS COBOL A-Series , COMS, Gemcos, DMS-II, NATURAL, IDMS, QMF, FILE-AID, SPUFI, ISPF, CLIST, Visio, Crystal Reports and REXX.
- Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform and have extensively worked on development and implementation on Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, EJB, HTML, Swings, XML STYLESHEETS, Connect-Enterprise Mailbox, and Unix Scripts , Visual Basic Scripts with tools like FrontPage and Dream Weaver.
- Possesses an exceptional ability to work on multiple platforms
- Strong analytical and communication skills.
- Hardware Environment
- IBM - 3090, ES-9000, S/390
- Operating Systems
- Programming Languages
- DB2, IDMS, IMS, Oracle 8i
- Other Tools
- Beyond 1999, CA 7 Scheduler, Xpediator, Endevor, SmartTest, File Aid, OMEGAMAN, BMC, Endeavor, SoapUI/WSDL 3.5.1, Visio, Win Runner, FrontPage, Dream Weaver, Visual Caf , Visual Age for Java, Rational Rose 2000, Crystal Reports Version XI.
- Functional Areas
- Maintenance, Insurance Systems, Auto Insurance, Banking, Billing Systems, Transportation systems.
Project Details
Environment: H/w: A-Series, S 390 O/s: MVS and MCP S/w: COBOL, CICS, ASSEMBLER, DB2, VSAM, JCL, MQ-Series, XML, AAMVA
Tools: INTERTEST, ENDEVOR, Visio, SoapUI/WSDL 3.5.1, AAMVA UNI , Crystal Reports
Role: Software Analyst
I was involved in the following tasks:
- Designed and developed Medical certificate downgrade system.
- Performed the impact analysis on the exiting License TP applications and identified the modules that required changes to cater this new business requirement.
- Prepared both functional and technical use cases documents to meet this business requirement.
- Designed and developed the entire process of sending downgrade warning letters to notification letters process using JCL SyncSort for the current commercial license holders.
- Designed and developed the entire process for actual downgrading of drivers commercial license.
- Designed and developed the a new process to keep NY-commercial pointer holders in sysc with AAMVA by appropriately sending/receiving messages with AAMVA in Unified Network Interface UNI message format.
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, CICS, with XML-DB2 Business components in compliance and accordance with Service Oriented Architecture SOA for sending downgrade warning notification letter and if the fail to comply, then downgrade their license.
- Modified the COBOL, ASSEMBLER/CICS programs of license TP sub system to catering the change in pertaining to downgrading driver's license.
- Understood the CDL medical certification business and validated the Database data entity relationship to meet the business needs.
- Suggested appropriate normalization to data entity to cater future business expansion/changes.
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Maps, in compliance and accordance with AAMVA in Unified Network Interface UNI message standards.
- Prepared Unit, System and Integration test-plan and executed it.
- Tested all the business scenarios using SoapUI/WSDL 3.5.1 and generated dynamic reports using Crystal Reports Version XI.
- Extensively worked on Mainframe Endevor product for adding new element, retrieving an existing element, compiling and deploying it to an higher environment by creating appropriate and migrating packages.
Role: Software Analyst
I was involved in the following tasks:
- Analyzed existing legacy application to extract the existing functionality.
- Performed the impact analysis on the exiting License TP and RTSS applications and identified the modules that required changes to cater this new business requirement.
- Prepared both functional and technical use cases documents to meet this business requirement.
- Designed and developed the entire process of sending initial self certification notification letters process using JCL SyncSort for the current commercial license holders..
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, CICS, with XML-DB2 Business components in compliance and accordance with Service Oriented Architecture SOA for calculating drovers overall medical certificate status and also to display drivers current medical certificate document details.
- Modified the COBOL, ASSEMBLER/CICS programs of license TP sub system to catering the self certification and medical certificate document collection process at the issuing office.
- Understood the CDL medical certification business and validated the Database data entity relationship to meet the business needs.
- Suggested appropriate normalization to data entity to cater future business expansion/changes.
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Maps, in compliance and accordance with AAMVA in Unified Network Interface UNI message standards.
- Prepared Unit, System and Integration test-plan and executed it.
- Tested all the business scenarios using SoapUI/WSDL 3.5.1 and generated dynamic reports using Crystal Reports Version XI.
- Extensively worked on Mainframe Endevor product for adding new element, retrieving an existing element, compiling and deploying it to an higher environment by creating appropriate and migrating packages.
Role: Software Analyst
I was involved in the following tasks:
- Analyzed existing legacy application to extract the existing functionality.
- Performed the impact analysis on the exiting License TP and RTSS applications and identified the modules that required changes to cater this new business requirement.
- Prepared both functional and technical use cases documents to meet this business requirement.
