Peoplesoft Hcm Resume Profile
Professional Summary
- 10 years of progressive IT experience including technical management, project scheduling, planning, Quality Assurance and execution, system architecture and software development and maintenance.
- 8 years of PeopleSoft experience in PeopleSoft FSCM Financial and supply chain management and HCM with expertise in Analysis, design, development, testing and implementation.
- Experience in Support and maintenance of PeopleSoft Financials application and servers running on MS SQL Server and Oracle.
- Experience in complete life cycles of PeopleSoft Implementation and maintenance FSCM and HCM as a senior developer, team lead.
- Experience in PeopleSoft Internet architecture design for implementation and also fine tuning.
- Designed Integration of PeopleSoft financials with Ariba Procure to Pay and Ariba Supplier Network tools.
- Experience in Integration of PeopleSoft financials with CRM system.
- Experience in customization, creation of inbound and outbound interface and development of Financial and Human Resource system in PeopleSoft.
- Experience in Data Conversion activities in the area of vendor master, Purchase Order Conversion, vouchers, outstanding payments and Bank reconciliation and Customer master using PeopleSoft utilities like Import Manager, Component Interface and Application Engine.
- Experience of MS SQL server database management.
- Knowledge of PeopleSoft Internet Architecture, Application Server and Batch Server
- Experience in PeopleSoft interface development and maintenance.
- Experience in PeopleSoft security management.
- Experience in managing cross-functional projects and/or multi-team project
- Functional knowledge of Ariba Procure to Pay and Travel Expense products.
Technical Expertise:
- ERP: PeopleSoft Financials v8.x and v9.1, Contract, Booking, Revenue, Accounts Payable AP , eProcurement, Accounts Receivables AR , Billing, General Ledger GL , Asset Management AM , Expenses, Inventory and Purchasing, Enterprise Portal, Supply Chain Management SCM PeopleSoft HCM 9.1, Recruiting, Payroll, Benefits.
- Tools: Application Designer, Data Mover, Process Scheduler, Integration broker, Workflow, AWE, Web services, Process Monitor, PSQuery, Ariba Procure to Pay, Ariba Travel Expense, Ariba Supplier network, ReconNet, ADP Enterprise HR. OMNI suite, SharePoint,, XML , Visio
- Testing Tools: HP Quality Center 9.2
- Reporting Tools: SQR, PS Query, Crystal Reports, PS/n Vision, Business Objects, ADP Reporting.
- Web / App. Ser: Weblogic, Tuxedo 6.5
- RDBMS: Oracle, MS SQL Server 2008
- FTP: Hummingbird FTP 8.0
- Languages: Java, C , PeopleCode, Perl
- OS: Win NT, XP
- Version Control: Quest STAT Tool 5.2.2.
- Scheduling Tool: Autosys
Sr. PeopleSoft HCM FSCM Developer
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Involved in analysis, design, evaluation, modification, testing and conversion of PeopleSoft HCM v9.1 modules.
- Responsible for production support of existing PeopleSoft Financials and HCM 8.9 applications.
- Worked on conversion of ePerformance v8.9 to HCM v9.1
- Worked on conversion of eCompensation v8.9 to HCM v9.1
- Created High-level business process flow for ePerformance and eCompensation business requirement documents.
- Worked on Approval Workflow Engine AWE in v9.1 to replace existing workflow v8.9 for ePerformance and eCompensation modules.
- Worked with business analyst to setup AWE for MSS module in HCM v 9.1
- Worked on HCM Payroll conversion from v8.9 to v9.1.
- Developed Integration of PeopleSoft HCM Benefits modules to Highmark HIPPA.
- Developed Integration in PeopleSoft Financials for Port Authority work order.
- Worked closely with Functional and end users during Port Authority Fiscal year finance 2012 closing period.
- Worked closely with end users for Purchase Order rollover process.
- Created multiple adhoc PS queries for Port Authority users in modules like Inventory, Purchase order, AP.
- Customized HCM Recruiting module as per Port Authority business requirement.
- Customized Inventory Replenishment SQR report as per business requirement.
