Student Researcher Resume
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- Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology (QIIME)
- R Project statistical software
- R package experience but not limited to: phyloseq, DESeq2, gplots, ggplot2, Vegan, devtools, edited a version of heatmap.3, annheatmap2, igraph, microbiome, tidyverse, LIMMA/DEqMS, ROC, treeClust, WGCNA, RCircos, Seriate
- Knowledge with Object - oriented language/Command line
- Python/UNIX/BASH/SQL script writing and creating wrappers for Pipeline source codes
- Managing and analyzing Relational datasets
- Genome & Proteome Database Usage:
- GenBank/NCBI, Greengenes or Ribosomal Database Project (RDP), Uniprot, Interpro
- Quantitative Proteomics Pipelines
- Thermo Proteome Discoverer
- Skyline
- R/python pipelines, QuiXoT, SanXoT, pRatio
- Qaigen s CLC Genomics Workbench
- Analysis of scalefree Networks for Co-regulation/Occurrence
- Pathway Analysis and Gene Ontology: IPA, PANTHER, DAVID, SBML file format.
- Illumina read Qualitiy filtration: Robert Edgar s USEARCH/UPARSE pipeline (16s,ITS), PandaSeq
- Phylogenetic Community Profiling (BEAST/MEGA/UGENE)
- Molecular Modeling/Dynamics:
- SwissDoc protein analysis
- Visual Molecular Dynamics
- UCSF Chimera
- Marvin Sketch (Molecular drawing)
- GROMACS-OPEN MM/ CHARM-GUI Molecular simulations
- METAGENassist
- Galaxy's (LDA Effect Size (LEfSe)
- Bioedit/Jalview individual small sequence editing
- Alpha/Beta Diversities (Chao1, Shannon, Simpson indexes)
- Solid-Conservative Statistical testing with BH/BY p-value correction thresholds
- Kruskal Wallis/ANOVA/PERMANOVA ect.
- Post Hoc analysis: i.e. Dunn s Test
- Log ratio fold changes of differentially expressed proteins
- Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling, Principle Coordinate of Analysis (Bray-Curtis, Pearson, Euclidean, other distance metrics for Compositional Data Analysis of Multinomial data)
- Missing value imputation
- Dimensional reduction techniques via Unsupervised Machine learning by t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tsne)
- Supervised Classification Clustering KNN/Louvain Community detection
- Grid-search tuning parameter optimization
Student Researcher
- Quantitative Proteomics and Bioinformatics Data analysis project collaborations.
- Led undergraduates with the experimental design for Alzheimer s Disease diagnostic research project
- Experience in website development (wordpress/Drupal/CSS/HTML/MAMP )
- Experience gained from Meta - proteomics
Student Researcher
- Involved in various projects using bioinformatics as tools for assessing microbiome fitness
- Host-microbe symbiosis/characterize microbial ecosystems.
- Assisted other colleagues in the application of bioinformatic pipelines, script writing, and troubleshooting assisted in wet lab genomic assays.
- Assisted in the Fungal (ITS) multivariate data analysis from Black (Rhizophora mangle) and Red Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) environmental samples
Student Researcher
- Predictive Molecular Simulations
- Visual Molecular Dynamics