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Sdet (java Selenium And Protractor Automation Developer) Resume

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New, York


Over 8+ years of experience in Information Technology with Software Quality Assurance Testing of Web Based and Clint/Server applications in Manual Testing as well as Automation testing using Java with Selenium in real time and unattended testing environment across multiple operating systems and technologies while serving various domains such as Banking, Insurance, Ecommerce, Health Care, Property and Causality.SUMMARY:

  • Sound Knowledge in QA Testing Methodologies like Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall, V - Model etc. Hands on Experience in Insurance, Banking, Health Care, Ecommerce and Property & Causality. Domain knowledge in Mobile, Inventory management, Sales and Distributions with ERP solutions.
  • Extensive experience in Requirements Gathering, Functional and Technical Specifications, Business Analysis, QA, Documentation, Test Plans, Test Strategy, Test Cases, Integration, Regression and Performance testing.
  • Experience of working extensively in Agile Testing Environment (Agile /scrum model) and good expertise in attending Scrum calls, Sprint Planning, Reviews and Retrospective meetings.
  • Good Understanding on calculating capacity, analyzing User Stories and Acceptance criteria in agile methodology.
  • Proven ability in designing and creating automation frameworks using Java, Selenium WebDriver, RC, Junit, TestNG, Maven, ANT, Hudson, Jenkins tools.
  • Implemented Keyword, Data Driven framework, Hybrid framework, and advanced Framework Behavioral Driven Development (BDD).
  • Experience in working with Test Driven development (TDD/BDD) by writing gherkins language in cucumber tool, creating Feature files, step definitions, Runner files .
  • Automating Angular JS applications by using Protractor, Jasmine and Karma using Java script.
  • Developing .spec and .config files for various scenarios in Protractor/Jasmine using “describe, it and expect”
  • Using Maven Build Tool performed compiling of class, setting up Selenium2.0, download Java Client Libraries, create project, creating pom.xml with artifacts and dependencies.
  • Using Jenkins achieved Continues Integration and Continues Delivery, performed Background jobs and analyzed the pass or failed criteria in QA Environment
  • Used Git and Git hub tools for maintaining the version controlling. Also integrated with Jenkins to run the latest version of code in the background.
  • Local repository and central repository maintained using Push, Pull, and Clone commands maintained the code files.
  • Well versed with Functional Testing (Unit Testing, Smoke testing, Integration Testing (Top Down, Bottom Up Testing), Integration Testing, GUI Testing, Regression Testing, and User Acceptance Testing, Black box testing, Performance and System Testing.
  • Experience in creation and execution of Test Plans, Test Script and Test Cases for both Manual and Automated Testing.
  • Dealing with High level business quality, validating the client source system and targets data i.e. Finance systems, Mortgage, Medical Equipment’s, Ecommerce, Insurance.
  • Extensively used Mercury Interactive Tools for testing the functional behavior of the application.
  • Used external jars Jxl and Apache poi API's to get the test data from Excel sheets.
  • Strong Experience in executing SQL queries to validate the data in the backend as part of Database Testing.
  • Excellent working knowledge of designing & implementation of all QA test strategy plans manually and automated test solutions for client/server and Web applications with Mercury Interactive test suite.
  • Also ERP systems integration test and data validation from client systems. Extensive Knowledge of validating the reports generated for client i.e. Cognos, and Business Objects and BODS integration.
  • Challenged to Sales force cloud applications in the real business world, tested the applications whether they connecting to the existing servers or not.
  • Experience in testing Web Services-SOA architecture, RPCs, XML transactions, SOAP, HTTP, WSDL, and REST using various industry standard tools like SOAP UI.
  • Using SOAP UI Tool performed cross-platform Functional Testing involving XML messages, constructing different field values, data and validating HTTP Request and HTTP Response.
  • Validated the data from the source systems and different databases, by sending the requests Using Soap UI, Ready API and Rest web services then captured the response from them.
  • Extensively used Quality Center for specifying requirements, updating Test Cases, application testing status reporting, maintaining Test scripts and observing traceability.
  • Tested applications developed in Mainframe, Java, and Visual Basic and so on.
  • Involved in analyzing business and technical requirements and workflow of Software Development Life Cycle-SDLC.
  • Updated skills with Mobile Web Automation Framework Angular JS in Jasmine, Protractor using this testing the AJAX components.
  • Expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, AJAX, HTTP, Angular and Jquery


  • Java
  • Selenium IDE
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Selenium Grid
  • Junit/ TestNG
  • DevOps
  • Maven
  • Git,GitHub,SVN,CVS
  • Jenkins,CI/CD
  • Cucumber(BDD/TDD)
  • RestAssured
  • SOAP UI/Ready API
  • Oracle/SQL Server
  • AngularJS
  • UNIX
  • QC(ALM),Rally, JIRA
  • Protractor
  • Appium
  • Jasmine/ Karma
  • CSS, JavaScript


Confidential, New York

SDET (Java Selenium and Protractor Automation developer)


