Senior Programmer/analyst Resume
Birmingham, AlabamA
- Over 20 years as programmer/analyst, and business analyst.
- Coding and development skills in Cobol, DB2, IMS(DB and DC), CICS, IDMS,PL/I, VSAM and JCL.
- Environments have been both ISPF/TSO and AS/400 centric.
- Along with this work, has used Changeman, Endeavor, AbendAid, Telon, MQseries, Xpeditor, Intertest, Panvalet, Intertest, File - Aid and other tools.
- Applications have been state agencies, insurance, manufacturing, banking and retail.
- Excellent communicator (taught college information technical and business courses for two years); earned
- MBA (accounting and finance) at night and worked in part-time sales during the day while in college.
- Proud father, healthy lifestyle, church deacon and community contributor.
Confidential - Madison, Wisconsin
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Environment: IBM MVS, ISPF, TSO, JCL, COBOLII, DB2, CICS, VSAM, MQseries, Endeavor
- Short contract assignment. to help merge current claims processing system.
Confidential - Nashville, Tennessee
Senior Programmer and Business Analyst
Environment: IBM MVS, ISPF, TSO, JCL, COBOLII, DB2, CICS, VSAM, MQseries, Endeavor
- Just finished developing programs for a warehouse project to be used for HIPPA and internal reporting of operations.
- Accomplished several efficiency improvements of space and processing time.
- Modified selection/update screens to handle MQ streams..
- Involved in writing training materials and documentation.
Confidential - Birmingham, Alabama
Senior Programmer and Business Analyst
Environment: IBM MVS, ISPF, TSO, JCL, COBOLII, DB2, CICS, Panvalet, JAVA, VSAM
- Developed Cash(EFT) processing modules tobe later converted to Java specifications.
- Involved in meetings with the SME’s
- Wrote and reviewed technical specification documents as per the requirements
- Set up of test environment.
Confidential - Atlanta, Tennessee
Senior Programmer and Business AnalystEnvironment: IBM MVS, ISPF, TSO, JCL, COBOLII, DB2, CICS, Changeman
- Modified selection/update CICS screens to include new federal regulation information.
- Involved in writing training materials and documentation.
Confidential - Carolina
Senior Programmer and Business Analyst
Environment: IBM MVS, ISPF, TSO, JCL, COBOLII, IDMS, VSAM, Xpeditor
- Team leader in conversion of payable modules to new HIPAA federal guidelines.
- Involved in design, coding and testing Third Party Liability and Subrogation online systems.
- Interfaced with the current medical claims system.
Senior Programmer/ Analyst
Environment: IBM MVS, ISPF, TSO, COBOLII, CICS, DB2, VSAM, IMS(DB and DC), Word, Excel, VISIO, MQseries, Panvalet
- Served on Benefits Redesign Project.
- Coded and re-structured huge existing programs (i.e. full of “GO TO’s”)
- Coded new subprograms.
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Environment: IBM MVS, ISPF, TSO, COBOLII, CICS, DB2, SPUFI, QMF, CA-7, VSAM, Word, Excel VISIO, Endeavor
- Served on 5010 Implementation team. EDI transactions included 837(P, I, D), 820, 835, 270, 276, 277)
- Served as Business Analyst
- Created a Gap Analysis which mapped changes to HIPAA 5010 specifications.
- Developed testing plans.
- Performed cost studies.
- Worked with third parties to handle claims files.
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Environment: IBM MVS., ISPF, TSO, TELON, COBOLII, CICS, DB2, IMS, Spufi, QMF, CA-7,VSAM, Telon, Word, Excel VISIO, Changeman
- Served on PRE-5010 implementation team.
- Reviewed EDI transactions, performed cost studies and Gap Analysis.
- Prepared and processed test transaction.
- Reviewed programs that processed 820, 824, 834, 835, 837 (P, I, D, 270 and 276/277 ) transactions.
Senior Programmer/Analyst
- Created specifications and programs for a fee schedule modeling system.
- Primary call Team lead in a replacement project.
- Used for 24/7 on call problems
Consultant/Programmer Analyst and Systems Analyst
Environment: Cobol, DB2, IMS DB-DC, CICS, Easytrieve, FileAid
- Lead analyst in the design, coding, testing of Confidential ’s Pharmacy Medicare projects.
- Tested and estimated the change requests/enhancements received from clients.
- Coordinated with team and give technical guidance.
Environment: Microfocus Cobol, DB2, IMS DB-DC, CICS, APS, InfoPac, telon, Easytrieve, FileAid, Assembler
- Programmed commercial and consumer loan programs.
- In charge of in-house install and maintenance of SunGard brokerage system programs
- Supported the customer taxation application (Omnicare tax package).
- Programmed in conversion process of bank mergers and acquisitions. .
Lead Programmer/Analyst
Environment: Cobol, DB2, IMS DB-DC, CICS, APS, Easytrieve, FileAid, Assembler
- Served on a 4 member inventory, production control) team at Ingersoll-Rand and Glaxo pharmaceutical.
- Served as a combination auditor/financial analyst for 4 years for Farm Credit Banks.
- Developed computer models that predicted financial futures of bank branches in 4 states.
- Liaison between branch management and centralized IT.
- Designed and programmed commercial loan system reports..
- Taught university level management, finance and systems courses full time for two years
- During college was an inventory accountant for local government health departments.
- Sold furniture, books, and lighting supplies for two years.