Ebs Consultant Resume Profile
- More than 18 years experience with Oracle application development, including over 7 years with Oracle e-Business Suite. Have hands-on experience with Oracle Applications through 12.1.3 and Oracle databases through 11g.
- Broad industry experienceincluding Banking/Financial Services, Manufacturing, Sales/Marketing, Telecommunications, Textiles, Real Estate and Military Defense industry.
- Oracle applications experience includes Financials, Order Management, Manufacturing, Inventory, Sales Compensation, Oracle Projects and HRMS
- Have experience with legacy conversions, development of interfaces, customization, ETL development for data warehouses, and customization of Oracle interfaces for EDI translations.
- Platform experience from mainframes to application servers
ERP: Oracle 11i Order Management, Manufacturing, Financials, Standard Cost, Energy, Inventory, CRM. SAP: Manufacturing Interfaces to Oracle
Web Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, Java, J2EE
Platforms: N-tier, Mainframes, Midranges, Laptops, App Servers, Web servers.
Mid-Range Operating Systems: DEC ALPHA 4100 Unix OSF 4.0 , Sun Solaris, Win2000, NT 4.0, NT 3.51, Linux Red Hat
OLAP BI:BI Publisher Business Objects, Oracle Discoverer, Brio
Installed, Configured, Managed: Oracle 9iAS, Apache Server, Oracle Forms and Reports Server
Conversions and Interfaces: Legacy Projects to Oracle Projects. DB2 to Oracle, conversion of and customization to Oracle Interfaces from EDI translations and loading for 816, 832, 845, 820 812 transactions. Involved heavy ETL. Oracle AR, AP, GL, FA, INV interfaces
ETL: for Data Warehouses, Datamarts
Life Cycle Expertise: Spectrum Project Life Cycle
Other Client Server Groupware Products: Omnis 7 MAC PC's , Lotus Notes
Specialty Skills:
N-Tier support: Developed N-tier systems consisting of Mainframe, Unix, thin Client, and databases on laptops interfacing with middle tier. This has consisted of Oracle, DB2, with PL/SQL, HTML and JAVA. Have also developed for Lotus Notes as a client database.
Oracle Apps experience utilizing head start and AOL. Application Development 3 years banking, 4 years Inventory Control, 4 years marketing, Oracle Financials, Oracle Projects, Standard Costs, Order Management , all Oracle development tools, 8 years thin client/server experience, Designer 6i, API meta data load, Designer 6i 2000 Generation, DB2, PL1, Ideal Datacom DB, MVS, TSO,
Database design and SQL Query expertise in support of efficient transaction processing or report generation.
Other: Bi-Lingual English, Spanish .
EBS Consultant
- R12 customization of multiple forms, reports and processes utilizing Oracle APIS.
- Oracle R12 implementation for the City of Richmond. Responsible for Financial conversions and interfaces for GL, FA , Inventory, Suppliers, AP and AR Invoices. Integration with Project Accounting for project, task and award funding was required.
- Developed pl/sql packages in support of custom benefits system interfacing to Oracle HR
- Developed pl/sql/ html reports for Oracle HR
- Developed pl/sql to generate concurrent programs for the above
- Developing data specifications for HR implementation. These consists of Employees, Assignments, Positions and Job conversion and interfaces.
- Developed Oracle Form Personalizations
Senior Computer Scientist
- Wrote unix shell scripts, pl/sql, sql ldr scripts to process Oracle inventory interface into custom oracle application. Support the Oracle Apps inventory interface extract and load.
- Wrote interface to process quarterly updates of PA compensation tables.
- Extended Oracle Manufacturing and Inventory with concurrent processes for GDLS.
- Used Forms Personalization to customize Oracle Manufacturing and Inventory forms for GDLS.
- Migrated legacy projects to Oracle Projects11i 11.5.9 . Utilized Project Loaderinterfaces. Wrote heavy transformation packages and created custom tables in support of migration. Packaged procedures were written as concurrent processes.