  • Involved in all stages of testing life cycle, Test Driven Development methodologies, Software Development Life cycle (SDLC) using Agile methodology.
  • Worked on Selenium GUI Object / element verification is done through XPath, CSS Locators.
  • Used to identify object locators and creating X-path using Fire-bug and had Good knowledge of Page factory and POM in selenium, Worked with Log4J, apache POI Library, J-unit.
  • Automated Web Services using Rest Assured using Java in eclipse.
  • Automated angularJs application module using protractor and Jasmine and created specs for various functional scenarios.
  • Expertise in Smoke testing, black-box testing, white-box, Integration testing, Database testing, regression testing and GUI software testing.
  • Used Hybrid, Keyword/Data Driven Framework and extracted data from external Excel files using Apache POI and loaded into the variables in the scripted code.
  • Developed BDD tests using Cucumber by writing behavior and step definitions & developed required Selenium support code in Java for Cucumber.
  • Involved in Scratch implementation of BDD frame work, moved entire framework from hybrid to BDD by using POM, and creating Feature files, Step definitions, and Runner class. Using reports analyzed step by step fail and pass criteria.
  • Very good with AngularJS as filters, rootscope, custom directives, single page applications and templates.
  • Automated AngularJS application module using protractor by writing java scripts and Used Jasmine as unit testing framework.
  • Used karma as a test runner to execute the test scripts and experience in setting up the karma.config.js file with configurations
  • Worked very closely with UI angular developers while automating the tests using protractor and Jasmine
  • Designed and developed tests for Mobile App Testing in Android Platform using Appium
  • Executed Test Scenarios using 3rd Party Emulators for Android OS and Simulators for IOS testing.
  • Involved in conducting tests on Web services transactions like automatic bill payment, wire transfers, sent over HTTP or HTTPS by inspecting every XML request and response using Soap UI.
  • Tested web services by generating XML, SOAPUI Requests and validated the corresponding XML, SOAPUI Responses.
  • Automated Restful services using Rest Assured API using java by following the TDD/BDD framework model given,when,then
  • Used GIT to re-modify files and for software development.
  • Involved in setting up continuous integration system using Jenkins and working knowledge with cloud based code repository system like GitHub.
  • Integrated with Continuous Integration tools Jenkins for running test on nightly basis automatically.
  • Worked effectively with Developers, AGILE Team, and Project Management to achieve Selenium automation, high quality, release deadlines and QA processes improvements.

Environment: Agile, Selenium, Java, JavaScript, TestNG, Maven, Jenkins, SOAP UI, Rest Assured, HttpClient, HTML, XML, XPath, JIRA, Rally, JavaScript, Angular JS, Protractor, Jasmine, Karma, Firebug, Oracle 10g, UNIX, Eclipse, WebStrom, Tomcat Server, Cucumber

Confidential, Peoria, IL

QA Automation Developer


  • Analyzed Software and Business Requirements documents to get a better understanding of Hospital Billing System from technical and business perspectives. .
  • As a QA tester, was involved in assisting and participate in planning, organizing the test schedules, test suites, test cases.
  • Define, develop, and execute automation test scripts using Java that leverage black and white box testing across functional.
  • Designed and developed Hybrid automation framework and maintained the code in Git and used continuous integration(CI) tools to schedule the jobs
  • Extensively used the Selenium methods to build the framework and run the test scripts.
  • Extensively used POM model to create the reusability of same objects for different tests.
  • Using TestNG annotations controlled the entire test. Generated the clear web html reports for analysis purpose.
  • Used Soap UI and Ready API for testing the web Services by the request and response time by the help of WSDL file and XML data. Added various assertions and did a data driven by getting the data from excel sheet.
  • Given some assertions to find out the pass and failure criteria of response from the systems.
  • Involved in the TestNG framework Automated test suites using Jenkins in the background.
  • Responsible for updating and maintaining the Quality center for reporting and logging the defects found during functional and regression testing and follow up the bug life cycle.
  • Automated android mobile app using Appium by configured the emulators and on the real devices and executed scripts by taking the .apk file from the dev team
  • Good knowledge on setting the capabilities for working on various browsers.
  • Executed the positive and negative test case for regression testing and took the screen shots for validation of test case.
  • Conducted System Testing, Functionality Testing and Configuration Testing as well as stress testing.
  • Responsible for creating Test plans, Test cases, Test Scenarios, and mapping business requirements to test cases.
  • Performed Functional, Regression and Integration Testing as well as UAT testing.
  • Automated the test cases by using Java with Selenium environment, back end test using SQL.
  • Interacted with Developers and Project Managers to follow up on Defects/Issues.
  • Participated in various team meetings and discussed Enhancement and Modification requests.

