Sr. Peoplesoft Analyst/developer Resume
Las, VegaS
- PeopleSoft application design and development in HCM, Payroll, Benefits Admin/eBenefits, ePerformance, Time & Labor, eCompensation, Profile Management, Employee and Manager Self Service for over 15 years.
- Analyze, convert and develop business requirements to PS applications, Strong API working experiences and good knowledge of integration between PS and third - party systems.
- PeopleSoft conversion and upgrade experiences with several full life cycle implementations. Perform gap analysis, data mapping, compare reports, coding, unit test, and tech documentation.
- Multiple skill sets and experiences to support PeopleSoft production for all PS HCM modules.
Others Tools: PeopleSoft HCM 9.2/PeopleTools 8.55 - App Designer, PeopleCode, App Engine, Workflow/AWE, Component Interfaces, Integration Broker, File Layout, Data Mover/DMS, BI Publisher Report, SQR and Fluid Pages.
Databases: - Oracle 12, MS SQL Server 2012, SQL, PL/SQL, Toad, SQL Developer, Stat, Data Modeling.
Other Programming: - Working knowledge on Java, JavaScript, JSON, CodeFusion, Python, HTML, CSS, XML, SOAP, HTTP/IP, WSDL, Web Service, DOS/Scripts, Unix/Scripts and Linux.
Sr. PeopleSoft Analyst/Developer
Confidential (Las Vegas)
- Project lead for implementing 2018 and 2019 ePerformance in HCM 9.2 and PeopleTools 8.55 - Completed Configuration and setup for ePerformance temperate, calendar, Rating Model, Roles, Content type/item, AWE etc. Custom changes for document display, emails, instructions, and validation logic by modifying Page, Text CatLog and PeopleCode/Application Pkg. Assist HR users for testing. All Technical documentations.
- Convert employee previous annual review data from PDF file to the XML data file. Developed Application Engine program with the File Layout to load the XML data to ePerformance tables.
- Custom changes of Job Categories for PeopleSoft Job Recruiting. Allow only managers and recruiters to create and change Job Categories. Display of Job Categories is changed to associate with Job Opening ID.
- Modified configuration for ePerformance approval process. Configured AWE for second level manager roles and Senior Director role approval if rating is highest or lowest.
- Developed several new custom reports for PS Workforce Monitoring to meet Federal Government policies and rules. The reports include EEO Job Analysis, Affordable Care Act annual processing and report, etc.
- Modified healthcare and benefit SQR interface programs which send the interface files to third party vendors such as United Healthcare and MetLife.
- Custom change for Person Profile Management. Change configurations for and Competencies. Change workflow AWE approval process setup using custom role queries.
- Technically support of PeopleSoft production: Weekly payroll running, Time Labor, Benefits, Employee and Manager Self Services. Maintain application server and process scheduler. Quick trouble shooting and fixing.
Sr. PeopleSoft Technical Consultant
- Ben Admin/eBenefits projects - 2017 Open Enrollment customization. Developed for life event rule change, document upload and approval, BI Publisher data source query and form, and other custom pages.
- 2017 ePerformance customization - ePerformance temperate configuration and setup. Document custom modifications for displaying fields and verbiages. Modified PeopleCode/App Packages for submit validations. Created a new 2017 PDP Report and reporting process by using PeopleSoft XML/BI publisher.
- Maintain PeopleSoft Succession plan. Custom changes for keep integration with Profile Manager. Setup workflow approval for employee new job profile entry.
- Modified Application Engine program for Taleo inbound file processing as per changes of department and location mapping. Use mapping table to accommodate future changes. Modified the Component Interface.
- Technically support production of 2017 Open Enrollment when going live. Able to do quick trouble shooting and fixing. Resolved several issues for multinational ePerformance document and process.
Sr. Application Developer
- Joined team efforts to upgrade PeopleTools from 8.4 to 8.54, and PS HCM to 9.1. Perform the Gap analysis, compare reports, unit testing/validations and technical documentations on development side.
- Designed and developed PS application pages, backend processes and API for Confidential &T customized Retail Store Employee PTO Bidding application. Used PeopleTools, PeopleCode, App Engine, PLSQL procedures and Integration Broker for interface with PeopleSoft Time Labor.
- Developed an Employee Shift Swap Request/Approval application by using PeopleSoft Workflow/AWE technology. Updated customized PeopleSoft workflow applications using AWE for PeopleSoft upgrade.
- Created Payroll Interface programs for sending employee payroll data to outside vendor and for receiving import data from the vendor. Daily maintenance of payroll data and processes.
- Developed several time management dashboard and executive reports for the business operations by using PS App Engine with ETL concept: Extract data from Kronos, Transform and Load to PS database tables.
- Developed two main interface processes using PeopleTools and SQR - Employee Daily Change: Load employee daily status and changes from HRMS to Kronos MyTime. Employee Daily Totals: Send employee time punch and working time update back to HRMS/Payroll system.
- Technically support daily production of PSHR, Payroll and Interface, Benefits and Kronos Time Labor on PeopleTools side. Resolve production issues quickly and effectively.
- Good knowledge for implementing Software Development Life Cycle from analysis requirements, design and development, coding and testing, complete documentation, to application maintenance.
Sr. Analyst/Developer
- Designed and developed Confidential User ID system by using PeopleTools Pages, PeopleCode and SQR process. The CUID system created new unique companywide user ID with integration of other applications.
- As a key developer worked on several full life cycle implementations to upgrade PeopleSoft HRMS and Payroll system to the newer version 8.9. Perform the gap analysis, compare reports and unit testing.
- As a lead developer designed and developed a new Job and Salary Change application in PS Manager Self Service. This application integrated Job changes and salary changes into one application.
- High Knowledge of PS Benefits Admin, Benefits Program and Plan, and benefits backend process. implemented the employee Benefits Admin Open Enrolment on developer side for several years.
- PeopleSoft Production Support and On Call for HR/Payroll - trouble shooting, debugging, code tracing, fixing, retesting and migration quickly and accurately.
- Implementation of Learning Management System for Confidential . Customized several pieces of works by using HTML, JavaScript and JAVA. Loaded initial employee data from PS into LMS system.
PeopleSoft Technical Consultant
- Joined in PeopleSoft HRMS and Payroll implementation for a large Medical Center. Perform the gap analysis and data mapping, and converted employee HR/Payroll data from a legacy system to the PeopleSoft environment. Designed and developed several MSS/ESS pages.
Manufacturing Support Engineer
- Supported manufacture resource planning system for daily operations, trouble shooting and SQL programming. Customized and enhanced an inventory control application.
Manufacturing Engineer/Programmer
- Supported manufacturing material planning system and daily operation activates. Performed CNC machining programming, and operation research for process improvement.