Functional Analyst Resume
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Functional Analyst
- Perform research; analyze to determine the requirements of BII/SKO/COEI/AAL items associated with equipment authorized and on hand in Confidential Reserve pre - positioned sets.
- Assist in data collection and data entry required populating the AWRDS BII/SKO/COEI/AAL database.
Medical Equipment Functional Analyst/Technical Writer
- Performs as the medical SME and technical writer assesses functional needs of medical equipment repair facilities.
- Researches and identifies correct equipment systems and sub-systems maintenance requirements for the medical Confidential database.
- Develops detailed medical equipment repair task matrix from operator to depot level maintenance.
- Validates and formats matrix for data conversion to ASAMS, additionally develops task matrix for combat, engineer and tactical vehicles for the Confidential FLMS system.
- As medical logistics analyst assists the Confidential PBO officer with conversion from Confidential to Confidential .
- Provides technical training material development support to both medical and non-medical logistics courses.
- Established and provided HR, Contracting, Project Management and Security sections with a quick search and retrieval document database system.
Medical Equipment Technical Writer
- Primary SME for business process re-engineering for Confidential medical depots and maintenance facilities.
- Develops equipment and component repair task matrix to be inserted into the Confidential maintenance system.
- Provided programmers with detailed site, equipment, repair parts inventory, wage, customer and other related files in formats readily convertible for data insertion into the Confidential database.
Medical Records System Administrator
- Converted manual patient medical records to automated records at Confidential .
- Updated and maintained database.
Unit Supply Specialist
- Primary responsibility included the automated maintenance of accountable property records, equipment research and identification to include BII and sub-component information.
- Other tasks included inventory audits, property accountability reviews, tracing actions, shipping and manifest document verifications.
- Performed duties as trainer on various common skill tasks.
- Performed duties as the SPBS-R trainer to the unit.
- Supervised subordinate enlisted personnel.