Environment: Selenium, Appium, android, SDK, Emulator, TestNG, JUnit, Jenkins, Git, Quality Center 9.2, DB2, Java, XML,SOAP,REST,SOAPUI, HTML, Excel, Word. PL/SQL, Agile Methodologies

Confidential, Chevy Chase, MD

Sr. QA Automation Tester


  • Involved in preparing Test plans and Test cases based on business requirement documents.
  • Involved in Updating Test plan, Writing Test Cases, Executing Test cases. Used Quality Center to write Test cases.
  • Developed TestNG framework for the application to automate. Used Jxl. jars to get the data from excel sheets
  • Generated reports and analyzed the pass and failed criteria in the test cases.
  • Prepared Test plan and Test specifications based on Functional Requirement Specifications and System Design Specifications.
  • Developed Test cases based on the technical specifications and business requirements.
  • Tested insured vehicles and health records submitted by persons. Closing dates with existed data base by writing the SQL commands.
  • Imported client data from the data stage target systems and SAP where house systems to Excel and conducted the data validation, by comparing the existing files in the data base.
  • Using all manual test cases wrote Selenium Automation scripts to run in the background through Jenkins.
  • Conducted data driven testing using Selenium, and compared the data back end data from the servers i.e. simultaneous translations and Interpreted confidential documents and professional translation services etc.
  • Designed Selenium scripts, parameterized them, and validated them to suit the functionality of the application by using Security and Regression Testing.
  • Measured the response time at different points in the application.
  • Used Quality Center for requirement analysis, scheduling and generating test cases.
  • Responsible for writing automated test cases using QTP/UFT.
  • Created and Executed automated test scripts for regression testing using QTP/UFT.
  • Automation Framework implementation for UFT / QTP.
  • Executed test scripts from quality center
  • Re-executed the Tests for the corresponding volumes and made sure that the parameters are within the acceptable limits after the fixes are done by the environment support team.
  • Prioritized and classified the bugs. Generated and tracked the defects using bug tracking tool.
  • Tested the application compatibility with IE 6/7, Fire Fox 2.0, and Safari browsers on different operation systems Vista, XP, MAC.

Environment: Selenium, Quality Center, Java, QTP/UFT,SQL, Oracle, Windows XP/Vista.

Confidential, Ecommerce, CA

Sr. QA Automation Tester


  • Developed Test cases based on the technical specifications and business requirements.
  • Prepared Test plan and Test specifications based on Functional Requirement Specifications and System Design Specifications.
  • Involved with Business System Analysts, Developers to define the testing requirement documents
  • Close interaction with designers and software developers to understand application functionality and navigational flow.
  • Used JUnit unit framework and Keyword Driven Framework in the project developed the Test summary reports for analysis purpose.
  • Performed critical analysis of Online shopping applications behavior and usability of application.
  • Involved in Updating Test plan, Writing Test Cases, Executing Test cases.
  • Executed test cases manually to check GUI and Functional features of the Application.
  • Compared and analyzed actual with expected results and reported all defects to the appropriate individual(s) for resolution using Quality Center.
  • Involved in Cross browser testing for customer’s convenience.
  • Involved in Functionality Testing, Regression Testing, User Acceptance Testing and Sanity Testing in all environments.
  • Expertise in Manual Testing using in real time and unattended testing environment Attended reviews and walkthroughs to better understand the Requirement Documents.
  • Tested the application across multiple operating systems and technologies.
  • Analyze business process performance. Use graphs and reports to access performance.
  • After customers placed orders we need to check whether the orders are placed properly I wrote several SQL Queries and joins to perform data base testing.
  • Executed SQL queries on SQL Server in order to view successful transactions of data on the back-end of database for validating purpose.
  • Lead the team through various test execution cycles for both client and server side components on UNIX and Windows environments.
  • Used automated tools with Java and Selenium environment. Developed scripts using JUnit unit test framework for regression testing.
  • Used Mercury Quality Center to write test cases and analyzed results.

Environment: Quality center, J2EE applications, Selenium, JUnit framework, Oracle Applications 11i, SQL, PL/SQL, Agile Methodologies, Performance Tuning, UNIX, Windows NT & 2000,SAP.


Software developer- Java/UI developer


  • Involved in Agile Methodology for improving the Productivity.
  • Created user-friendly GUI interface and Web pages using HTML, CSS, and JSP.
  • Extensively used JavaScript for client side validations.
  • Prepared high and low level design documents for the business modules for future references and updates.
  • Written java classes for developing user interface by using OOPS concepts, multi-threading, inheritance, polymorphism and collection API.
  • Developed programs for accessing the database using JDBC thin driver to execute queries, prepared statements, Stored Procedures and to manipulate the data in the database.
  • Documented the use cases, class diagrams and sequence diagrams using Star UML.
  • Involved in writing procedures, complex queries using PL/SQL to extract data from database and to delete the data and to reload the data Oracle database.
  • Entity Beans used for accessing data from the Oracle database.
  • Involved in Unit Testing of various modules in generating the Test Cases.
  • Written test cases for Unit testing using JUnit.
  • Deployed the application in JBoss Application Server in development and production environment.
  • Implemented CVS as Version control system.

Environment: Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JDBC, JUnit, UML,SQL Query, Oracle 9i, CVS

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