Recruitment, And Training Of Financial Management Professionals Resume
Implementing comprehensive alternative approaches for cost saving financial management performance in business and government.
- I participate in the formulation of approaches on federal accounting issues concerning the recruitment; retention; and training of federal financial management professionals with other senior federal financial management professionals.
- I have developed and taught courses in federal financial management, including appropriation law; financial reporting and general ledger; and auditing and internal controls to federal and private sector professionals.
- Designed, developed and implemented federal and local government financial management systems and their internal controls.
- Prepared federal Confidential required financial reports and statements using certified federal financial systems.
- Designed and conducted financial; performance; and compliance audits and special purpose reviews measuring financial management and system performance; indirect cost; and compliance with applicable laws and regulations and assess Confidential performance
- Write internal control guidance, including Confidential Financial Manuals, Confidential Audit Manuals, and internal Confidential review guides and procedures based upon Confidential A - 123, 127 and 130.
- Prepare business plans; liquidity and workout analyses; credit and risk analyses; and performance measurements and techniques and prepare balanced scorecards.
Confidential, Washington, DC
Senior Asset Management Specialist
- Prepared and issued policy guidance, manuals, and research reports on loss sharing agreements; limited liability corporations; loan valuation theory and Confidential policy; accounting theory and policy for significant financial institutions; and global payments.
- Settle and reconcile accounts and transactions relating to the closure of failed financial institutions.
- Develop Confidential Loss Share Compliance Review Program identifying deficiencies in the administration of loss share agreements resulting in issuance of corrective policies and recoveries of inappropriately claimed monies.
- Design systems and processes for pooling loss share assets.
Confidential, Washington DC
National Traffic Safety Administration, Director of Finance
- Prepared and reviewed all required federal financial reporting, including financial statements.
- Resolved 32 material weaknesses relating to receivables; payables; and other asset and liability accounts.
- Developed and mapped accounts to financial reports; prepare and review Confidential monthly, quarterly, and annual federal financial reports, including supporting footnotes and documentation. Initiate and document budgetary and proprietary accounting issues using ORACLE financial system.
- Reconciled budgetary and proprietary funds; oversee and initiate Standard General Ledger ( Confidential ) budgetary and proprietary transactions; prepare and issue monthly, quarterly, and; determine cash requirements, including funds control; and train professional staff.
- Negotiate audit findings and attend departmental senior staff meeting.
Confidential, Washington, DC
Systems Accountant, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
- Conducted performance and compliance reviews of the Confidential ’s financial management policies, practices, and procedures; design, develop, test, and implement financial systems integration projects such as the Management Cost Accounting System and Activity Based Costing.
- Developed headquarters and mission office policies regarding cost accounting and financial activities.
- Prepared and reviewed required federal financial management reports.
- Worldwide Plan Administrator for the Confidential 401(k) Defined Contribution, including preparingg contract requirements and obtaining IRS approval; evaluating responses; designing required financial reports; enrolling participants; and reviewing payment and contribution investment reports. Pension Plan.
- Conduct Confidential A-123 and performance reviews.
Confidential, Washington, DC
Program Analyst, Project Manager
- Provided technical and administrative oversight on the design, development, testing, and implementation of the Payments, Claims, and Enhanced Reconciliation ( Confidential ) enhancement project.
- Conducted performance and other reviews to identify program alternatives and ensure that performance and internal control objectives were met.
- Developed system administration and internal control policies.
- Prepared the strategic implementation plans, including requirements, alternatives, performance measures, and technical analyses to replace the Claims, Payment, and Reconciliation (CP&R) system and Confidential .
- Supervised employees and provide technical oversight to contractors.
Confidential, Washington, DC
Senior Accountant
- Managed and conducted indirect cost, performance, financial, compliance, and internal control audits, including A-123 reviews; limited-scope reviews; and special reviews of federal programs; contractor and grantee awards; and recipients of services.
- Develop Confidential Manual and independent review processes.
- Provided guidance to professional staff teams (employees and independent public accountants) located in multiple geographic sites, including workpaper review; prepared audit and review reports and briefing packages; and conducted entrance and exit interviews and fraud interviews.
- Performed complex financial, compliance, indirect cost audits, and performance reviews of Confidential contractors and evaluated loan servicing activities resulting in recoveries of $3 million; developed OCOS Review Manual, and evaluated performance measures and results.
- Conducted the OPM Chief Financial Officer's Act ( Confidential ) financial statement audit on the Confidential and indirect cost audits on $7 billion Health Trust Fund reducing un-invested funds and recovering inappropriately $12 million claimed administrative costs and $10 million in duplicate benefit payments developed independent audit and review processes and the OPM Confidential Audit Manual.
- Conducted performance, compliance, and financial audits of programs; DOL grantees and contractors; medical centers, insurance, VA regional offices, and cemeteries resulting in recoveries of appropriated and non-appropriated monies and Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act ( Confidential ) convictions; streamlined acquisition and contract administration policies; and controls for non-appropriated monies of a Presidential Committee.