Analyst Resume
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Reno, US
M.S. Resource and Applied Economics with Econometrics and Statistics concentration
B.ECON. Int’l Econ and Trade
SAS Institute Certified ADVANCE SAS® Programmer
SAS Institute Certified BASE SAS® Programmer
Statistical/Econometric Tools: SAS Base, SAS/SQL, SAS/MACRO MATLAB, R, EVIEWS
Office: Excel (pivot table, function, regression, VB, etc), Word, PowerPoint, Access
Research Assistant,2009-present
Confidential, Reno, US
- Built variety of economic models and Performed statistical tests
- Mined and analyzed data, prepared spreadsheet
- Assisted in developing industry pattern report for Nevada state government
Analyst, Summer 2010
Confidential, Reno, US
- Cleaned data and transformed spreadsheets.
- Developed methodology for Dynamic Panel Vector Auto-regression
- Implemented procedure for Generalized Method Moments
Teaching Assistant, Fall 2009-Fall 2010
- ASPT 207: Practical Statistics
- RECO 100: Society and Economic Value of Nature
- Plotted various correlation figures, and conducted Box and AIC tests
- Designed consistence test for ARMA model, and forecasted future unemployment rates.
- Examined Co-integration and Granger Causality for two variables.
Credit Risk Analyst Intern, Summer 2008
Confidential, Chengdu, China
- Managed the database of credit portfolio and balance sheets
- Consulted with customers, and prioritized client demand