Sas Administrator Resume
- 6+ years of experience working as SAS Admin (Aix, Windows, Redhat, Ubuntu server)
- Experience in migrating SAS Servers from 9.1.3 to 9.3 and working in multi - tier applications.
- Experience with Base SAS, SAS Metadata Server, SAS Object Spawner, SAS Management console 9.1.3, 9.2, 9.3 SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1, 4.3, 5.1, PC SAS, SAS OLAP Cube Studio, SAS Information Map studio, SAS Performance Data Server and SAS Web Portals.
- Experience in SAS Grid 9.3 Server Installation, Configuration, Administration and Managing metadata repositories.
- Experience in configuring and managing high-availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) processes associated with the SAS 9.3 Grids.
- E x t e n sive e x p e r i e n ce in in st all in g, co nf ig ur in g a n d t e st i n g SA S/ A cce ss In t e r f ace t o Or acle, M S- SQL Se r v e r & T e r ad a t a o n SA S E n t e r pr ise P lat f o r m .
- Experience in applying new license for SPDS, SAS Platform RTM and SAS Meta/compute servers.
- Monitored Stored Process Server, Work Space Server and Scalable Performance Data Server (SPD Server) where Parallelization of Many SAS I/O functions Occurs to Improve the Overall Performance and Security and few times Reviewed logs for Resolve any issues encountered or to Estimate the Performance
- E x ce lle n t ad m i n ist r a t io n e x p e r ie n ce in SA S D at a I n t e gr a t io n S tu d io, OLA P C ub e s.
- Extensive expertise in analyzing data and generating reports, summary tables, listings and graphs
- Experience working with databases using SAS/ACCESS for ORACLE
- Good team member with strong analytical and communication skills
SAS: Base SAS 9.4/9.2/9.1.3, SAS/STAT, SAS Macros, SAS/SQL, SAS ODS, SAS GRAPH, SAS Data Integration Studio, SAS BI Dashboard, SAS OLAP Cube Studio, SAS Information Delivery Portal, SAS Management Console, SAS Web OLAP Viewer for Java, SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Stored Process, SAS Information Map Studio, SAS Stored Process Web Application, SAS Web Report Studio, SAS Add-In for MS Office
Databases: ORACLE, SQL Server
Operating System: Unix-Linux, Win2008 Server, DOS, IBM-AIX, RHEL
Tools: SAS Migration Utility, SAS Disk Cleanup, SAS Renewal Utility, SASHFADD Tool. Autosys job scheduler, Crontab, SAS Platform RTM monitoring, Logical volume manager (LVM), nmon monitoring, Cygwin.
Confidential, NC
SAS Administrator
- Deployed end user SAS applications and make sure all the client/server connectivity is intact without any performance issues.
- Managed SAS Connect server, Metadata Server, Object Spawner, OLAP server, Stored Process Server on the windows environment.
- Responsible for implementing the production changes such as installation of new SAS products on the server, upgrading the SAS products, applying the patches and license renewals by following Change Management Process.
- Managed SAS Metadata Server, ensured its availability without any performance issues and took regular backups of the repositories.
- Created new metadata objects using SAS Management Console 9.3 for projects to the end users in SAS Metadata Server.
- Configure SAS 9.3 Platform RTM to spread jobs in different queues and set up threshold for server resource utilization to send email notification when utilization is high.
- Configured SAS Grid Manager Utility to send all SAS EG and batch jobs across grid based on grid algorithm.
- Created SAS Metadata Libraries for all kind of database (Oracle, SPDS GreenPlum, and MySql).
- Installed and configure Jboss 5.1 to support SAS Web Applications like SAS Store Process, Web Report Studio, SAS Bi Dashboard and BI Portals for both dev. and prod environment.
- Installed and configured client components like SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3 & 5.1, PC SAS 9.1 & 9.3, SAS Enterprise Miner 5.1, SAS Personal Login Manager 9.1 & 9.3, and SAS OLAP Cube Studio 9.1 & 9.3.
- Installed and configured SAS Access to Oracle, SQL and Greenplum database.
- Supported production jobs and coordinated with UNIX system administrators to ensure the jobs are running successfully.
- Escalated the issues and worked closely with SAS Support in resolving issues related to users and environment.
- Migrated SAS Metadata users from SAS 9.1.3 to SAS 9.3 and created new groups and ACL.
- Coordinated efficiently with Business Analysts, Application Architects, and Infrastructure teams in handling setup and maintaining SAS servers.
Environment: SAS Management Console 9.3, SAS Stored Process, SAS Web Report Studio, SAS Deployment Manager 9.4, SAS Enterprise Guide 5.1 & 7.1, SAS Stored Process Web Application.
Confidential, TNSAS Administrator
- Good in applying Hot Fix Installations, User Issues, & any other Maintenance issues
- Involved in System Recover plan(SRP) and DR procedures
- Hands on Skills on Management Console - Important are - Server Manager, User Manager, Authorization Manager, Data Library Manager
- Setting up DB Connections from Management Console to Teradata
- Monitor all the tiers - Metadata, Compute & Web on AIX/Linux.