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, CICS, with XML-DB2 Business components in compliance and accordance with Service Oriented Architecture SOA .
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Maps, in compliance and accordance with AAMVA in Unified Network Interface UNI message standards.
- Prepared Unit, System and Integration test-plan and executed it.
- Monitored/Debugged Online COBOL/CICS, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Batch COBOL programs by executing it under INTERTEST.
- Tested all the business scenarios using SoapUI/WSDL 3.5.1 and generated dynamic reports using Crystal Reports Version XI.
- Extensively worked on Mainframe Endevor product for adding new element, retrieving an existing element, compiling and deploying it to an higher environment by creating appropriate and migrating packages.
Role: Software Analyst
I was involved in the following tasks:
- Analyzed existing legacy application to extract the existing functionality.
- Prepared both functional and technical use cases documents to meet this business requirement.
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, CICS, with XML-DB2 Business components in compliance and accordance with Service Oriented Architecture SOA .
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Maps, in compliance and accordance with AAMVA in Unified Network Interface UNI message standards.
- Prepared Unit, System and Integration test-plan and executed it.
- Monitored/Debugged Online COBOL/CICS, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Batch COBOL programs by executing it under INTERTEST.
- Tested all the business scenarios using SoapUI/WSDL 3.5.1 and generated dynamic reports using Crystal Reports Version XI.
- Extensively worked on Mainframe Endevor product for adding new element, retrieving an existing element, compiling and deploying it to an higher environment by creating appropriate and migrating packages.
Role: Software Analyst
I was involved in the following tasks:
- Analyzed existing legacy application to extract the existing functionality.
- Worked with business owners to review existing functionality and new business requirements.
- Prepared both functional and technical use cases to meet business requirements.
- Involved in Conceptual Detailed System Analysis for different Business components
- Developed and Implemented COBOL , ASSEMBLER/CICS, Maps, in compliance and accordance with AAMVA in Unified Network Interface UNI message standards.
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, CICS with XML-DB2 Business components in compliance and accordance with Service Oriented Architecture SOA
- Prepared Unit, System and Integration test-plan and executed it.
- Tested all the business scenarios using SoapUI/WSDL 3.5.1 and generated dynamic reports using Crystal Reports Version XI.
- Extensively worked on Mainframe Endevor product for adding new element, retrieving an existing element, compiling and deploying it to an higher environment by creating appropriate and migrating packages.
- Monitored/Debugged Online COBOL/CICS, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Batch COBOL programs by executing it under INTERTEST.
Role: Software Analyst
I was involved in the following tasks:
- Analyzed existing legacy application to extract the existing functionality.
- Worked with business owners to review existing functionality and new business requirements.
- Prepared both functional and technical use cases to meet business requirements.
- Involved in Conceptual Detailed System Analysis for different Business components
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, CICS with XML-DB2 Business components in compliance and accordance with Service Oriented Architecture SOA
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Maps, in compliance and accordance with AAMVA in Unified Network Interface UNI message standards.
- Prepared Unit, System and Integration test-plan and executed it.
- Extensively worked on Mainframe Endevor product for adding new element, retrieving an existing element, compiling and deploying it to an higher environment by creating appropriate and migrating packages.
- Tested all the business scenarios using SoapUI/WSDL 3.5.1 and generated dynamic reports using Crystal Reports Version XI.
- Monitored/Debugged Online COBOL/CICS, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Batch COBOL programs by executing it under INTERTEST.
Role: Software Analyst
I was involved in the following tasks:
- Analyzed existing legacy application to extract the existing functionality.
- Worked with business owners to review existing functionality and new business requirements.
- Prepared both functional and technical use cases to meet business requirements.
- Involved in Conceptual Detailed System Analysis for different Business components
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, CICS with XML-DB2 Business components in compliance and accordance with Service Oriented Architecture SOA
- Developed and Implemented COBOL, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Maps, in compliance and accordance with AAMVA in Unified Network Interface UNI message standards.
- Tested all the business scenarios using SoapUI/WSDL 3.5.1 and generated dynamic reports using Crystal Reports Version XI.
- Prepared Unit, System and Integration test-plan and executed it.
- Extensively worked on Mainframe Endevor product for adding new element, retrieving an existing element, compiling and deploying it to an higher environment by creating appropriate and migrating packages.
- Played a key role by assisting DMV of New York state to setup/install/test the newly purchased INTERTEST debugger tool there by helping DMV to obsolete their existing SmartTest debugging tool.
- Documents the INTERTEST user Guide for DMV of New York state describing the initial configuring, setup , and ececution of COBOL/CICS, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Batch COBOL programs within INTERTEST environments
- Monitored/Debugged Online COBOL/CICS, ASSEMBLER/CICS, Batch COBOL programs by executing it under INTERTEST.