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Oracle Developer Resume Profile

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Java architect and mentor with 10 years development and systems experience. Areas of technical expertise include developing and managing transactional and informational web sites within the areas of banking, trading, health care and media using object-oriented technologies and full life-cycle development processes.


Java Architect / Senior Developer for short-term engagements



Java, Objective-C, JSP / Servlet, J2EE, Grails, JMS, SOA, JDBC, XML, WML, XSL, XSLT, DTD, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, Actionscript, Shell script, German, Norwegian, Swedish and English




MySQL, Oracle, Ms Access, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Derby, HSQL

Operating Systems:

Linux, Unix, Mac, Windows

Recent Applications:

IntelliJ, Eclipse, Adobe Flex Builder




Role: Co-Founder, Lead Architect


  • Design and create native iPhone application to offer VoIP services
  • Create Grails testing framework to handle creation of JSON and XML data for iPhone

Software Technologies:

Objective-C, Grails, Groovy, Objective-C TDD framework, Subversion

Universal Mind Inc.

Role: J2EE Architect, Build Master


  • Support previous Java implementation work from Adobe Systems, Inc.
  • Extend mediastore.verizonwireless.com to support a modular approach to software services through better builds with Maven

Software Technologies:


Role: Founder, Lead Architect


  • Design and create secure interoperable health care application infrastructure for creating and sharing patient medical records online
  • Create load balancing, clustering, backup and disaster recovery plan
  • Using Spring MVC, Web Services with Adobe Flex front-end
  • Integrate 3rd party vendor applications with infrastructure
  • Software Technologies:
  • Linux, Java, JSP, Spring, Taglibs/JSTL, Log4J, JUnit, CXF, Web Services, SOA, Velocity, Jasypt, OSCache, EHCache, Chandler, Tomcat, Maven 2, Subversion, Jira, Confluence, Apache, XML, PostgreSQL, Derby, Flex, Cairngorm, OSGi, Gigaspaces, Terracotta

Role: J2EE Architect


  • Design and implement new music store features that Flex front-end will leverage.
  • Refactor application by integrating Spring and clustered caching strategies
  • Added Maven 2 for a seamless build process for both Flex and Java applications.
  • Communicate with business and technology peers at Verizon Wireless to manage specifications, risk and responsibilities

Software Technologies:

Linux, Spring, Spring MVC, OSCache, Maven 2, Subversion, Flex, Cairngorm, Log4J, JUnit, Tomcat, Apache, XML, Trac


Role: Lead Architect

Description: DraftFCB needed to refactor skyteam.com and put it onto a Java enterprise platform.


Design and implement infrastructure code, business model, and most back-end functionality.

Software Technologies:

Linux, Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate, EhCache, Maven 2, Subversion, MySQL, Flash, Log4J, JUnit, Tomcat, Apache, jQuery, XML


Role: Lead Architect

Description: Intela needed a way to generate leads for their advertisers. Created system where users can sign up for offers and prize drawings. Embed their offers in other publisher paths via external api or flash. Offers are displayed based on ad server algorithm.


Design and implement lead generation and ad server.

Software Technologies:

Linux, Axis2, Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate, EhCache, Velocity, Maven 2, Subversion, SQL server, MySQL, Derby, Flash, Log4J,JUnit, Tomcat, Apache, jQuery, XML


Role: Lead Developer


  • Refactor / Improve existing Exchange Place framework
  • Move company off WebSphere platform to Geronimo or other open source application server
  • Balance new features and refactoring and communicate this to business users and developers
  • Mentor junior developers

Software Technologies:

WebSphere, Geronimo, Spring, iBatis, Maven 2, Oracle, Agile, Scrum


Role: Senior Developer, Mentor


  • Mentor in J2EE best development and design practices using OOAD.
  • Designed implemented key sub-systems for their common code base including: text messaging capabilities, media asset process workflow, java remoting, custom integration of 3rd party discussion software.
  • Help maintain, improve and add functionality to all of Cond Nast's web sites such as: generic error handling, caching updater mechanism, functional testing, streaming video capabilities and migrating from Struts to Spring.

