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System Engineer Resume

4.00/5 (Submit Your Rating)

New Jersey, NJ

Experience Summary

Over 20 years experience in the Information Technology (IT) field as a Senior Systems Analyst, Project/Team Leader, Database Administration, Database Analyst, and Programmer. Well versed in all aspects of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), including team leadership, programming specification documentation, analysis, design, programming, unit testing and coordinating full system quality assurance testing. Self-motivated and organized individual with strong decision making abilities and a dependable, conscientious approach ensuring accuracy on assigned tasks

Skill Summary

IBM 30xx, 390, 43xx and AMDAHL V7 & V8 mainframe computers, IBM compatible microcomputers

Operating Systems:
MVS/ESA, OS/390, z/OS, DOS, UNIX, Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7

DB2 UDB and zOS, M204, SQL Server 2000, VSAM, CICS, IMS, TSO/ISPF, IDCAMS, RACF, DB2 Estimator and Visual Explain, ISPF Dialog, BMC/IBM DB2 utilities, QMF/SPUFI, DB2 Connect, Erwin, CA Endevor, SDSF, Control-D/-M, Librarian, Panvalet, FileAid, FTP, Abend-Aid, CA7, Xpediter, Visual Sourcesafe, Cognos, Citrix, IIS, Sirius Objects and other M204 supporting software, SQL Server, Visual Interdev, ASP, Crystal and Data Dynamics Reports, MS Excel, Project, Visio, Word, and Access

Programming Languages:
MVS/zOS JCL, SQL, COBOL/COBOL II/COBOL zOS/Microfocus COBOL, REXX, ISPF Dialog, CLIST, M204 User Language, M204 Sirius/Janus development tools, SAS Base/Macros and Proc(edures), EasyTrieve, Javascript, Transact-SQL, SQL Triggers and Stored Procedures, VBScript, Visual Basic, HTML, VBA, and XML

Technical Experience Summary

DB2, SQL Server, M204, Access DBA:
  • Maintain all DB2 related objects, including databases, tablespaces, indexes, tables, views, alias, plans, packages, triggers, and stored procedures
  • Install DB2 UDB and DB2 Connect on the server and execute patches as required
  • Perform DB2 performance monitoring, diagnosis and tuning, and provide or review application SQL code for optimization
  • Use expertise in tools such as PLATINUM and BMC Change Manager etc.
  • Develop/maintain COBOL procedures to access DB2 and/or VSAM databases, or in conjunction with CICS
  • Develop DB2 databases and associated objects on local servers or within the mainframe environment. Commonly developing and testing the database on a server using Windows NT/2000 and exporting the objects to the mainframe environment for production implementation.
  • Develop new SQL Server databases to house Center for Medicare/Medicaid (CMS) data related to numerous Medicaid initiatives. Provide SQL, Transact-SQL, and Visual Basic expertise to build web and/or 3-tier applications
  • Provide knowledge as a M204 DBA with extensive familiarity with IFAM, FLOD, Batch3, Batch304, along with Sirius and Computer Corp. of America (CCA) utilities and monitoring tools for database reorganizations, optimization, and sizing
  • Create MS Access databases to support non-mainframe data/applications using VBA
  • Create physical and logical database models using Irwin software


  • Over 18 years experience in SAS Base, SAS Macros, along with most SAS Procedures (SQL, AF, Access, Graph, STAT, etc…)
  • 20+ years knowledge with CICS and COBOL 85, zOS, and II – accessing DB2, IMS, and/or VSAM databases
  • Extensive expertise with the M204 programming language, including Sirius/Janus utilities and web-development tools (SOAP, XML, HTML …)
  • Lead programmer involved in multiple 2/3-tier conversion efforts: 1) A COBOL, CICS, and VSAM application to a web application using assorted web software/tools and data converted into a SQL Server 2000 database, and 2) Multiple M204 applications converted to DB2 (database), COBOL/SAS (batch processing) and Visual Basic or Java (front-end)
  • Expert with JCL, REXX, Clists, Fileaid, ISPF Dialogs, and multiple IBM/BMC utilities (IEBGENER, IDCAMS, QMF, Spufi, DB2load …)
  • Proficient with web development tools/software and relational database access software (transact-SQL, SQL, JET, ADO …)

Systems Analyst/Project Leader:

  • Develop Functional and Technical Specifications for SDLC directed projects
  • Write unit and system test plans
  • Represent technical team in requirements gathering and analysis
  • Interface with the client to provide status updates
  • Develop MS Project Gantt charts
  • Supervise numerous individuals (from 2 to 24), providing mentoring and activity monitoring/guidance
  • Train co-workers in web-development tools/software and DB2 SQL/architecture

Employment History

Title: Senior Systems Analyst/System Engineer
Company: Confidential,
Dates: 12/2007 to 12/2009

Senior mainframe system’s analyst and programmer for a number of BCBS projects:

  • Maintained software for the LRSP and TOPS mainframe IMS, COBOL, and Assembler applications
  • Provided expertise during the successful completion of numerous Operational Improvement (OI) projects and saving the organization millions of dollars
  • Guided the mainframe conversion/extraction of enrollment data from an IMS database into DB2 and provided the requisite specifications. Finally, assisted in the test case generation to facilitate the endeavor
  • Wrote numerous Easytrieve and SAS programs/reports to steer project direction, provide data statistics, and demonstrate potential company cost savings
  • Received Letters of Appreciation for all projects assigned

