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Peoplesoft Technical Lead/workflow Developer Resume

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To obtain a challenging, and demanding PeopleSoft Financials Technical Contract


I prefer Corp-Corp, I am a US citizen, and can work with client on the rate


PeopleSoft Technical Lead/Workflow Developer 8.9/9.0 Tools 8.49 FSCM/EPM
September 2009– Present (expected completion in two weeks)

  • Created a 3 Level workflow using Approval Rulesets for a custom EPM 9.0 Managing for Results module that required Department Heads, Performance Managers, and Executive Boards to approve before the Strategic Business Plan was approved
  • Ensured with PeopleCode for EPM Strategic Business Plan workflow that if the Department Head was supposed to approve before any later approvers the later approvers can only see the transaction and not approve until it’s their turn
  • Created a notification workflow for custom EPM Activity Data Collection page to send a worklist to the Activity Manager once a Collector modified data and also a notification was sent to the Collector if the Activity Manager denied or approver the data collection
  • Demoed eProcurement 9.0 Requisition Workflow to Chester County to show the advantages of implementing eProcurement instead of using Core Purchasing for Requisitions
  • Played key role in helping Chester County decide to go with eProcurement Requisitioning instead of Core Purchasing Requisitioning by offering guidance as a subject matter expert on eProcurement AWE workflow
  • Developed a custom PeopleSoft Workflow Routing Page that configures Department Backup, Fiscal, Fiscal Backup, and Parent Department Approvers that the AWE Workflow SQL Userlist will use for Routing Workflow and Escalations
  • Developed custom AWE eProcurement 8.9 Requisition Workflow with 3 levels (Activity, Department, Fiscal) having routing controlled by SQL on the UserList driven off a custom page being able to handle multiple distribution lines on one Requisition line Routing correctly to each different Department Approver on each distribution line
  • Created PeopleSoft Escalation Procedures to route eProcurement Requisition workflow to a Backup Approver if the original designated approver did not act upon the Requisition within 4 hours determining who to route to by a Custom UserList SQL driven off a custom page
  • Created a customization to force Requestors to finish Budget Checking before submitting an eProcurement Requisition to workflow
  • Coded a custom Fix to delivered PeopleSoft AWE Escalation Bug of a line level approval not returning line level SQL bind variables to the Escalation SQL Userlist by modifying the delivered Application Package Peoplecode for AWE Workflow Escalation
  • Configured new Custom PeopleSoft Security Permission lists for eProcurement Requesters and Approvers so that they only have access to Pages related to Creating and Approving eProcurement Requstions
  • Wrote detailed test scripts for UAT/System testers testing eProcurement having step by step instructions to create, approve, and deny eProcurement Requisitions ensuring eProcurement works as designed
  • Created PeopleSoft RICE Technical Specifications documenting the technical objects used to create the eProcurement AWE Workflow and also showed Reimplementation Procedures
  • Created Knowledge Transfer documentation to transition knowledge of creating and configuring the custom Chester County eProcurement AWE Requisition Workflow from BTRG to the Chester County IT team

Confidential,Philadelphia PA
PeopleSoft Financial Technical Consultant and Sole Owner
July 2009– August 2009

  • Actively sought PeopleSoft Financial Technical Contracts on the market on a Corp-Corp basis
  • Learning XML Publisher from Peoplebooks for PeopleTools 8.49 figuring out how to create a data source from a PS Query or Peoplecode then creating a Schema to map to and finally creating a Report Definition which could be an RTF, PDF, E-Text, or XLS
  • Self taught myself Web Services which is just an addition to Integration Broker where I configured from Scratch to talk to PeopleSoft HR 8.8 and uses SOA architecture delivering Services on the backend with the help of Component Interfaces so that other ERP Systems such as SAP or Siebel can tap into and use for communication between the two Systems

Confidential,Philadelphia PA
Systems Consultant specializing in Peoplesoft Development FSCM 8.0 Tools 8.42
April 2009– July 2009

