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Genomic Data Scientist Resume

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Rutgers, NJ


A self - motivated individual with a wide range of experience in data analysis and mathematical modeling. Able to analyze structured, semi-structured and unstructured data sets and have proven ability to handle multiple projects while meeting challenging deadlines.


Programming Languages: Python, R, Matlab, FORTRAN, Shell Scripting.

Some experience: Perl, JavaScript, C++, Spark, Hadoop, Map Reduce.

Tools: Pandas,Matplotlib,Numpy,Scipy,Seaborn,BeautifulSoup,Scikit-learn,MySQL, Mongodb,SQLite,NLTK,KerasMonte Carlo Simulation, Markov Chain Process, Stochastic Simulation, Tableau, Jupyterlab,Jupyternotebook, IPythonnote book, Git, Git Hub, Heroku, Google cloud, server cluster.

Bioinformatics tools: Samtools, Bedtools,Picards,VCFtools,BCFtools.GATK,Biopython,Bioconductor.


Genomic Data Scientist

Confidential, Rutgers, NJ


  • Analyzingandmodelinggenomicdatatounderstandtumorheterogeneityandevolution.
  • Developed a hierarchical clustering model to classify tumor cohort into sub-types
  • Developed an outlier/anomalydetectionmodeltoidentifyover-orunder-expressedgenesintumorcohort.
  • Developedstochasticanddeterministicmodelfortumorcellsevolutionfromtimeseriesgenomicdata.

Research Technologist

Confidential, NY


  • ModeledyeastcellspopulationevolutionusingMarkovchainMonteCarlosimulation.
  • Developed a deterministicandstochasticdiscrete-statemodelforstudyingheterogeneityincellspopulation.
  • Transformed raw data for further machine learning analysis.
  • Used Python and Spark to scrape, clean, and analyze large datasets.

Graduate Research Assistant

Confidential, TX


  • ModeledyeastcellpopulationevolutionusingMarkovchainMonteCarlosimulation.
  • Developedbothdeterministicandstochasticdiscrete-statemodelforstudyingheterogeneouscellpopulation.
  • Used Matlab to model system of differential equations for dynamical systems.

Research Assistant

Confidential, TX


  • Teaching assistant for a variety of physics courses forunder graduate and graduate students.
  • Conduct research on modeling superconductivity.

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