Adjunct Professor And Lecturer Resume
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Washington, DC
- Government executive - Confidential engaged with leadership committees, cyber security technical and leadership working groups with general officers and Senior Executive Staff (SES) in federal government national security communities.
- Developed leadership strategic plans, decision making, developed security presentations and delivery to business and cyber security military commanders, general officers, and industry CEOs.
- Government Executive for White House Confidential 7 (e.g., secure Confidential ’s computer networks throughout nation).
- Communicate in engineering, IT, and business terminologies; business and security engineering experience and higher education. Entire career in intelligence community in telecommunications supporting global national security intelligence for Confidential . Big Picture global thinker, strategy, risk mitigation, high integrity.
- Senior Cybersecurity scientist and engineer.
- Focus on Homeland Security critical infrastructures: information technology, communications, and electric sectors (e.g., SCADA, PLUs, AMI, web security, cloud computing, SOA, internet of things, smart grids, big data sharing and analytics, security and privacy).
- Adjunct professor for Computer Science and Electrical Engineering students, School of Engineering, teaching self-developed security/cybersecurity curriculum.
Confidential, Washington, DC
Adjunct Professor and Lecturer
- Teach military graduate students, cyber security education for nation.) focus on complex security concepts for national security problems, cyber law, cyber offense and cyber deterrence, and military defenses for cyber security
- Speaker at Confidential Events for middle school and high school students 2012 - present
Confidential, MD
Senior Cyber Security Scientist
- Researched security data analytics for JIE for data sharing through joint regional security stack (JRSS).
- Conducted security risk assessments, identified threats for mobile devices and network security.
- Familiarity with network centric capabilities/joint operating environments
- Implemented Confidential for secure cloud assessments (authorizations and continuous monitoring).
- Strong communication skills (written and verbal) with industry/government partnership experts.
Confidential, Fort Meade, MD
Senior Information Systems Security Engineer
- Cloud computing in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), WSDL, SAML, web / cloud computing. HADOOP training for web development and focus on security and privacy. Implemented Share Point for intranet data management, enterprise projects, and security and governance practices.
- Use of Share Point enabled applications to be scalable, stored data in web services cloud.
- Translated complex technical engineering concepts into business terminology for program managers.
- Communicated architecture and supported review boards for architectural compliance
- Security Engineer, working with 40 - 50 IT engineering teams and projects, for certification/ accreditation (DCID 6/3; ICD 503 RMF) for various types of networks (aerospace, laptops, government interfaces, vehicles, etc.), secure frameworks for classified networks and analyzed various architectures for security (firewalls, IDS,, developed certification and accreditation (CNA) IC plans, assessed security systems, creating lockdown mitigations for systems applications security, led system information reviews for PL2 through PL5, researched emerging security topics and requirements; implemented STIGs, security regulations, and Confidential standards.
- Secured classified business and mobile devices for mobile telephony / web interfaces.
- Tested for vulnerabilities, exposure, security incidents.
- Familiar with System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and software engineering methods /SIEM.
- Risk Analyst for risks, threats, vulnerabilities, insider threats, mobile devices.
- Developed security architectures, infrastructures, analyzed secure networks for LANs/ WANs, IDS, IPS.
- Analyzed wired and wireless mobile devices for security and to mitigate attacks to secure data.
- Member of leadership committee for ethics and diversity for career opportunities for minorities.
- Executive level oversight of classified systems, information technology, cyber security, governance, risk, virtualization, infrastructures, data within IC and Confidential in classified networks globally.
Confidential, Columbia, MD
Senior Systems Engineer
- Validated National Vulnerability Database ( Confidential ) using Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) to prevent data replication. Analyzed computer network defense (CND) and exploitation ( Confidential ).
- Partnered with National Institute of Science and Technology ( Confidential ) security scientists and Confidential experts for probability modeling, data analytics, big data security analytics in Analyzed relational database contents.
- Confidential compliant for information security on information systems.
- Researched Confidential standards; developed new Confidential standard (e.g., info assurance, data analytics).
Confidential, Columbia, MD
Network Security Engineer
- Policy writing, IA Contract Proposal Lead for Network Security contracts, and Governance
- Business Development leader for new engineering projects.
- Researched web systems and cloud computing to develop (R&D) white paper for service - oriented architecture (SOA), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML language messaging for Web Services Description Languages (WSDL), Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), Single Sign-On, Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Lightweight Data Access Protocol (LDAP); Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).
Confidential, Linthicum, MD
Information Assurance Consultant
- Prototyped web tools for information sharing among government and industry (i.e., data mining, analytics for pattern recognition, knowledge management, data warehousing, index big data for databases; web hyperlinks, structuring big data for prototyping products.
Confidential, Bel Air, MD
Information Analyst & Researcher
- Scientific Researcher and Writer for chemical and biological engineering papers for Homeland Security.
- Researched numerous World War II documents, then researched and developed (R&D) warfare articles to write scientific encyclopedia for Defense Intelligence Agency ( Confidential ), categorized big data index.
Confidential, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
Security Officer & Technical Writer and Editor
- Developed risk management program for First Responder Program (partnered with State and federal agencies, law enforcement, medical ( Confidential ); developed scenarios for as if events; disaster preparedness
- Technical writer and editor for scientific and chemical engineering projects; conducted research.