  • Working on Knowledge Transfer at current client to transition work from IBM contractors to Accenture contractors due to Accenture taking over Application Development of the company
  • Video recording SME sessions and uploading videos to RTS site so that offshore resources can watch the video’s and come up to speed on the client’s requirement
  • Trained offshore resources on SQR development of clients custom and delivered PeopleSoft programs
  • Used Windows Media Encoder to record video of the clients Peoplesoft Application Designer objects such as Peoplecode, Application Engine, Records, and other PeopleSoft Objects to know more about the clients development environment
  • Took over development of PeopleSoft General Ledger, Account Payables, Travel & Expense, and Asset Management customizations at Client site until Offshore Technical Resources got up to speed on clients development environment

Confidential,Philadelphia PA
Lead Systems Developer PeopleSoft Financials 8.0 AM/AP/GL/EX with Asia Pac Implementations of Peoplesoft countries Philippines, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand
May 2008 – March 2009

  • Wrote an Application Engine using Component Interface PeopleCode to pull voucher data from an Excel spreadsheet an create a Journal/Disbursement/Asset voucher in AP
  • Wrote SQL to query and modify data working with Oracle 9i database tables
  • Developed custom Pages, Crystal Reports, and Records to support completely custom Account Recon GL addition of the Account Detail Form
  • Ran a training Class to teach Peoplesoft Query and Query Manager to user’s that were new to Peoplesoft
  • Created whole new Internal Reinsurance General Ledger SQR module to create accounting entries for Pooling for ATR using page percentages to control how to create Federal Excise Taxes and Commission Override
  • Facilitated Shared Pooled meeting, created Agenda and got information from each team member that was involved in getting the Shared Pooled memory better utilized
  • For implementations of Asia Pac Countries to 8.0 Peoplesoft I handled all the Report creation, Page customization, and led AM Conversion
  • Developed a new custom check writing program FT711CHK.SQR that called custom SQR payment file program from the Paycycle step rather than a Crystal Check due to the requirement of Asia Pac where a custom check file layout was needed versus a Crystal Check
  • Created from scratch an AP Payment file for EFT using @’s as the separator supporting Asia Pac implementation by creating brand a new SQR payment file program
  • Monitored ESSBASE Cubes every morning to ensure they were built on time and if they were still processing I told the appropriate staff about it and continued monitoring it till completion
  • Created Automated tests scripts using QTP tool to load configurations such as EX employee’s being populated by an excel file saving functional staff hours by not having to have them configure by hand individually
  • Got Delivered Journal/Voucher Approval Rulesets Workflow up and running in test environment and held a 2 hour lunch and learn to demo the product
  • Monitored specific Server drives to be sure they had more than 10% free memory and if they didn’t I notified the appropriate staff

Confidential,Wilmington DE
PeopleSoft Developer 8.8/8.9 AM/EPRO/PC/AP/GL/PO/EX including implementation of 8.9 modules
FSCM 8.9 Tools 8.47
September 2006 – May 2008