Environment: PeopleSoft FSCM 9.1, AR, AP, eProcurement, Inventory, Purchasing, GL, BI, AM, HCM 9.1 ePerformance, eCompensation, MSS, ESS, Recruiting, Benefits, Payroll, PeopleTools 8.56, SQL server 8 R2, Changepoint, SQL server DTS packages, VMware, Visio
PeopleSoft Financial HRMS Application Developer
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Involved in analysis, design, evaluation, modification, testing and implementation of ERP systems PeopleSoft Financials, HRMS across functional areas.
- Integrated Ariba 'Procure to Pay' tool with PeopleSoft Financials for Ariba customer, transaction and remittance transactions by using Ariba DataTransferTool and SQR.
- Integrated PeopleSoft HRMS and Ariba tool by using App Engine for employee and expense transactions.
- Integrated PeopleSoft Financials with Siebel CRM by using SQL stored procure and SQR.
- Customized PeopleSoft Financial Contract and booking modules completely according to Ariba business requirement.
- Implemented fully customized Supplier network Integration module in PeopleSoft Financial for transaction of Ariba customer, invoice, payment, Credit/write-off from Ariba Supplier Network system to PeopleSoft financials for Revenue purpose.
- Closely worked with Business analyst and Business users during month-end, year-end closing periods.
- Customized Revenue module in PeopleSoft Financial as per Ariba business requirements. This revenue SQR program calculates Ariba projected revenue as per Ariba-customer relationship, Anniversary date and other Ariba business rules.
- Created SQL view and stored procedures in MS SQL server for integrating Siebel CRM to PeopleSoft Financial and HRMS.
- Implemented PS Department sync between PeopleSoft Financial and HRMS.
- Created customer aging report for Order management purpose.
- Customized AR lockbox process for Ariba as per Business requirements.
- Troubleshoot AR upload app engine process.
- Integrated Order Management and Contract modules as per Ariba business requirement.
- Integrated with PeopleSoft Financial for Contract/booking reports.
- Creates multiple PS queries for Business object reports such as Booking, Revenue reporting
- Worked on Integration of Quadrem and B-process companies with Ariba PeopleSoft Financial and HRMS system.
- Experienced in virtual team environments across projects and teams as needed
- Coordinated system/server upgrade activity
- Experienced in Security administration for PeopleSoft Financials and HRMS
- Extensively involved in Plan and direct projects and prepared design proposals to reflect cost, time and alternative actions to satisfy existing and future needs of Ariba.
- Involved in Installation and configuration of PeopleSoft Tools and Application databases.
- Worked on Taxware tool upgrade and integrated to financials for tax calculation purpose.
- Upgraded Ariba DataTransfer Tool version 10s2 to 11s2.
Environment: PeopleSoft Financials 9.1 AR, AP, eProcurement, Contract, BI, AM, GL, HRMS 9.1, MS SQL server 8, XML, Taxwaretool, Ariba Procure to Pay tool, Changepoint, SQL server DTS packages, VMware, Visio
PeopleSoft Financial Application Developer
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Extensively worked on the Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Accounts Receivables, Purchasing and eProcurement.
- Customized delivered application engine programs such as AR REFUND and AR STMTS.
- Wrote sending and receiving peoplecode for messages.
- Developed Data Mover scripts to import and export between different databases.
- Created new file layouts to be used in Application Engine processes for the conversion of data and also to import data from the CRM to FSCM as per required.
- Created custom SQRs in the AR and GL modules.
- Customized Application Engine Program from AM -to -PC Interface.
- Wrote custom SQR that reads flat files and create data output for feeding the AR25001.sqr process for Accounts Receivables Lockbox interface.
- Customized AR Aging report AR30003.SQR as per the business requirements.
- Customized delivered Crystal reports such as AR32001 to include client specific data in to the report.
- Customized the BI to AR load SQR process as per Business requirements.
- Migrated projects between development and testing environments by creating projects in the Application Designer.
- Customized the delivered SQRs in the PO module.