Software: DB2, SAS, CICS, IMS, Assembler, VSAM, EasyTrieve, VBA, Visio, and Control-D/-M

Title: Technical Analyst/Mainframe Developer
Company: Confidential,)
Dates: 02/2007 to 12/2007

Design, test and deploy modules relating to the CARE project, using M204, SAS and COBOL software

Software: M204, COBOL II, SAS, JCL and assorted IBM utilities

Title: Information Technology Specialist
Company: E Confidential,
Dates: 10/2006 through 02/2007

Responsible for designing, coding, testing, and implementation of web components, along with maintaining SAS and COBOL/DB2 interfacing software:

  • Converted numerous online reports to the web and creating the templates for future web development
  • Modified existing SAS and COBOL programs to share M204 application data with the core DB2 databases
  • Established single code repository, gathering source code from several teams
  • Trained in-house and contractor staff in Javascript, VBScript, HTML, and XML

Software: SAS, DB2, COBOL, M204, JCL, XML, and Web tools

Title: Transportation Analyst/Programmer
Company: Confidential,
Dates: 05/2004 through 03/2007 (worked remotely between 10/2006 and 03/2007)

Specialized in web development, systems analysis, and mainframe application development:

  • Participated in the design and implementation of an Outlook VBA and M204 application, that allowed Sales personnel to enter customer information through Outlook forms and upload the entered data to a mainframe M204 database
  • Ensured all processes conformed to established SDLC procedures and quality assurance requirements were met or exceeded
  • Developed software requirements and detailed design/functional specification processes and templates from multiple sources
  • Assisted in analysis/development of the first in-house communication application to interface with U.S. Customs and notify them of Canadian border-crossings and also supply detailed information about the cargo and drivers

COBOL, VSAM, SAS, CICS and EasyTrieve were used to maintain and enhance financial/personnel tracking systems

Software: COBOL, SAS, CICS, VSAM, EasyTrieve, Visio, JCL, M204, XML, and Web tools

Title: Senior Systems Analyst, DBA, Programmer, and Project Leader
Company: Confidential,
Dates: 10/1988 through 12/2003 (except for a two-year period between 11/1994 and 10/1996)

The Project Leader and lead technician in charge of converting the Medicaid Drug Rebate (MDR) and Federal Upper Limits (FULs) systems from Model 204 to a DB2 database, SAS and COBOL were used for batch processes, and Visual Basic was the front-end software:

  • Erwin was the database modeling software
  • Responsible for the hiring and firing of team members
  • Quality Assurance/Testing:
  • Developed test plans and cases
  • Executed defect reporting and tracking
  • Performed Change and Configuration Management
  • Developed user guides and manuals
  • Constructed application online help
  • Performed structured walkthroughs
  • Maintained source code in MS SourceSafe and/or CA Endevor
  • DB2 DBA responsible for creating the databases on the server and later on the mainframe. Created and deployed multiple DB2 triggers and stored procedures
  • Extracted M204 data using Sirius Unload utilities. Massaged the extracted data using SAS
  • REXX and ISPF Dialog software were used to develop auxiliary front-end programs
  • Crystal and Data Dynamics software were used to develop and produce online reports
  • Cognos Impromptu and Administrative components were used for dynamic Business Intelligence (BI) reporting
  • Assisted in the development of the front-end Visual Basic (VB) modules. Instrumental in deploying the VB application on the Citrix servers and setting up DB2 connect for end-users
  • BMC utilities were used to populating the DB2 tables with extracted M204 data; backing-up and restoring tables; maintaining batch job schedules; and scheduling of batch BMC reports detailing DB2 table statistics

Converted the Center for Medicaid/Medicare (CMS) Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) system from M204 to a web application. Solely responsible for the development using Javascript, HTML, ASP, and VBScript. MS SQL Server 2000 used to house the converted data

Project Leader and lead technician responsible for the Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Budget and Expenditure (MBES/CBES) system. Maintained the CICS, COBOL, Clist, SAS and VSAM components until the system was redesigned and converted to a web application

Lead Technician and analyst responsible for CMS’ Medicare Group Health Plan (GHP) and PICS projects. Both systems were major M204 applications at CMS and consisted of over 40 files and well over 100 million records. SAS, COBOL, and M204 User Language were used until both system were converted to DB2

Software: COBOL, DB2, CICS, SAS, M204, Visual Basic, SQL Server 2000, VSAM, ASP, Web tools, VBA, IIS, Cognos, Endevor, Clist, REXX, ISPF Dialog, and BMC/IBM utilities

Title: Systems Analyst/Programmer/DBA
Companies: Confidential,
Dates: 11/1994 through 10/1996

Involved in numerous M204, COBOL, and SAS projects

Software: VSAM, SAS, COBOL, and M204

Education and Training

  • AA, Languages/Interpreting
  • 60+ additional credits
  • Cognos Impromptu and Administrative tools
  • Microsoft MCSE Certification
  • Oracle DBA and Development
  • DB2 DBA

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