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Senior Manager Resume Profile

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Work Summary


Senior Manager

  • Project manager responsible for delivering Enterprise Reference Architecture for Application Platform, Big Data, Data Provisioning, Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, and Reporting and Analytics.
  • Technical advisory servicesforSurface Visibility application development platformsthat track and provide real-time decision support for inbound/ outbound dispatch operations for mail transported across a network of 300 processing plants and 24K delivery units.
  • Test director of Point-to-Point Encryption initiative responsible for processing more than 363 million credit and debit card transactions annually using 45K point-of-sale terminals requiring firmware upgrades nationwide.
  • Application performance management on a 17M Product Tracking and Reporting program involving over 200 developers and key stakeholders.
  • Internal Revenue Service.
  • Senior leader responsible for conducting an enterprise-wide testing assessment, strategy, and decision support for the IRS Customer Account Data Engine CADE 2 program responsible for collection of 1.3T 2011 from individual tax payers.


Chief Technologist

  • Health and Human Services Sector.
  • Executive leader of over 300 practitioners nationwide to architect, solution, and support Enterprise Architecture, Service Oriented Architecture, COTS application development framework, and mobile computing efforts to enhance and improve health and human service offerings for new and existing engagements of almost a 1B line of business.
  • Business development leader ofmulti-million dollar opportunities with responsibilities in capture management, conducting independent cost evaluations, and leading executive briefings.
  • Lead presenter at national conferences, including the 7th Annual National Child Welfare IT Managers' Conference May, 2008 , TANF Tech Connections July, 2008 , and Innovations in Social Marketing Aug, 2008


Management Consultant

  • Liaison for the Philadelphia Department of Records Commissioner, Philadelphia Board of Ethics, and Media/Press reporting.
  • Technical Leader responsible for architecture, design, and development of a Microsoft .NET Campaign Finance Tracking and Submission System affecting all Philadelphia campaign filers.
  • Business development leader for Wilmington Trust, ING Direct, Barclays, Jefferson Hospital, Mercy Health System, AstraZeneca International, and IMS Health.


Senior Manager

  • Pennsylvania Dept. of Public Welfare. Managed a team for 6 months of over 75 developers to build a 15.7M Home and Community Services Information System with more than 10,000 users, impacting the lives of over 55,000 Pennsylvania citizens.
  • Delaware Dept. of Health and Human Services.Managed a team for 6 years of over 60 developers to build a 34.4M Delaware Client Information System with more than 1,000 users, impacting the lives of over 200,000 Delaware recipients receiving program services and benefits Welfare, Food Stamps, Child Care, and Medicaid .
  • Washington D.C. Dept. of Motor Vehicles.Managed a team for over a year consisting of more than 70 developers to build a 17M Vehicle Licensing and Registration System used by over 300 District workers, converting over 30M license and vehicle registration records, and affecting over 1.2 million licensed drivers in the District of Columbia.
  • Washington D.C. Child and Family Services Agency.Managed a team for over 2 years consisting of more than 40 developers to build a 30M Child Welfare Information System supporting more than 400 District workers, and providing connectivity to approximately 20 external agencies.
  • South Carolina Dept. of Child Support Enforcement.Part of a team for almost 2 years of over 65 developers to build a 30M Child Support Enforcement System with more than 1,000 users, collections over 200M annually, and impacting the lives of over 200,000 cases statewide.


Development Languages: Microsoft .NET, C , Visual Basic, Java, Objective C Licensed iPhone developer , Xcode,C, C , COBOL, PowerBuilder

Databases:Oracle,SQL Server, DB2, Microsoft Access, ODBC and middleware, Entity Relationship Diagram modeling

Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows, Mainframe CICS/TSO/ISPF, UNIX, Linux, iOS

Software: Microsoft Office, SharePoint, Tableau, HP Quality Center/ALM, HP/Mercury Interactive LoadRunner, WinRunner, Rational SQA Team Test, Mi-Corporation Digital Pen developer framework

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