- Deploying web applications in Web SpherePromotion of Metadata Objects such as libraries, metadata folders, information maps, etc from one environment to another.
- Played key role in data analysis and statistical reporting for TIAA-CREF claims
- Actively participated in the complete SDLC Life Cycle of development, from the requirement phase to testing phase
- Verifying the grid configuration files (lsf.conf,lsb hosts etc)
- Troubleshooting SAS logs w.r.t Grid
- Monitor storage growth and work with user areas to develop purge criteria. Coordinate with other IT groups on performance, storage issues, etc
- Monitoring of servers, databases and workstations to ensure availability and efficiency.
- Document operational processes and recovery procedures
- Maintain environment configuration information
- Administer user access and security on the system
- Maintain the User Inventory & License Information
Environment: SAS 9.3 Software, SAS/Management Console,SAS Enterprise Guide4.2,SAS OLAP Cubes, Oracle, Windows, Microsoft Office (Excel, MS Access, MS Word, Visio), Adobe Reader
Confidential, GASAS Administrator
- Implemented the Hot Fix Installations, User Issues, & any other Maintenance issues
- SAS Server has to be constantly backed up & has to be restored in case of server crash
- Hands on Skills on Management Console - Important are - Server Manager, User Manager, Authentication, Customer Intelligence, Setting up Logging
- Setting up DB Connections from Management Console to Teradata
- Monitor all the tiers - Metadata, Compute & Web on unix.
- Deploying web applications in Web Sphere
- Promotion of Metadata such as libraries, metadata folders, information maps, campaigns, etc from one environment to another
- Played key role in data analysis and statistical reporting for TIAA-CREF claims
- Monitor storage growth and work with user areas to develop purge criteria. Coordinate with other IT groups on performance, storage issues, etc
- Monitoring of servers, databases and workstations to ensure availability and efficiency.
- Document operational processes and recovery procedures
- Maintain environment configuration information
- Administer user access and security on the system
- Maintain the User Inventory & License Information
- Install, Configure and support SAS 9.2/3 environments including SAS Metadata Server on unix.
Environment: SAS Management console, Enterprise Guide4.2, SAS OLAP Cubes,, SAS Visual Analytics, SAS Information Map studio, SAS Webreport studio, SAS ACCESS to Teradata.
ConfidentialSAS Administrator
- Implemented, User Issues, & any other Maintenance issues
- SAS Server has to be constantly backed up & has to be restored in case of server crash
- Hands on Skills on Management Console - Important are - Server Manager, User Manager, Authentication, Customer Intelligence, Setting up Logging
- Setting up DB Connections from Management Console to Oracle & DB2
- Monitor all the tiers - Metadata, Compute & Web on unix.
- Promotion of Metadata such as libraries, metadata folders, information maps, campaigns, etc from one environment to another
- Actively participated in the complete SDLC Life Cycle of development, from the requirement phase to testing phase
- Monitor storage growth and work with user areas to develop purge criteria. Coordinate with other IT groups on performance, storage issues, etc
- Monitoring of servers, databases and workstations to ensure availability and efficiency.
- Document operational processes and recovery procedures
- Maintain environment configuration information
- Administer user access and security on the system
- Maintain the User Inventory & License Information
- Install, Configure and support SAS 9.1.3/2 environments including SAS Metadata Server on unix.
Environment: SAS Management Console 9.1.3, SAS Enterprise Guide 4.0, SAS Stored Processes, SAS Web Report Studio, SAS OLAP CUBE Studio 9.1, SAS Enterprise BI Server, Tomcat/ Apache, SAS DI Studio
ConfidentialSAS Administrator
- Install, setup, configure SAS9.2 on AIX6.1 Environment.
- Responsible for Hotfix, Renewal of Server Licenses, patch updates.
- Responsible for Metadata Backup and Recovery
- Created an ACL at Group level, User level and Table level in SAS Management Console 9.3
- Adding and removing user’s, created and assigns roles in SAS Management Console
- Managed SAS Connect server, Metadata Server, Object Spawner, OLAP server, Stored Process Server on the AIX 6.1 environment.
- Monitoring the Metadata Server, Compute Server & Web Tiers.
- Scheduled jobs for SAS User’s through control M and Crontab.
- Provided on call support for production problem resolution.
- Create documentation for users and SAS Teams.
- Monitoring Grid Environment.
- Implementing SAS Best practices in the SAS Environment.
- Checking the sas metadata logs including enabling trace and setting different levels on debugging.
- Fine tuning the SAS Applications so that Jobs run with in the SLA time.
- Watch through all the remedy tickets and troubleshoot user incidents.
- Promotion of SAS9.2 to 9.4
- Configuring SAS Environment Manager and Implementing HTTPS for Web/Web AppServers.
Enviroment: SAS/Management Console, Enterprise Guide4.2, SAS OLAP Cubes,, SAS Information Map, SAS Web Report Studio, SAS Hotfixes