- Key individual responsible for integration of BI Pub, Discoverer and APEX with Oracle Application Server. This included configuration of tools. Functionality such as set up of network services integration, email capabilities, SSO of BI PUB and APEX applications external partner apps , integrating BI Pub with APEX and other functions for GDLS EFV .
- Support Customer reporting needs. Utilized Oracle Discoverer for reports and XML BI Publisher. Fine-tuned sql and database for reporting needs.
- Migrated Microsoft Access application with 140 tables to Oracle. Utilized Oracle Migration Work Bench Utility and Oracle Designer. Wrote data ETL scripts for conversion of
- data from source systems.
- Wrote and integrated a pl/sql package with a MS Access application DMIS which placed realtime manufacturing orders. The pl/sql package would configure and email the request using utl smtp for GDLS EFV .
- Utilizing Oracle Application Express, wrote an application that allowed GDLS EFV to retire a 3rd party system IPL and reduce head count. The ERN application utilized heavy amounts of pl/sql for Business logic and consisted of BI Publisher for reporting. The application allowed the trackingof component changes to Marine Corp vehicles manufactured by EFV for GDLS EFV .
- The ERN oracle database design allowed for the capturing and reporting of the 'Delta' of changes.
- Utilized Oracle Migration Work Bench Utility and Oracle Designer to migrate multiple MS Access applications to Oracle Apex. Combined multiple Access applications into one APEX app.
- Used OEM to manage the multiple schemas in the databases.
Independent Consultant
- Customization to Oracle Financials 11i 11.5.8 Standard Cost custom module. Project involved creation of a custom module which interfaces with Standard Cost to determine Cost Accounting variances.
- Designed and created over 50 new Forms and Reports and integrated with Oracle Standard Cost. Integrated Charge Accounts with flex fields on forms. Some of the Oracle Forms where designed to place concurrent requests as part of integrated work flow. Created several processes and API's. Assisted In design of new table structures for Oracle 9i Database.
- Designed and wrote Oracle interface and integration system from SAP to legacy system. Production orders for manufacturing flowed in real time utilizing Oracle's messaging system Advance Que Messaging . Orders and associated errors could be viewed through Intranet Oracle Forms and HTML for lookups. Oracle was utilized to interface SAP, I2's Supply Chain Planner and a COBOL based legacy system. Failed processes would be captured and resubmitted from Oracle Forms. Was also responsible for managing the Oracle 9iAS web server as well as the Oracle Forms server. Architecture consisted of HTML, Javascripts and Formsand Triggers.
- Designed and developed a Purchase Order Tracking System that receives EDI 812 and 820 transactions. Designed Intranet Oracle Forms to allow reporting of the PO's. Used Oracle Designer 6i for data modeling and ER diagramming and SQL LDR and PL/SQL for processing. Analysis also required familiarity with COBOL to analyze extraction procedures. Used Business Objects for Reporting. Code design used OO concepts of encapsulation and polymorphism through over loading. System interfaces with Data warehouse utilizing star schema and materialized views.
- Wrote PL/SQL packages, Oracle Forms and Reports for a Distribution system. The system supported distribution of nuclear fuel through out the world. The database was Oracle8.1.7. Functions supported included Shipping, Receiving and Inspection management. OO methods such as overloading and encapsulation where used.
- Designed and wrote an Oracle 6i Forms based system used in the processing of data loads for an Internet general ledger system. Back end work involved ETL processes. GUI forms were designed to minimize network traffic with majority of processing occurring on Server. The backend PL/SQL took advantage of 8i through the use of dynamic cursor/sql creation and dynamic calls. The system supported was EAGLS. A Financial General Ledger Internet based system , which Bank of America markets to customers such as DOW. EAGLS application was a middle tier Java based application. Database was Oracle 8i. Also supported Pro C changes needed as well as Java stored procedures.
- Wrote Oracle HRMS Apps reports using Oracle Reports 2.5 for Ingersoll
Rand. Provided architecture consulting to incorporate PL/SQL withreports.