Software Technologies:

Solaris/Linux, Java, JSP, Spring, Spring modules, Struts, JSTL/Taglibs, Websphere v5/6, Oracle, Teamsite, Test Director, Maven, Hibernate, Clearcase, Log4J, Jive Forum, jBPM, Web Services, JMS, Junit, Akamai


Role: Senior Developer


Refactor legacy financial savings application and port to the web

Create new sub-systems to extend existing functionality

Mentor in Java language

Software Technologies:

UML, OOP/OOAD, Linux, Java, JSP, Taglibs, Tomcat, CVS, Apache Web server, XML, MySQL


Role: Architect, Senior Developer


  • Requirements gathering, analysis and design of the Lower Manhattan Small Business Workforce Retention Program LMSBWRP system
  • Implement LMSBWRP loan/grant application workflow engine
  • Design and create database schema

Software Technologies:

UML, RUP, OOP/OOAD, XP, Java, JSP, Struts, Taglibs, CVS, Log4J, XML, JReport, OptimizeIt, MS SQL Server, IIS web server


Role: Technical Lead/Senior Developer


  • Design and create flash presentation, including graphics, text and sound.
  • Create hybrid CD-ROM to run presentation on Win / Mac / Unix

Software Technologies:

Connect Macromedia Flash MX to J2EE e-commerce application


Role: Design, Senior Developer, Mentor


  • Mentor client in UML, RUP, OOP/OOAD and XP
  • Design and create various sub-systems for project scheduling application

Software Technologies:

Linux, Java, JSP, JReport, Taglibs, CVS, XML, MySQL, Apache Web server


Role: Senior Developer.


  • Create reference implementation of Xenoweb infrastructure
  • Create Xenotrope's new website that showcases Xenoweb's capabilities
  • Extend Xenoweb: created site tree in XML, created XSL for documents in content store and created JSPs and graphics for both sites

Software Technologies:

UML, OOP/OOAD, Linux, Java, JSP, Taglibs, CVS, XML, JProbe, Apache Web server


Role: Lead Architect


  • Requirements gathering
  • Design and create stock photography showcase and e-commerce web application
  • Design and create database schema
  • Monitor e-commerce web site. Ensure site is and credit card merchant site is live
  • Monitor database for attacks and bad data
  • Security. Check logs for possible hostile access and other security measures
  • Create backup plan

Software Technologies:

Java, JSP, Taglibs, Struts, Java Mail, CVS, Log4J, XML, MySQL, JProbe, Linux, Apache Web server


Role: Software Developer


  • Create user interface for CSRA
  • Implement back-office system to help service Netfolio's online trading application
  • Create and maintain object relational mappings to Oracle database with TOPLink

Software Technologies:

Java, JSPs, JRun, JProbe, JRun, Object relational mapping tool TOPLink , Oracle, PVCS


Role: Software Developer


  • Create back-office trading application for CHASE
  • Create sub-system that handles user interface requirements in Java and JSPs
  • Design and create user interface

Software Technologies:

Java, JSPs


Role: Project Manager/Technical Lead


  • Manage project that showcases Sun's Startup Essentials package deal
  • Resonsible for Q/A test site
  • Gather Sun partner content and put them into template HTML pages based on Sun specifications

Software Technologies:



Role: Software Developer


  • Creat validation mechanisms for business objects and content published in XML
  • Portal framework was a precursor to the XenoWeb framework mentioned above

Software Technologies:

Java, Servlets, JSPs, WebSphere


Role: Lead Architect


  • Creat framework in Java for parsing large amounts of information contained in web forms and saving the information into spreadsheet readable form
  • Used early release version of JServ in order to support servlet environment

Software Technologies:

Java, Servlets, HTML

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