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Consultant Resume

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  • cobol
  • Confidential
  • DB2
  • OS/JCL - DOS
  • Endevor/Changeman
  • Batch Environment
  • Online Environment
  • VSAM
  • ISPF
  • Easytrieve+
  • Expediter All programming involved hands on developement
  • Windows
  • Lotus Notes
  • RPG/willing to learn AS400





  • Attempted to form, along with 3 others, our own consulting firm.
  • Our main concern focused on obtaining financing to rent office space and at the same time trying to land mainframe contracts with clients in the southeast that needed COBOL, Confidential, DB2 expertise. After 36 months we had to fold due to an inability to secure funding + contracts.

Confidential, Brentwood, TN



  • Accepted a 3 month contract for programming services with Confidential Corp.
  • Worked on a number of in-house systems using COBOL, Confidential, DB2(imbedded SQL}, JCL, some MQ exposure.
  • Duties included development, modification, testing and documentation of code.
  • Used the usual utilities TSO/ISPF, VSAM, ETC.

Confidential, St. Louis, MO



  • Accepted a three month contract to provide programming services at MasterCard. Efforts
  • Included making changes to systems using COBOL, Confidential, JCL, PROCS, and Symbolic parms.
  • Company utilized DB2, but I was not given any work in this area. Other software used was MVS,
  • TSO/ISPF, file-aid and ENDEVOR. Primary effort was in batch programs and involved making changes to existing code.

Confidential, Birmingham, Al



  • Accepted a six month contract to provide programming services at Compass bank for the Confidential system.
  • After 4 months the project was completed. Main tools used were COBOL, Confidential, VSAM, JCL, MVS, TSO/ISPF, and CHANGEMAN.
  • Primary effort was in batch programs and involved making changes to existing code.

Confidential, Jacksonville, Fl



  • Accepted a nine month contract with the firm to work on the Confidential collection system at Confidential .
  • At the end of September funding was cut and the project was cancelled.
  • Mostly analysis work to prepare for the coding effort to come.
  • Environment was COBOL, VSAM, DB2, JCL, MVS, CHANGEMAN.

Confidential, Columbus, GA

Lead Programmer Analyst


  • Developed 13 new programs for Confidential system(Transaction Special Processing), as well as other developmental projects which included Credit Card Awards Processing, Credit Card Insurance, Payments Processing, Solicitations Processing, plus several 1 and 2 program on-line systems utilizing IMS / COBOL / DB2 with imbedded SQL.
  • Wrote Confidential / COBOL / DB2-level 7 applications in a large mainframe environment.
  • Confidential is command level with Confidential map source code.
  • No batch work involved.
  • The workload is very structured with specific tasks being done by specific people.
  • Project analysis being done by business analysts.
  • Took the analysis and translated that into a development project plan for coding and unit testing.
  • Coded the development project from beginning-to-end including testing and documentation of all code.
  • Provided analysis and translated into a project plan for coding and unit testing.
  • Code was migrated up to the quality assurance environment using the ENDEVOR system.
  • Utilized JCL extensively, using not only backward references but also made liberal use of the symbolic parameters allowed in OS JCL.
  • Used EZTRIEVE+ as a utility program to extract data from a file to create a file for reporting or for testing major systems.
  • Utilized several PC based products in addition to mainframe utilities.
  • Mainframe includes online IBM XBUG which replaced Compuware utilities, TSO, DB2 utilities, embedded SQL. PC products include WINDOWS/XP, NETSCAPE, LOTUS NOTES. COBOL source is updated via TSO. Also participated in SDLC.

Confidential, Columbus, GA

Senior Programmer Analyst


  • Converted existing batch programs, from using only Columbus rates, to include the statewide rates due to the merger with the Atlanta plan.
  • Wrote new Confidential programs for Cash Recovery and Check Reconciliation systems. Programs used Command level Confidential under MVS. Also interacted with IMS. Worked on Medicare claims and other claims systems. At projects end, was transferred to the claims processing team to provide enhancements to the existing system.
  • Provided revisions to the existing system on an “as requested basis” and installed these revisions to the system as required. There was on-line Confidential work, but the majority of the work is batch COBOL using both IMS databases as well as VSAM files.
  • These systems were tied in with the Confidential healthcare system.
  • Provided on-call support for batch and on-line applications. Worked with both GDG + PDS files as well as flat files.
  • Used EZTRIEVE+ as a utility program to extract data from a file to create a file for reporting or for testing major systems. Utilized JCL extensively, using not only backward references but also made liberal use of the symbolic parameters allowed in OS JCL. Other projects worked on involved producing BAR CODING for address lines on checks and remittances using CODE-1 software.
  • Extensive use of SDLC.

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