- Wrote a Purchase Order interface system for retailer. Used Oracle Designer 2000, Developer 2000 and PL/SQL. Designer 2000 was used for the database table design repository and E/R data model. The front end consisted of developerforms, which would pass required data to PL/SQL on the server. The PL/SQL supply chain engine would take product quantities and shoe sizes to feed algorithm, which would determine optimum shipping quantity to maximize shipping efficiencies. Front end also consisted of RETEK application software.
Principal Consultant
- Wrote Oracle reports for Linq Industries a manufacturing firm. Also wrote the stored procedures used by the reports. This was part of the Oracle Manufacturing Application.
- MigratedOracle reports and processes from version 10.7 to 11.0.3 for Inacom Corporation. All reports and processes were tested under version 11.0.3.
- Designed and implemented an EDI transaction processing system for STERIS Corporation. The System bolted on top of Oracle Order Entry apps. It included PL/SQL packages as well as Developer 2000 Forms Reports. EDI files were loaded using SQL Loader. Output files were created using PL/SQL packages and the UTL File utility. Design included custom tables in support of system. The ddl scripts were created in Designer 2000 and finally, full documentation was provided. The EDI transactions were 816 Organization and customer info. , 832 845 pricing info. . Developed code for the 832 and 845 was provided to the Oracle EDI internal development team to incorporate into the Oracle EDI product.
- Apps Developer extending the Oracle Sales Compensation application for Nextel Corp. Developed custom forms Pl/SQL package triggers. Created integrated concurrent manager processes with the custom forms. Incorporated multi-org functionality into the custom forms package procedures. Developed the forms using 10SC but rolled them out in NCA. Designed integrated database triggers to support an audit process. Packages procedures followed a paper I created in my previous assignment, which supported the Apps coding standards.
- Consultant/Developer on Internal Development Project of Oracle Energy Applications, Apps Developer, utilized AOL Headstart standards in Conversion project of Oracle App First Purchaser from Character 3.0 to forms 4.5. Utilized Designer Developer. Led Package conversion effort.
BSM Datamart Migration Project
- Technical ETL lead in migration project of a data mart in DB2 on a mainframe to Oracle running on a DEC Alpha 4100. Database will support a decision support system. Put together a matrix used in the selection of a ROLAP query tool. Tools used included Business Objects and Discoverer. Actively involved in coaching a team of 5, new to Oracle. Used Designer 2000 to reverse engineer the DB2 design as well as wrote a load application using the D2K API to load metadata extracts from a Platinum Repository. Also wrote C- Shell scripts used to launch SQL LDR scripts PL/SQL blocks for load processing. The Mortgage table consisted of about 2 million records and was partitioned by the month. Aggregate summary tables were created to improve OLAP analysis.
- Developed and supported n-tier client server system for marketing reps. a repository of customer marketing sales information . The CIW system crossed many technologies. Enterprise data resided on DB2 mainframe system. ETL process involved extraction from a DB2 system and transported FTPd to the UNIX environment for overnight processing into Oracle on backend. The user interface is a GUI application written in Omnis7, which resides on both Mac IBM PC's. The office-based reps would have a wan connection through the Omnis screens to access their data. Another overnight process would extract data from Oracle and provide the data to a Lotus Notes application through an API process. Once loaded to a Lotus Notes server, the data would be replicated to the traveling sales rep's laptop. They would dial in to replicate their changed data. The reps would access their data through a local Lotus Notes application on the laptop. The data flow from notes on the laptops to DB2 through Oracle was bi-directional.
- Responsibilities included:
- Create maintain DB2 views JCL to transfer files from mainframe to UNIX.
- Create maintain C shell UNIX scripts to load data files and process error notices.
- Create maintain PL/SQL blocks to process data.
- Create maintain reports in sqlplus dataprism.
- Maintain continue to develop Omnis 7 application including Oracle stored procedures called from Omnis 7. Some of the functions call for complex SQL queries multiple list processing. Stored procedures are used to leverage PL/SQL blocks of code and processing speed.
- Developed data pump written in Omnis 7 using Lotus notes API to extract data from Oracle and update Lotus Notes.
- Developed reports in SQR.