We provide IT Staff Augmentation Services!

Principal Resume

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Washington, DC


  • Strategic Planning & Execution
  • Health Policy & Management
  • Health Equity
  • Program & Project Management
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Government Relations
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Business Development
  • Team Building & Leadership



Confidential, Washington, DC


  • Researched and delivered issue briefs on legislative and regulatory policy developments in the healthcare arena to help clients formulate and execute government relations strategies.
  • Advised a DC not - for-profit hospital on improving racial equity in the community health needs assessment process.
  • Provided business development and organizational strategy services to a DC-area hospital as it transitioned between CEOs. Advised organization on pursuing fund development and expansion opportunities. Worked with CMO and CNO to implement emergency department diversion initiatives to adapt to demands of value-based payment models and leveraging data analytics for optimal clinical and financial outcomes.
  • Managed the organizational readiness process for hospital accreditation reviews.
  • Built project plans and produced ongoing management reports for end-to-end performance monitoring of enterprise systems at the IRS during the integration of systems to enforce the ACA mandate.
  • Provided business intelligence and capture strategy services to a medium-sized consulting firm for leveraging emerging models of care in health reform initiatives. Also, advised their IT staff on integrating Meaningful Use requirements into application development.




  • Participate in all aspects of health disparities research inclusive of conceptualization, design, and implementation, to develop culturally appropriate interventions to reduce cancer disparities. Increase DC residents’ awareness of environmental health hazards and their power to effect change in policies with a negative impact on the health of their community.

Member, Board of Directors

Confidential, Washington, DC


  • Provided governance oversight and effective stewardship for a non-profit organization offering programs addressing the array of challenges faced by homeless and low-income families.
  • It also operates three federally-qualified health centers to meet the primary care needs of under-served communities in the District of Columbia and address underlying causes of health disparities.
  • As a member of the Finance Committee, monitored the organization’s financial statements, corporate compliance, HRSA UDS reporting, and proposed fee schedules.


Confidential, Washington, DC


  • Contributed to advice on local implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and establishing the local Health Benefit Exchange Authority.
  • Made recommendations for improving access to primary and preventive care as a member of the Health Delivery System Options subcommittee.

Senior Associate

Confidential, Reston, VA


  • Managed client and stakeholder relations for the development of information systems to ensure the strategic goals of organizational leaders were addressed, requirements were met, and coordinated their integration with both internal and contracted technical developers.
  • Directed managers on conforming to federal, agency, and industry standards for overseeing IT programs and projects.
  • Monitored and assessed the effectiveness of IT program and project management review processes and made recommendations for efficiencies across business areas.
  • Produced routine executive-level performance reports summarizing the status of the IT portfolio and identifying areas of concern.


Confidential, McLean, VA


  • Produced a Concept of Operations ( Confidential ) to document the guidelines and governance processes for performing IT portfolio management. Led workshops with various staff offices to highlight roles and responsibilities, relevant policy guidance, and integration with the PPBE process.
  • Developed transition plans documenting the migration from the baseline to the target environment.
  • Evaluated applications for providers seeking to participate in the Medicare Part-D prescription drug benefit program. Ensured that the contracts were compliant with CMS requirements and contained the proper supporting documentation.
  • Documented requirements for health information exchange between the DoD, state National Guard organizations, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Health and Human Services to support the sharing of medical records and information for the Army Post-Deployment Reassessment Program.

Senior Financial Analyst

Confidential, Fairfax, VA


  • Validated financial requirements for future-year budgeting processes e.g., Program Objective Memorandum (POM), Budget Estimate Submission (BES), President’s Budget (PB), etc. . Estimates were consistently within 3 percent of actual execution.
  • Conducted economic and cost analyses to inform strategic business decision-making. Identified and monitored significant statistical indicators of contractor performance, in-house efficiency, as well as the organization’s overall financial performance.
  • Evaluated business cases for changes in business practices and automated information systems that may improve efficiency in service delivery or effectiveness in performance evaluation.
  • Served as an instructor in the TRICARE Financial Management and Education Program ( Confidential ). Trained personnel throughout the military health system on managing data, developing performance measurement tools, and adhering to HIPAA requirements.
  • Managed the content of the client’s website, as well as corporate reports in the source data system.

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