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Research Assistant Resume

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Proficient in: Java, C, C++, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP, SQLite, Linux, MATLAB, Ruby on Rails, learned Python, MySQL, Git

Excellent skills in: MS Excel, Word, and PowerPoint


Atomic Force Microscopy, X - ray diffraction, Scanning electron microscopy, Transmission electron microscopy, UV-VIS spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, Optical microscopy, Fluorescence microscopy



Research Assistant


  • Installed and configured Linux, use VIM, Linux security
  • Installed and configured Apache web server on Linux, experimented with serving dynamic web pages
  • Learned HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Ruby on Rails, Python, Git

Research Assistant

Confidential, Madison


  • Surface roughness measurement on Confidential wafers, plot force - distance and I/V curves with atomic force microscopy.
  • Synthesized Confidential oxide nanowires and barium titanate nanowires.
  • Used Atomic Force Microscopy to characterize mechanical and electrical properties of piezoelectric and flexoelectric materials.
  • Simulated bending nanowires and resultant electric potential.
  • Designed a micro-scale Field-effect transistor by modifying an atomic force microscopy probe to measure piezoelectric and flexoelectric potential on a poled ferroelectric nanowire.
  • PhD thesis: “Atomic Force Microscopy-based Advanced Characterization of Piezoelectric, Flexoelectric, Electric, and Topographic Properties”

Project Assistant

Confidential, Madison


  • Emissivity modeling

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