Personnel Actions Chief Resume
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Sandston, VA
- A proven and dedicated professional, adept at working cross - culturally and in a wide variety of circumstances.
- Uses data, research, and analysis to develop long-term solutions and contingencies.
- Seeks constant improvement to efficiency and peak effectiveness of systems through business process management.
- Highly analytical and unsentimental, while addressing the human dimension of making and implementing decisions.
- Seeks not to “do more with less,” but rather “accomplish more with less.”
- Earned state and national s for recruiting.
- Out of 100 recruiting personnel, I completed up to 10% of the team’s entire annual production.
- Worked in 17 nations on four continents.
- Made my program the force provider of choice for security cooperation missions for Tajikistan.
- Led a multi-functional team that transitioned a 400-person office from obsolete proprietary groupware to industry-standard Microsoft Exchange/Outlook.
- Led an international multi-functional team that standardized global accounting across six continents for an international nonprofit.
- Streamlined and digitized administrative processes for officer recruiting that reduced processing time by 50%, while reducing error rate and rework by 15%.
Confidential, Sandston, VA
Personnel Actions Chief
- Responsible for all enlisted and officer personnel actions (e.g., promotions, transfers, discharges)
- Managed a staff of ten full-time and three part-time employees (both military and civilian)
Confidential, Sandston, VA
Deputy Personnel Officer
- Personnel programs: funeral honors, family/youth programs, casualty assistance,
- Financial and regulatory compliance
- Domestic joint/interagency emergency response operations
- Continuity of operations (COOP)
Confidential, Sandston, VA
Director, International Affairs
- Director of the State Partnership Program
- Inter-service, inter-agency, and multi-national operational context
- Joint/interagency security cooperation missions; focus on peacekeeping and professionalization
Confidential, Sandston, VA
Director, International Affairs
- Director of the State Partnership Program (SPP) between Virginia and the Republic of Tajikistan
- Inter-service, inter-agency, and multi-national operational context
- Joint/interagency security cooperation missions; focus on peacekeeping and professionalization
Confidential, Bowling Green, VA
Executive Officer
- Managed 60+ full-time and 1000+ part-time staff across a dozen locations
- Maintained readiness (personnel, equipment, facilities) for domestic and international operations
- Mobilized and de-mobilized six units; re-stationed units three times
- Led numerous internal projects to improve efficiency, and reduce overhead
Liaison Officer
- Arranged transportation of personnel and equipment across Afghanistan
- Joint logistics and personnel operations
- Maintained safety and mission performance standards in an austere and unpredictable environment
Confidential, Arlington, VA
Staff Action Officer
- Mobilized units for overseas operations (primarily Iraq)
- Strategic planning and force management
- Developed user materials and s
Confidential, Sandston, VA
Chief of Officer Recruiting
- Recruited officers for the Confidential in a difficult environment
- Earned national and state s and recognition
- Managed and developed a small but highly productive team