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Order Manager Resume

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  • I am a hands - on technologist in equities trading domain. I specialize in designing and developing low latency, high volume electronic execution services solutions.
  • I have extensive experience in Core Java, multithreading, FIX, Linux, Azul Zing and middleware technologies such as TIBCO EMS, AMPS, 29 West, etc. I am also interested to expand my knowledge into handling real time big data and analytics.



Order Manager


  • Rolled out Azul Zing to better control GC pauses and used Readynow effectively for tackling java warmup issues.
  • Introduced Chronicle Queues as means for a faster inter process communication and also as a persistent store.

Technology exposure: Azul Zing, Java 8, Chronicle, 29 West, Linux.


Development Manager


  • Strongly typed objects with object pooling and object reusability, goal towards zero GC.
  • A threading model geared towards minimal synchronization.
  • A choice to use wait-free or blocking queues for inter thread communication.
  • Introduced HotString ( Mutable ) as a replacement of String ( Immutable ) within all the internal interfaces/classes.
  • Worked on creating multiple trading applications that used Confidential technology and managed migration of order flow from legacy trading applications.


Order Manager


  • Implemented customizable risk, position and limit checks with capabilities to auto update configurations in real time.
  • Implemented real time aggregation capabilities on a per client per instrument basis across multiple application instances using AMPS as store for publish, aggregate and subscribe.
  • Architected for real time reference data push into OMS.


Order Manager


  • Implemented low latency Confidential layer.
  • Worked extensively on fix protocol and fix engine.
  • Managed to migrate the flow from legacy Confidential components into HotMA.


Order Manager


  • Created a pre trade Confidential called Confidential from Confidential framework for handling 15c3 checks and other custom checks.
  • Confidential was implemented with client - server architecture.
  • Provided a thin client implementation that can be embedded in the OMS and then thin client manages to interact with server to fetch in necessary reference data for risk checks.
  • Also created a version of the Confidential that was non-intrusive and it could run as a standalone process outside the OMS.

DMA order manager



  • Substantial improvement in latency, capacity and throughput across the electronic trading stack.


Order Manager


  • Equities and Futures
  • Manual handling of orders
  • Order marking and bifurcation
  • Risk Fill
  • Special settlement, etc.

Technology & Tools: Core Java, FIX engine/protocol, Tibco EMS, AMPS (from 60 East Technologies), Azul Zing, Eclipse, Linux, Oracle, Aegis Client/Exchange simulators.

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