Clinical Laboratory Technologist Resume
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I am currently enrolled at Confidential taking a Software Engineering Certificate. My goal is to gain an internship at your esteemed organization, so that I can learn the necessary professional knowledge, and experience to become a successful programmer.
Java OOP Eclipse IntelliJ SQL Server SQLite Maven Jenkins Selenium Postman JUnit TestNG REST Design Patterns Principles of SOLID JavaFX CSS HTML
Clinical Laboratory TechnologistConfidential
- Object oriented programming (objects, classes, methods, encapsulation, data, variables, loops, arrays, basic graphics and exceptions)
- Data Structure and Algorithms (inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism, recursion, abstract data types, dynamically linked structures, data structures, stacks, queues, lists, collections, trees)
- Computer Architecture and Organization (representation of data, processor, memory and I/O organization. Assembly language programming)
- Database Management System (Architecture of a database system, query languages, design theory, integrity)
- Discrete Mathematics (Mathematical concepts that support computer science: sets, functions, relations, combinatorics, recurrences, Boolean logic, mathematical proofs, matrices, graphs and trees)
Password Manager
- Mini desktop app ATM Stimulator system (constructing a simulator that depicts the real - world ATM machine and demonstrates the basics banking services)
- Mini desktop app School Management System (This software program is a simulation of a school management system. It effectively manages all the basic things that a school system must have: students, teachers, administrators, courses)
- Morse Code Translator using Arduino and Assembly Language (Print out Morse Code of a sentence typed in Serial Monitor by flashing LED for each word)
Automation & Web TestingResponsibilities:
- Introduction to Automation & Web Testing, Starting with JAVA & Eclipse, Selenium WebDriver using JAVA Data Types, Operators, Conditions, Loops, Using JAVA Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Interfaces with Selenium, Using JUnit and TestNG, Hybrid Automation - Page Objects Framework, Selenium Grid & Selenium Server, Using Maven in Selenium Hybrid Framework Experience