  • Held key Development role during Go-Live of 8.9 UPGRADE AM/EPRO/PC/AP/GL/PO in April 07 and 8.9 EX Implementation in July 07 (including EX messaging through IB to communicate with HRMS PeopleSoft)
  • Supported Applications after first week of implementation for 8.9 AM/EPRO/PC/AP/GL/PO/EX to ensure new Production environment was stable
  • Developed custom AP Crystal Check report to handle 3 types of checks dynamically for Regular and Single Payment Vouchers using the Suppress command with incoming query data to recognize the difference between each voucher
  • Configured Peoplesoft Travel & Expenses 8.9 to use the MyWallet functionality taking in a Universal credit card file from MasterCard giving Expense employees the option to select transactions for their Expense Report from a drop down list rather than typing the expense in manually
  • Developed a custom Application Engine program that pulls Credit Card establishment information from the Centre Suite Corporate Card site via a flat file and uses SQL within the Application Engine to take the corporate card information and insert it into the Peoplesoft Credit Card table so that employees Corporate Card data was up to date completely Automated
  • Created custom SQR Report to pull General Ledger accounts relating to Project Costing and show amounts of each account by module to see if both modules tie out by their related accounts otherwise there would be a reconciliation issue and have to be researched and fixed
  • Wrote an Application Engine using File Layout with Component Interface PeopleCode to pull a flat file from a directory and created Single Payment Vouchers called from Tidal to run completed Automated
  • Built custom Peoplesoft Audit Records and modified delivered General Ledger records for keeping track of changes to Combination Editing Rules and then built Peoplesoft Queries so that users can run to see which users changes which Combination Editing Rule at which specified date and time
  • Added File Attachment Functionality and any other Business required customizations to Voucher Entry and approval page
  • Developed from Scratch Peoplesoft Accounts Payable Voucher Workflow with custom Activity, and Approval Rule Set and held 2 hour class to teach functional users how to use the Voucher Workflow to approve and deny vouchers
  • Created fix for Eprocurement Change Requisition Integrated Workflow (AWE) paths and steps for 8.8 prod to mimic Line Driven workflow like the regular Requisition Workflow
  • Configured Integration Broker for 8.9 Travel & Expenses so that expense reports can be submitted by setting up message nodes/channels allowing internal Application Messaging to happen
  • Designed from scratch EX 8.9 AWE Workflow that used a custom transaction view to see if there was no level approvers for the current level if there wasn’t then kick off the next level at the Approval Process PATH
  • Created custom SQR Report to pull General Ledger accounts relating to Asset Management and show amounts of each account by module to see if both modules tie out by their related accounts otherwise there would be a reconciliation issue and have to be researched and fixed related to Depreciation Accounting Entries going into the Ledger
  • Configured Integration Broker for 8.9 Expenses to talk to 8.8 HR so that when an employee’s information changes in HR a incremental message from HR updates the EX tables
  • Created technical specification documents describing customizations/enhancements by using RICE standards
  • Wrote SQL to query and modify data working with Oracle 10g database tables

Confidential,Rochester, NY
AM/PC PeopleSoft App Lead 8.4 with Implementation of Germany and Nordic countries on
Peoplesoft 8.4 Tools 8.44
May 2005 – September 2006

  • Handled production Support like adjusting depreciation entries to right accounts, and inserting missed DIST_LN entries for Asset monthly transactions to post to the ledger
  • Retrofitted Bundles for 8.4 Asset Management, Expenses, and General Ledger
  • Wrote an SQR that takes a flat file of Asset Conversion data from a Legacy System and inserts this data into the PS_INTFC_FIN and PS_INTFC_PHY_A delivered Asset Staging tables to Convert Assets for both Germany and Nordic country implementations
  • Developed PeopleSoft technical fixes/components like fixes to 8.4 Expenses Workflow, AMPDCALC SQR Report modification, and logging Cases on Customer Connection for delivered bugs
  • Attended and awarded completion of Application Engine, and PeopleTools I & II PeopleSoft onsite courses
  • Created custom Crystal Report to show each Business Unit Product Inventory
  • Debugged and corrected EX 8.4 Expense Report issues of Peoplecode Workflow to fix misrouting of the CEO’s Expense Report
  • Created technical specification documents describing customizations/enhancements by using RICE standards
  • Wrote SQL to query and modify data working with Oracle 9i database tables

Confidential,Rochester, NY
Peoplesoft Automated test script writer
September 2004 – May 2005

  • Developed test scripts in WinRunner using TSL to load configurations into B&L subsidiary PeopleSoft sites that would go-live
  • Tested to make sure integral parts of the PeopleSoft invoicing process where working.
  • Helped create documentation that would walk a CSR through every part of the Bausch & Lomb order and customer service process
  • Confirmed proper development standards of Bausch & Lomb by signing onto Application Designer and confirming PeopleSoft Development objects

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Associate of Science in Computer Science


Oracle Certified PeopleTools I/II Accelerated Release 8.44 Ed1 class
Oracle Certified Application Engine Release 8.44 Ed1 class

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