Marketing Executive Resume
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- I am an MBA graduate, passionate about Marketing, looking for an exciting and challenging entry level position in BA/SAS.
- Apply my knowledge of analytics and learning from academics professionally
- Actively contribute to the success of the company by being a team player and excellent collaborator with sound interpersonal skills and positive attitude.
- Achieve continuous advancement in my career and undertake managerial responsibility
Marketing Research Management Marketo
Strategic planning Leadership SAS
Promotional/Marketing Materials Team Management New Product Management
Microsoft Office Google AdWords Tableau
Public Relations Canva SurveyMonkey/ Survey Design
Persuasive CommunicatorMicrosoft VizioSocial Media
Marketing Executive
- Responsible for branding and merchandizing of the product line
- Accountable for corporate key accounts management
- Assisted the marketing team with developing and implementing market promotion strategies
- Handled corporate communications
- Conducted market research using area sampling activities
- I executed marketing, pricing, and implementation of the business model.
- Developed the value proposition for target customers to raise awareness about the service offering.
- Researched the market to find the appropriate market segment, conducted SWOT analysis and used Porter’s forces to understand the market and the competition.
- Promotional activities included outreach in college, distribution of flyers, company’s social media accounts, targeted advertisements on Confidential, Instagram, and Facebook.
- Conducted market research & SWOT analysis on the benefits of a medical device to the elderly.
- Proposed a detailed plan to create market demand and market penetration for the device.
- Formulated a revenue model targeting $3 million in the first year of market launch.
Marketing Plan Proposal
- Developed a marketing strategy and proposed marketing objectives to improve customer satisfaction and attract middle to high income level customers for a project based on Confidential .
- Researched Confidential ’s market and performed situational analysis, SWOT analysis, marketing analysis and evaluation and control.
- Conducted market research and performed situational analysis, SWOT analysis and STP for instant noodles in Philippines and studied the presence of social media.
- Developed a marketing strategy for an instant noodle start - up and created a self-featuredadvertisement video for the product.