Research Assistant Resume
Ruston, LA
Objective: Seek a statistical analyst position in the area of biomedical that will challenge my analytical, quantitative and resourceful interpersonal skills.
Skills summary
Experiences with using statistical packages: SAS, R and MATLAB.
Proficiency in Data Management and Processing.
Advanced knowledge in statistical analysis.
Experience in dealing with large datasets, building up models and forecasting. Advanced statistical modeling capability including: Design of Experiment, Multivariate Testing, ANOVA, Linear and Logistic Regression Modeling.
Strong computer programming skills. Familiar with JAVA, SQL, VB6, ASP, Fortran, C, C++.
Working experience
Research Assistant Confidential Ruston, LA, U.S.A. 2004-now
DNA microarray date analysis using SAS. The database which was used for statistical analysis was from Harvard Medical School. The Affymetrix GeneChip datasets in the data based belonged to the CardioGenomics Programs for Genomic Applications.
Created & maintained data entry application with SAS
Created SAS data sets, cleaned data, extracted data and merged data sets using Base SAS, SAS/SQL & SAS/Macro
Read data from Excel and flat files into SAS and transferred data between databases
Run routine program using to create data listing, tables for researchers
Conducted statistical analysis using SAS
Produced CSV, RTF and HTML files using SAS/ODS
Provided programming support to data analysts
Queried data using SAS/SQL
Grail+ project implemented, compiled, migrated, and modified using C++
Proposed a new image segmentation method for DNA microarray
Implemented the image segmentation algorithm using JAVA
IT Manager Confidential Shanghai, China. 2003-2004
Developed and implemented policies and procedures for ERP and computer systems operations and development
Assembled and managed teams of information systems personnel to design, develop, implement, operate and administer computer and telecommunications software, networks and information systems.
Designed and implemented the ERP systems for the company using MS SQL server, VB6, ASP and Javascript.
MIS Engineer of Confidential Shanghai, China. 1992-1998
Developed and implemented policies and procedures for electronic data processing and computer systems operations and development.
Designed and implemented Computer Aid Manufacturing System for the microelectronics
manufacturing using Fortran, C, C++ and SQL.
Migrated the automatic parametric test programs from VAX Fortran to C and C++ in Sun
Software Engineer of Confidential Shanghai, China. 1991-1992
Analyzed clients’ needs into related components which can be solved through the application of computer technology.
Wrote requirement specifications for computer programs, identifying the steps in the program and the algorithms to be employed.
Planed and implemented computer security systems for database access control.
Analyzed and developed database directories and generate and maintain database.
Designed and implemented management information systems for warehouse of the port using the coding language C and the Foxpro database.
Academic Honors
Phi Kappa Phi
Who’s who among students in American universities and colleges
Professional certificates (obtained in 1999-2001)
MCSE+I (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer in Internet field)
MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer)
MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solution Developer)
MCDBA (Microsoft Certified Database Administrator)
MCP+I (Microsoft Certified Professional in Internet field)
MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional)
CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate)