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Peoplesoft Ananlyst Resume

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Charleston S, C


  • I have specialized in PeopleSoft systems for almost 17 years, participating in conversions of legacy mainframe HCM (HR / Payroll / Benefits/e - recruitment) to client-server and web-based platforms and subsequent release upgrades.
  • Previous experience includes heavy experience in mainframe manufacturing and financial systems and 4 years of health care experience with Confidential / Confidential of Alabama.


Databases: Oracle11g, DB2, and SQLBase.

Platforms: UNIX, MVS, Windows NT, Windows XP


Confidential - Charleston, S.C


  • Maintenance and enhancements to SQR and App Engine programs that create outbound files used for civil service retirement reporting purposes.
  • Set up Control-M recurrent process to run payroll prelim calc every 15 min. for selected days of the month.
  • Lead role in HCM upgrade from 9.1 to 9.2 release and Oracle 11.1. Also upgrading Peopletools release.
  • Tested all custom SQRs and App Engine programs under 9.2 releases. Ran multiple NA payrolls under 9.2 releases.

Confidential - McLean, VA


  • Developed a Self-Service page for employees to cash out PTO (Paid Time Off) earnings. The page displays prior PTO cash-out for the year and current accumulated PTO. The employee can request cash-out for the next 3 pay periods. Company business rules regarding allowable hours and business groups are enforced. Creates ‘Rapid Entry Paysheet’ records so that payroll manager can view EE Self-Service activity. Set up Approval Workflow Engine AWE for two level approvals.
  • Participated in 8.0 to 8.9 PeopleSoft HRMS / HCM upgrade. Was responsible for the migration of all custom SQR reports and interfaces to the 8.9 release. This involved tracking user approvals thru development, QA, and production instances for the upgraded SQRs via an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Designed and coded an on-line hierarchal reporting mechanism that allows the user to navigate thru 6 corporate levels as defined by the PeopleSoft reporting tree. This is used to build run-time parameters to drive SQR reports and processes. Modified many delivered and custom SQRs to use row-level security and the new hierarchal reporting mechanism. Lots of dynamic SQL.
  • Wrote or modified SQR file interfaces for direct deposit, savings plans, COBRA, and health benefits enrollment for transmittal to Fidelity and Aetna. Also maintained G/L extract for JAMIS job cost system.
  • Wrote SQRs to extract PeopleSoft data for downloading to SQL Server Data Warehouse for reconciliation purposes. This runs as a automatic ‘recurrence’ process or with operator input (dynamic SQL).
  • Have modified / enhanced various Application Engine programs.
  • Assisted DBA with tax updates and helped payroll manager with W-2 and year-end processing.

Confidential - St. Louis, Mo


  • Designed and coded an SQR that uses run control parameters to report the HCM audit records by emplid, deptid, accounting business units, date ranges, audit tables, columns, and activity type. The reporting shows ‘before’ and ‘after’ of all modified fields. Also designed the on-line run control panel and wrote PeopleCode edits. (St. Louis location).
  • Participated in a project to stress test the payroll system by replicating payroll data and running multiple payrolls to measure the effect of moving from 50,000 to about 200,000 employees. Ran payrolls, wrote SQL balancing scripts. Used Autosys process scheduler, Metaframe from Seattle location.

Confidential - Atlanta, Ga


  • Designed and coded a paysheet update program that builds paysheets from employee time files. This SQR also builds the tables used by the on-line balancing panels. Federated/ Confidential uses this pgm for all divisions. (over 100,000 employees)
  • SQR program that reads a spreadsheet with data from multiple divisions, and edits the data across nine
  • Different databases using dynamic database links. Also wrote the program that loads the spreadsheet data to the databases.
  • A database replication program which builds multiple sets of employee data which are used by the department for users on the PeopleSoft system. Also wrote related programs that eliminate much manual effort, such as transferring students from waiting lists to course sessions.
  • A payroll to general ledger interface program that produces detail records and reporting of payroll earnings. This program also produces a temporary table that drives other summary interface programs, including gross-to-net, employee taxes, and employer taxes.
  • Developed standards for customization within the PeopleSoft on-line system. The goal here is to be able to identify new and modified peoplecode, panels, and tables, so that problems at upgrade and new release time are minimized.
  • Major enhancements to Confidential ’s custom on-line payroll front-end system. Also wrote the batch load, edit, paysheet update, and payroll balancing programs that support this system. Heavy payroll support.

Confidential - Lyndhurst, N.J


  • Changes to Administration and Personnel Administration, including new business partner needs and foreign country global requirements. (short assignment, have letter of )



  • Participated in the design and implementation of an on-line system which accepts run-time variables, submits, schedules and monitors batch jobs. (PeopleSoft purchased this system from Confidential, and it was the basis for PeopleSoft’s first version of ‘Process Scheduler’ )
  • Worked with the teams converting Dana’s 121 business entities from legacy to PeopleSoft HCM.



  • Wrote many Cobol and Easytrieve programs for a variety of reporting purposes, including a Cobol batch pgm that processes the PeopleSoft job records and calculates / updates the HR service-date according to business rules.
  • Various modifications to PeopleSoft HR / Benefits panels.
  • Designed and wrote skeleton / sample COBOL and CICS programs to assist client programmers

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