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Programmer Analyst Resume Profile

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Programmer Lead Analyst

  • Worked on new development for Sun trust Loan Imaging System.
  • Take documents and metadata from Trans Union and store in mainframe Image Plus Imaging DB2 System using COBOL, CICS, JCL, DB2, SQL, MQ Series, FileNet, Java, IBM Debugger, TSO, and Endeavor.
  • Usage of JCL, Proc, MQ Series, Cobol, CICS, Stored Procedures, Easytrieve, QMF, SPUFI, SQL, Endeavor, IWPM, ImagePlus and DB2 on mainframe. Usage of SQL Server, SQL Software, IWPM, FileNet. ECC


Programmer Analyst

  • Worked on new development for Electric Utility Company. Work consisted of disconnecting, connecting and reading automated meters AMI and final billing the Pepco customers using COBOL, CICS, JCL, DB2, SQL, QMF, SPUFI, Trace Master, Expediter, ZEKE, Librarian, TSO, Roscoe, MQ Series and Stored Procedures Mainframe, and SQL Server . Completed major conversion from Non-Automated Meters to Automated over-the-air meters. This was a complex conversion since Pepco had never used automated meters to disconnect or connect service. I was responsible for sending the request to UIQ via XML data to disconnect/connect/read the meters and then accept the response back from UIQ via a stored procedure. I also send error data from UIQ to a Navigator Queue XML Data for research by the analyst. This was done through a FTP Job.
  • Usage of JCL, Proc, MQ Series, Cobol, CICS, Stored Procedures, QMF, SPUFI, SQL, ZEKE, SAR, Trace Master, FTP, and DB2 on mainframe.
  • Usage of SQL Server, SQL Software, SQL Command Center, Crystal Reports 2008 11, IBM Data Studio IDE, MQ Visual Browser and Stored Procedures on the Client Server


Programmer Analyst

  • Researched Banking Systems on Mainframe and Client Server to Enhance System. Work with client included creating a system document that will define system. Modified and tested code for implementation on both mainframe and client server using debugging tools Strobe, Smarttest, Intertest, etc,
  • Usage of JCL, Cobol, CICS, Stored Procedures, QMF, SPUFI, CA7, and DB2 on mainframe. Usage of SQL Server, ODBC Software, and Stored Procedures on client server


FQA Senior Systems Analyst

  • Researched Amtrak Systems on Mainframe to redevelop system in SAP
  • Work with Booz Allen included creating a system document that will define Amtrak's System
  • Usage of JCL, Cobol, CICS, Stored Procedures and DB2 on mainframe


Programmer Analyst Subcontractor

  • Developed new application in .Net, Visual Basic and SQL Server
  • Built and implemented an application that would extract data from the AS400 and convert data using .Net for storage in a SQL Server Database

Programmer Analyst Subcontractor


Worked on production support, new development, and maintenance of existing software for Human Resources, Scheduling and Payroll Applications using COBOL, CICS, JCL, DB2, SQL, QMF, SPUFI, Intertest, Expediter, CA7, TELON, Endevor and Stored Procedures Mainframe, and SQL Server . Completed major conversion from the EDA Copy Manager to the SQL Server Database, consisting of downloading mainframe data via XCOM and/or FTP down to a temporary work table in the SQL Server Database.Using SQL, Data Transformation Services, and Stored Procedures to manipulate the data and write to final destination table for view by users in the software package BRIO. Provided daily 24 hour on-call support for production support related issues and corrected any problems related to production support for SQL Server and Mainframe Applications. Created and modified Human Resource and Payroll Software and built a SAP/LMS Interface to keep dual systems in sync.


Programmer Analyst- Student Loans CIS Division Subcontractor

Worked on Fusion Project, which included major re-write of Student Loan Software System.Enhancements of program included coding of new software and enhancements of current systems

Modules effected by Fusion Project were Com-Ti, Web Interface, ZEKE, CICS, COBOL, DB2, IMS, Stored Procedures, QMF, SPUFI, VSAM, JCL, Smartest, Intertest, SQL, BMS Mapping, and GTB Mapping, Easytrieve Plus and CA7 to schedule batch jobs, Endevor, etc..Responsibilities also included design, analysis, testing, quality assurance, implementation, and post production support.


Programmer and Systems Analyst Subcontractor

  • Created Interfaces between the Web Server, Unix and OS390 Mainframe System using MQSeries as the communications protocol and CA7 to schedule batch applications. Surf Download Interface Process consisted of requests for data sent from the Internet to the Web server which in turn is retrieved by Unix and sent to the OS390 .
  • Utilized COPE IMS, IDMS, CICS/Batch Trigger Monitors in MQSeries and the Internal Reader to assist in the above listed Interface
  • Installed, set up, and tested Intertest and Smartest.
  • Fine-tuned CICS and MQSeries and installed PTF's to fix software problems. Reviewed, tested, and re-designed coding of high profile business applications.


Programmer Analyst-

  • Created a CICS Backend Process that accepts transaction data from HTML and Visual Basic GUI Applications via COM-TI.
  • CICS Backend I created processes all data received from the Web on the Mainframe Platform and returns processing messages back to the Web. All data received from the Web is written to the Mainframe Class DB2 Tables and VSAM Files for future retrieval and processing. The mainframe tables/files were used for all processing of Class Student Loan Data.Responsibilities also included design, analysis, testing, quality assurance, implementation and post production support. The following software tools were used: COBOL, CICS, ZEKE, IMS, SQL, Stored Procedures, JCL, DB2, QMF, SPUFI, Smartest, Intertest, Easytrieve, Endevor, CA7, etc .