- Converted Customer and Opportunity data using SQRs and Application Engine.
- Extensively used Process Scheduler to create Jobs, Process definitions and Recurrences to run application engine processes and sqr reports every night.
- Tallying the GL account balances and AR Customer aging balances for Auditors and Created adhoc query for Auditors to check the Write-offs.
- Worked on Tree Manager and PS Query for analyzing and reporting of the applications.
- Wrote Interfaces using Application Engine to bring data from the legacy system to the PeopleSoft Accounts Receivables and Billing modules.
- Data Conversion of Assets and Proj Resource data using SQRs.
- Customized SQRs, Crystal reports in the Project Costing modules.
- Responsible for analysis of legacy functionality, mapping with PeopleSoft and development of interface programs to transfer data from legacy sculpture system to PeopleSoft.
- Wrote technical specifications for the development and customizations done.
- Development of customized Crystal reports in Purchasing and AP.
- Handled Issues related to express checks and system checks in AP.
- Created work lists from time to time in the Purchasing process to acknowledge users periodically of the list of items awaiting their attention.
- Client used to have five different formats of invoices for each Business unit, since they have lot of business units we have consolidated and changed all the invoices from crystal to SQR.
- Modified the delivered PeopleSoft reports such as Interunit Reconciliation Report, Travel and Entertainment Report, Invoice Register, Voucher Register, Purchase Order, Project Estimate, Sales and Earning Reports, Labor Reports, Cost Transaction Report etc.
- Wrote a SQR Program that will read entries on the ledger and summarize the entries by rollup account/dept-id. These totals are written to flat file, which is transferred to the mainframe then loaded to the database.
- Review of test plans, approach and results with users in order to obtain user sign off of test plans.
- Customized the following with respect to fixed dollar withholding: Fit Gap Analysis for Fixed Dollar Withholding. EDI Manager Interface tables and views - to incorporate a new field WTHD AMT. Online Panel VCHR LINE STD - to incorporate the new field WTHD AMT. PeopleCode for On Line Withholding validations.
- Responsible for design and setup of custom match rules in AP and matching setup for three way, two way and open PO matching.
- Resolved issues in Time and Expense modules like Expense Report creation.
- Fixed issue PO copying two lines of distribution per line item for line item and sales tax and sum of distribution qty not equals scheduled qty.
- Resolved issues for Employee Load Program and Employee Payment Notification in Time and Expense modules.
- Customized the Payment Predictor in AR as per Business requirements.
- Resolved Client's PO Issue i.e. PO copy method was processing PO with a vendor that has vendor status inactive and vendor unavailable for ordering.
- Environment: Peoplesoft FSCM 8.9, AR, BI, AP, GL, Inventory, PeopleTools 8.47.
PeopleSoft Financial Application Developer
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Worked as a PeopleSoft Techno-Functional consultant for upgrading PeopleSoft BI, AR, Treasury, GL, AP and Inventory modules from 8.0 to 8.8 in an Oracle environment.
- Created custom SQR Interface CASTRNLD.SQR to match the External application transactions from MACSS external system , RPS and Customer Refund applications into PeopleSoft Transaction Table BNK RCN TRAN table using the PeopleSoft Bank Statement Process BSP .
- Created Custom SQR Report ZAICRECO.SQR to display the Feeds from both MACSS to GL and MACSS to Treasury. This report displays the difference between the balances from the MACSS to GL feed and the MACSS to Treasury feed.
- Created custom SQR Interface ZTR RCNCTRL for Payroll records payments and garnishments to/from employees that are reconciled using the PeopleSoft Bank Statement Process BSP .
- Customized App Engine Z ARSPY003 to load entire Wausau input file into table PS Z WAUSAU PYMTS, validate the data and reformat into PeopleSoft lockbox format. This formatted file is used by Lockbox process AR25001.sqr.
- Customized SQR Interface ARSPY001.SQR to validate the data from the Input files CRP OTC payments and reformat into PeopleSoft lockbox format
- Customized Lockbox process AR25001.sqr to setting up different UNIX path file because AEP does not use the file path as PeopleSoft delivered.
