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Owner Resume

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Newtown, PA


  • 20+ years of statistical consulting experience
  • Author of two statistical patents (under review) for analyzing pharmaceutical databases
  • Former Vice President, Advanced Analytics for a market research/IT consulting firm
  • Former Vice President for Research and Information Technology at a market research firm specializing in al consulting
  • Former full - time college professor specializing in teaching and applying statistical methods
  • Extensive experience in designing studies, creating databases, conducting analyses, reporting and implementing findings
  • Ten published studies (available upon request) and 16 professional conference presentations involving sophisticated research design and statistical analysis
  • Item writer ('92-'94) for the al Testing Service's GRE Psychology Subject Test
  • Developer of a simplified statistical software package in Visual Basic for research methods and statistics students
  • Proficient with IBM’s statistical software package SPSS, and AnswerTree—a data mining segmentation tool; experience with SAS Enterprise Miner and IBM SPSS Modeler in testing predictive models and scoring large databases
  • Considerable experience with the following advanced statistics and procedures:
  • Decision trees including Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) & Exhaustive CHAID, each effective for consumer profiling and market segmentation
  • Non-parametric statistics, with particular emphasis on categorical analysis
  • Numerous types of multiple regression including linear, partial least squares (PLS), non-linear, logistic, and multinomial logistic regression
  • Tradeoff analyses, including Conjoint, Discrete Choice, related adaptive designs, and hybrid designs
  • Discriminant Analysis
  • Factor Analysis, Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
  • Cluster Analysis
  • Correspondence Analysis
  • TURF (Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency) Analysis
  • Trend Analysis, Forecasting, Time-series
  • Imputation methods for missing data
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Covariance (ANCOVA)
  • Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and Covariance (MANCOVA)
  • Repeated measures applications for each of the above ANOVA procedures
  • Optimization, including resource, pricing and discounting
  • Dynamic Pricing
  • Developing advanced predictive models
  • Building simulators and dashboards, usually in Excel with a Visual Basic (VBA) interface, to test different scenarios in the marketplace, including sales projections
  • Python & R extension functions for SPSS
  • P/recommendation engine algorithm creation, development and deployment
  • Quantifying social media impact on purchase behavior


Confidential, Newtown, PA



  • Independent statistical consultant specializing in helping companies segment, profile, and predict the behavior of their key consumers through a variety of data mining techniques, including the development of predictive models to patents. Significant consulting experience in the pharmaceutical, Confidential, insurance, tourism, IT and financial sectors in “big data” environments.
  • Heavy emphasis in recent years on large-scale quantitative projects for top pharmaceutical and Confidential companies:
  • Pharma engagements include doctor and patient data analysis across major therapeutic areas, optimal medical device configuration, and developing a predictive algorithm for a pharmaceutical mobile application
  • Confidential projects include sophisticated simulators to optimize product features for a variety of goods & services and developing predictive analytics to maximize the uptake of those goods & services


Director, Advanced Analytics, Statistical Services Department


  • Lead the statistical development of advanced analytics supporting sales force effectiveness and market research applications for pharmaceutical clients
  • Developed two patents (under review) in the areas of predictive modeling and targeting analytics, respectively, on prescription databases
  • Developed and implemented Confidential ’S psychographics practice for major pharmaceutical clients resulting in significant revenue for IMS' Consulting division

Confidential, Princeton, NJ

Vice President, Advanced Analytics


  • Consulted with project teams based in the US and the UK on sampling, design, and higher-order analysis for a wide range of global and domestic research engagements.
  • Developed a proprietary statistical model called RPMTM to help account for the non-parametric and non-linear complexities of IT and Web data
  • Key participant in corporate sales presentations and results presentations to clients
  • Provided statistical to the research staff and kept the sales force abreast of new developments and tools from Confidential Research Services
  • Participated with the CEO and EVP in strategic planning for Confidential Research Services

Confidential, Andover, MA



  • Independent statistical consultant who specialized in helping companies turn data into business results through consumer profiling and predictive modeling.
  • Clients included market research, e-commerce, and other Web-based companies

Confidential, Bedford, MA

Vice President


  • Directed the research operations of the company
  • Supervised four project managers in research design, instrument development, and analysis
  • Constructed, maintained, and analyzed large databases
  • Ensured the appropriate selection and use of statistical analyses and procedures across all company projects
  • Created a financial aid leveraging product to predict a student’s probability of enrolling at a particular college or university, based on numerous financial, demographic, and student-related variables
  • Key decision maker in the purchasing, implementation, and maintenance of company-wide technologies

Confidential, North Andover, MA

Assistant Professor of Psychology


  • Taught a variety of quantitative courses, including Statistics and Research Methods
  • Taught Introduction to Psychology and Developmental Psychology courses
  • Conducted research while remaining actively involved in statistical consulting
  • Published six studies (available upon request) across a variety of psychology journals

Confidential, Philadelphia, PA

Business Partner


  • One of two partners specializing in personal computer and network consulting on IBM-based systems
  • Built and installed numerous PCs for single users and created multi-user environments for small applications

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