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Quality Assurance Analyst Resume Profile

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Confidential has over 36 years of government contracting experience. Key skills and knowledge include system testing, web application testing, test design, implementation and execution, Independent Verification and Validation IV V , software and data conversion, quality assurance, process improvement, training developer, technical writing to accepted standards, document review and production, system design, programming, systems analysis, software design and development, SEI CMMI, SEI CMMI v1.1, Scrum/Agile, Configuration Management CM , Test Evaluation T E , project management, and team leadership. Most recently she has been involved with Agile Methodology, Salesforce, Business Analyst activities, and Selenium Test Scripts.


Quality Assurance Analys

  • Member of the Quality Assurance QA Team supporting the GSA, Public Buildings Services PBS contract, where main focus is on software/web application testing, documentation reviews, updates, production and writing. Once a month complies, edits, produces and delivers five Monthly Status Reports MSR and two Quarterly Status Reports QSR for the the task orders. Responsible for the configuration management and document control of this project's deliverables in CollabNet and SharePoint, and authored and provide years updates for our organization's processes and procedures.
  • Supported the Federal Emergency Management Agency Confidential contract performing Business Analyst activities such as meeting with the customer to clarify requirements, wrote Functional Requirements Document, and setting up QA activities for the project to include a Risk Register.
  • Provides QA and web application testing support to the Galaxy Replacement application complete replacement of a regional based system using 10 Access databases to a Nation-wide web application with an integrated Oracle database. Salesforce and Cast Iron are the tools. Scrum/Agile is the methodology. . Also wrote Test Plan, Test Summary Report and edited and delivered all other documents.
  • Wrote suite of 50 Selenium scripts for the Asset Business Plans ABP web application as proof of concept for conversion to automated testing.
  • Provide QA and web application testing support to the RediForce application for conversion to Salesforce application usiWng Scrum/Agile methodology.
  • Provides web application testing support to the CDR financial application. VersionOne is the tool. Scrum/Agile is the methodology. . Also updated test scripts.
  • Supported the US Patent and Trademark Office contract. Wrote the Quality Assurance Survellience Plan QASP , converted the contacts list to an Excel spreadsheet for the SharePoint site, compiled and provided Configuration Management for the Monthly and Weekly Status Reports, and provided general QA support.
  • Provided QA support to several other contracts including two eGov Initiatives FirstGov under GSA's Office of the Chief Information Officer OCIO , Financial Management System under GSA's Office of Chief Financial Officer OCFO , and Business Gateway under Small Business Administration's SBA OCIO .
  • Chair of our organization's Process Group charter member of the Process Implementation User Group PIUG involved in the planning and execution of activities to systematize our organization's process asset library, and focused on improving our processes and procedures. Designated lead analyst for the CMMI Maturity Maturity Level 3 initiative for our organization.


Senior Systems Analyst

  • As a Training Developer for the Environmental Protection Agency's EPA Program Office Interface POI project, developed the training curriculum and materials, and provided training sessions for users of the POI Lotus Notes database as a self-paced tutorial embedded in the database. Wrote requirements, performed testing on the database, participated in requirements and design peer reviews. Authored the System Maintenance Guide Manual which was embedded in Lotus Notes database.
  • As a Systems Analyst for Department of Labor DOL contract, reverse engineered the customer's existing Web-based Grant tracking application, developed the as-is business model, participated in development of as-is activities model, wrote requirements, and participated in requirements peer reviews.
  • As a Product Assurance PA Lead supporting the EPA contract, implemented PA support activities including QA, Test and Evaluation T E , Verification and Validation V V , and Configuration Management CM . Provided management/lead support, coordinated PA resource requirements, cost estimating, plan development, process and procedure development/evaluation for 12 EPA Task Orders. Provided leadership and guidance, technical direction, training, and support to PA Analysts and communicated with program and project management regarding contract compliance, product/process quality issues, risk management, and related activities.
  • As a PA Analyst for the EPA contract, developed Web page retrievals Access, ColdFusion, and ODBC which were used during the Software Engineering Institute's SEI Configuration Management Model CMM Level 3 assessment, and developed PA Web pages providing an organizational tool for PA Analysts and the projects. Conducted extra duties in support of the EPA contract in addition to her normal duties. These extra duties included participating as a member of the Web Council where she provided oversight and implementation of the design, development, and maintenance of two Web sites 1 for customer and 1 in-house , participated in and led peer reviews of source code, scripts, and documents and design, development, and testing of Web pages. Member of the Y2K Awareness Work Group, where she researched and disseminated Y2K information and routinely participated in Process Action Teams providing processing improvement direction.
  • As a PA Analyst for EPA's Envirofacts project, performed document reviews, system audits, tracked data migration from the legacy system on the IBM mainframe to an Oracle database on a Dec Alpha, performed system acceptance testing, prepared acceptance test reports, and created test plans and procedures for data and applications for four systems that were being migrated from IBM to the Dec Alpha. Wrote and reviewed project plans and PA plans, participated in and led peer reviews, and provided acceptance testing for Geographical Information Systems GIS spatial data conversions that included databases developed with Oracle's Spatial Data Option SDO , the Environmental Systems Research Institutes ESRI Spatial Data Engine SDE , and for the ArcView Shapefile Repository.