- The six different lockbox files from various sources which are processed through a custom UNIX script and 4 custom Lockbox Pre-processing programs to convert them into PeopleSoft format are thoroughly tuned. Validations are done for the FTP processes that have been modified to stage the retrieved lockbox files in the correct directories.
- Created App Engine Interface Z RPS DOWNLOAD to selects CBP role from table Z TR BU SETUP, for each Business unit selected from the FIN OPEN PERIOD table and write the data in an output GL BU file.
- Created SQR Process RPBNKRCN.SQR to Format the Wausau Bank file into an acceptable format for PeopleSoft Treasury Recon interface ARMACSLD.SQR.
- Created SQR Process RPGLINT.SQR to convert Remittance accounting entry transactions from Wausau RPS to accounting entries on the Z RPS ACCTG LN table.
- Created SQR Report ARSRP012.SQR to identify the Citibank WIRE receipts from Bank Statements. This report shows list of Wire Payments received from Citibank-New York into PeopleSoft AR System.
- Customized SQR Report ZLNWORCN.SQR for Project costing to identify discrepancies between PeopleSoft and Lotus Notes database which are reconciled by Finance-Accounting and Strategic Planning group on the business side.
- Created App Engine Interface Z AP EMPADDR to read employee address information from the interface table Z HR NOVA VW in PeopleSoft HR and load into Z EMPLOYEE ADDR table in PeopleSoft Financials.
- Created App Engine Z SEC AUDIT for Role level user security. This is tracked by auditing the security changes: access rights, user changes, permission lists. The changes are provided to management for review and approvals.
- Extensively worked in upgrading the run control pages from 8.0 to 9.0, registering custom components in the Ferrell Gas menu, debugging the application using the debugger and also using FTP to look for the trace on the app server etc
- Created technical design documents keeping in view about the structure changes from 8.0 to 8.8
- Involved in unit testing and created various unit test scripts for the upgraded processes.
- Worked extensively on PeopleTools Application Designer, Application Engine, Component Interface, Integration Broker, Process Scheduler and Query .
Environment: PeopleSoft FSCM 8.8, AR, BI, AP, GL, Treasury, PeopleTools 8.47.
PeopleSoft Financial Application Developer
- Involved in the production support of Financials 8. 4 BI, AP, AR, AM, GL and upgrade to 8.8.
- Customized aging reports as per end user specifications.
- Involved in fine tuning of SQL in SQR and Application Engines.
- Designed and customized a SQR process to load flat files into PeopleSoft AM interface tables.
- Developed AR Report's like AR-Payment Verification, Customer Statement, Payment Detail and Payment Reconciliation etc.
- Created Queries using PS/Query tool to use those queries in nVision reporting.
- Involved in customizing BIIVCEN.SQR according to specific client requirements.
- Developed several inquiry pages and modified existing pages for the users to enter data and run reports for the AR and Billing modules.
- Developed people code to customize existing and newly added page field and record field definition properties. Developed people code for events like FieldEdit, FieldDefault, RowInit, RowSelect, SaveEdit, SavePreChange, SavePostChange, SearchInit, and SearchSave.
- Administered, scheduled and maintained the Jobs on Process Scheduler.
- Modified FIN2025.SQR to keep track of Payment files, and created interface to Electronic files transfer the Payment File to Bank using People Code, SQR and UNIX Shell Script.
- Ran compare reports and analyzed them for the collisions, retrofitted the old customizations.
- Customized a component interface to transfer data from one Business Unit to a different Business Unit in Inventory.
- Involved in review of DDDAUDIT, SYSAUDIT and ALTER AUDIT reports against production copy to ensure that database is clean.
- Wrote inbound interface program using Application Engine and People Code to import Items from a third party application to AR system tables.
- Reviewed interfaces that update PeopleSoft to ensure that data integrity will exist in the upgraded system.
- Customized an SQR to load the daily charges into AR tables.
Environment: People Soft Financials FSCM 7.5/8.8, GL, AP, PO, AM, AR, BI, eProcurement.