Programmer Analyst- Confidential

  • Created a Visual Basic 6.0 GUI Application that interfaces with a Mainframe DB2 IMS Test Data Generator. The VB6 GUI Application was built for the purpose of creating test record transactions in the Client Server Environment. GUI application contains multiple forms, routines, and modules which validates data prior to updating the Mainframe DB2 Tables via a JODBC Driver Object ADO . The GUI Application also utilizes a NSP Security Driver Object ADO to validate user access.
  • Software used: COBOL, CICS, JCL, DB2, Visual Basic, SQL, Stored Procedures.

Programmer Analyst- Confidential

  • Detailed Information as needed
  • Software used: COBOL, CICS, JCL, DB2, Easytrieve for DB2, Endevor, CA7, Expediter, Intertest, Smartest, QA tools, Hiperstation.


  • Programmer Analyst- Information Systems Development Data Link Systems ServicingY2K Quality Assurance Department Credit Card Retail Processing
  • Detailed Information as needed
  • Software used: COBOL, CICS, JCL, DB2, SPUFI, QMF, Easytrieve for DB2, Endevor, CA7, Expediter, Intertest, Smarttest, VSAM.


  • Programmer Analyst- Information Systems Development GM and Household Credit Card Processing
  • Detailed Information as needed
  • Software used: COBOL, CICS, JCL, DB2, QMF, SPUFI, VSAM, Easytrieve Plus for VSAM and DB2, CA7, Intertest, Smarttest, Expediter.


Programmer Analyst

  • Detailed Information as needed
  • Software used: COBOL, CICS, JCL, VSAM, DB2, SPUFI< Easytrieve and Easytrieve Plus, Endevor, CA7, Expediter, Intertest, Smarttest, DB2, Microfocus CICS /COBOL.


Programmer Analyst-

  • Detailed Information as needed
  • Software used: COBOL, CICS, JCL, DB2, VSAM, Easytrieve and Easytrieve Plus, Database 4, CA7, Intertest, Smarttest..


Programmer Analyst- Confidential

  • Detailed Information as needed
  • Software used: COBOL, CICS, JCL, DB2, VSAM, Easytrieve for DB2, CA7, Intertest, Smarttest..


  • Electric Utilities, Transportation, Mortgage, Student Loan, Credit Card,
  • Government Social Services, Criminal Justice, Civil Court, Banking,
  • Accounting, Insurance, and Y2K.


CICS, TELON, Screen Generators, MQ Series, BMS, VS COBOL, COBOL II, COBOL 370, Stored Procedures, PL/1, Assembler, C, RPG II/III, Fortran, Basic, Pascal, Easytrieve and Easytrieve Plus, QuickJobs, Keymaster Apps, DLS Pivot and Patterns, IMS, DB2 Mainframe and SQL Server , IMS, COPE, IDMS, SQL mainframe and SQL Server , Stored Procedures Mainframe and SQL Server , QMF, CLIST, REXX, SAS, Utilities, Visual Basic 6.0, Expediter, Intertest, Smartest, Strobe, DB3, DB4, MicroFocus COBOL/CICS, and Year 2000 Date Utilities.


  • IBM 30XX, 370, Mainframe Software, SQL Server Enterprise Manager, SQL Query Analyzer, Data Transformation Services DTS , Terminal Services Client, Client Connection Manager, IBM PS2, Librarian, Endeavor, Panvalet, AS400, VAX, Apple, Tandy 1000, IBM PS1/PS2, NEC, TSO/ISPF, Dialog Manager, Roscoe, Unix, OS390, MVS/ESA, MVS/XA, OS/MVS, DOS, ChangeMan, NetMan, NDM, SAR, ZEKE, CA7 Scheduler, IBM Credit Card Machine, MQSeries, COMTI. ODBC, Platinum DB2 Tools, QMF, SPUFI, JCL, Gener-OL, DFSORT, IDCAMS, IBM Utilities, Docketrac, Data Link Systems DLS Mortgage Software, ISAM, IMS, VSAM, DB2, IDMS, VisualAge 2000 ATC , File-Aid/File-Aid Data Ager/Compuware
  • Hyperstation, LPAR's, Visio, Harvard Graphics, DisplayWrite, WordPerfect,
  • WordStar, Lotus 1-2-3, Excel, Electronic Mail, MicroMan, Conversion Tools, KeyMaster, FileAid, EasyFlow, PeachTree, Windows 95/NT, OS2, LAN Network, SPF/2, ProxMVS, MicroFocus, PVCS, Smartest, Intertest, Expediter, E-Mail, EZYMAIL, Code Generators, SAA Book Manager, Communications Software, FileManager, FileNet, PowerBuilder 3 4,
  • MS Access, Visual Basic, Year 2000 Hourglass, Y2k Software Search
  • Engines, Code Generator Software, BRIO, SQL Server, SQL Command
  • Center, Crystal Reports, IBM Data Studio IDE, MQ Visual Browser, FTP and
  • other miscellaneous applications.

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