Graduate Research Assistant Resume
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- Well - qualified Research Scientist with more than six years Big data analytics, Machine learning, Computational physics, Scientific computing, Statistical modeling and Software development experience and excellent academic qualifications.
- Author of many peer-reviewed Physics and Astrophysics journal articles.
- Areas of expertise include Big data analytics, Machine Learning, Signal processing, Mathematical modelling and Predictive modeling.
- Dedicated Researcher and Scientist with excellent technical, analytical and communication skills demonstrated by six years of experience.
- Developed the first coherent search algorithm and software to search for astrophysical signals buried in large noisy data streams using known signal models.
- Successfully tested the performance of the coherent search algorithms in large sets of non - stationary and non-Gaussian data using variety of machine learning methods.
- Developed and tested statistical models for signal detections and parameter estimation in noisy data using likelihood and Bayesian statistics.
- Achieved the maximum possible performance for the coherent search method with latest numerically generated signal models.
- Developed the mathematical model for solar energy conversion in to work leading to multiple theoretical and experimental studies.
- Signal processing, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Numerical Analysis, Algorithms and Data Structures Finite difference methods, Bayesian statistics, Decision tree learning, Artificial neural networks, Predictive modelling Hypothesis analysis & Monte Carlo methods
- Preparation of Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC) for high pressure measurements.
- Raman spectroscopy measurements in static high pressure experiments.
- Design and construction of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs).
- Teamwork & Management Experience
- Participated in LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) Data analysis activities.
- Organized weekly meeting of Confidential relativity group (WSURG) with experts in other institutes.
- Conducted summer physics undergraduate laboratories as the lead teaching assistant in 2010, 2011.
- Maintained the software, hardware and experiment set - ups for undergraduate physics experiments.
- Trained new graduate and undergraduate students.
Programming Languages: Python, Ruby, Java, C, C++,, MATLAB, GNU Octave, Mathematica, R, SQL SQLite, Shell scripting, Bash, FreeFem++, SAS, Latex
Software Framework: HTCondor, Map/Reduce, Pig, Hadoop, Hive
Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux, Windows
Revision Control System: Git, SVN, CVS
Graduate Research Assistant
- Developed gravitational-wave data analysis search pipeline and participated in data analysis activities leading to multiple publications.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Taught introductory level calculus and algebra based physics lab sessions for science and non-science majors.
Graduate Research Assistant
- Investigated high structural stability of single wall carbon nanotube under high pressures using Raman spectral measurements leading to a journal publication.
Millenium scholar
- Conducted graduate research work under prestigious Millenum Fellowship awarded to international graduate students.
Assistant Lecturer in Physics
- Worked as an instructor for introductory level physics courses and substitute lecturer for senior level physics courses.
Lead Lab Instructor in Physics
- Coordinate introductory level physics laboratories and manage teaching assistants.