Senior Programmer-Analyst/Team Lead

  • As a Senior Programmer-Analyst/Team Lead in the Finance and Accounting Department provided an enhancement of the Project Table and Project Table Editor COBOL for accounting system and analysis of Accounts Receivable AR . Developed an EASYTRIEVE solution to rid AR of international money translation debris.


Project Leader/Lead Programmer

  • As a Project Leader, managed and assisted four teams of programmers tasked with accomplishing development, maintenance and documentation of a payroll system ORACLE/COBOL , personnel system ORACLE , retirement points system ORACLE/C , and counter drug system Access . Planned work flow for software changes and documentation requirements, prepared and presented status information at monthly meetings with the customer and Delivery Order Manager interfaced with the government representative within the Confidential participated in Process Action Teams, and the Software Engineering Process Group. Using SEI CMM as guideline, developed procedures and processes for our organization.
  • As a Lead Programmer, performed analysis and programming, managed and assisted team of programmers supporting the NGB's payroll system converted batch COBOL programs from Burroughs 1900 to Unisys 5000 corrected ORACLE forms, SQL queries and SQL reports wrote Unix shell scripts wrote and updated system documentation trained new users/team members interfaced with and responded to customer requirements prepared and presented monthly Technical Reviews to the customer. Test director for the test team during the Software Quality Test SQT and the Software Acceptance Test SAT assisted the test team in documenting and correcting anomalies, and provided peer testing for corrections.


Senior Programmer/Analyst Consultant

  • As a member of the team supporting the Confidential payroll system, converted COBOL report programs from the Burroughs 1900 to the Unisys 5000, updated documentation, and created new COBOL utility programs to convert data to new format.


Senior Programmer/Analyst

  • As a member of team supporting the Defense Information Systems Agency Confidential developed databases, compliance tools and supporting documentation for the Conventional Armed Forces in Confidential Treaty for the Joint Chiefs of Staff CLIPPER . She wrote a Transition Plan for Honeywell mainframe-to-VAX migration of software, participated in Software Engineering Work Group, conducted performance analysis/tuning on a telecommunications priority system, designed and developed ORACLE menus, queries, and operational enhancements for the Department of Defense DoD telephone billing system wrote and presented a feasibility study and maintained the anomalies CM database/reporting system for Honeywell operating system patch testing.



  • While a member of the team supporting Confidential performed IV V, analysis, and identification of test criteria, designed and developed test procedures for a military communications system, wrote and evaluated all forms of system documentation using Government or in-house standards.
  • Supported a DoD message handling system, provided technical operational support to user community, maintained and developed enhancements, as well as converted the system from Honeywell's GCOS3 to GCOS8 operating system.
  • Designed and developed a menu-driven library system to maintain control of over 500 documents participated in the design and development of a large-scale geographical display database effort and gave demonstrations, wrote the training manual and trained Joint Chiefs of Staff personnel to use the geographical display system. Defined and wrote ad hoc queries and reports provided technical training and user aid to government personnel provided user support during JCS operational exercises and, wrote ad hoc queries and reports against Confidential databases.

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