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Sap Abap Consultant Resume Profile

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  • Over 10 years of experience as SAP R/3 ABAP/4 consultant with good knowledge of FI/CO-PA, HCM, SD, MM, PP, PM, EHS modules, Logistics Execution LE and SAP CRM and MDM.
  • Solid hands-on using various SAP ABAP tools and designed, developed various classical interactive reports using ABAP,ALE/EDI, IDOC, WebDynpro, FPM, BOPF, BRFPlus, Workflows, BDC, advanced reporting using ABAP Oops ALV, Smartforms, Modulepool programs etc., also developed reports using advanced techniques SAP Controls like SPLITTER, TEXTEDIT, and PICTURE Controls.
  • Extensively worked in designing developing or changing Adobe static interactive forms.
  • Experience in Development of CRM Web UI Components and Enhancements.
  • Implemented various SAP business processes enhancements using different types of User Exits and BADI's. Have solid Workflow expertise.
  • Excellent Communication skills and ability to work in team as well as an individual.

Summary of ABAP RICEF Technical Expertise:

  • ABAP Workbench Basics: Strong knowledge in ABAP fundamentals - Creating and Calling Subroutines, Function Modules, Function Groups. Generating ABAP Events, Selection Screens, Select-Options, Exceptions.
  • Repository Objects are created and updated using tools like ABAP Editor, ABAP dictionary, Screen Painter, Menu Painter, Function Builder and Class Builder.
  • ABAP Dictionary: creating and maintaining Table types, Structures, Data elements, domains, and other available services like Field help, Search helps and Views.
  • ABAP Objects: Object Oriented Programming OOPS concepts like classes, methods, attributes, constructors, inheritance, polymorphism and interfaces implemented in ABAP programming.
  • ABAP Debugger: ability in debugging selected program or certain function setting breakpoints and watch points.
  • List Processing Reports: Classical and Interactive lists using standard Logical Databases LDB OPEN SQL statements and ALV Reports using ALV Grid technology.
  • Created various SAP SMARTFORMS, SCRIPTS and ADOBE PDF forms.
  • Created different INTERFACES using standard IDOC, BAPI. Also implemented BDC Session/Call Transaction method. Data Conversion using LSMW.
  • Experience working with various EDI standards ANSI X.12 like EDI 850, EDI 834.
  • Enhancements and Modifications: Customer Exits Menu Exit /Screen Exit /Function Exit , BTE, BAdI and User Exits.
  • Dialog Programming: Created Screens with screen elements like text field, checkbox, pushbutton and many using Screen Painter, Menu Painter and flow logic with PBO and PAI for user-defined transactions, Sub-screen, Tab-strip control, Table control and Context menus.
  • Developed Web Applications Web Based Reports using Web Dynpro ABAP framework.
  • Used MVC Architecture for High-level Reusability using OOABAP Classes and Methods.
  • Experience in Using FPM Floor Plan Manager framework for SAP standard UI Guidelines.
  • Performance Tuning: Used tools like Code Inspector, SQL Trace ST05 and Runtime Analysis SE30 to improve performance of coding.
  • SAP Note OSS Notes implementation experience across various industries including Manufacturing, Financial Services, and Consumer Products Software.

Summary of SAP WEBDYNPRO ABAP / Floor Plan Manager FPM

  • Experience on Component Controller, used components, Global Local Contexts, Multiple Windows, Views Navigation, view controller and Context, Outbound Inbound Plugs, Controller Standard Methods Events. Adobe Interactive Forms using WD4A, NetWeaver-Webdynpro ABAP-Developing Webdynpro Application WDA using ABAP Workbench, SAP-EP admin, business application using BAPI Service call.
  • Created ABAP objects and Global Classes/Methods for accessing the global DATA of various Business processes from Backend.
  • Experience in Object Oriented ABAP.

Professional Summary:


Role: SAP Technical Lead Consultant ECC CRM

Modules: FI/CO-PA, MM

  • Project Description Project involves designing Marketing Agreement Reporting System MARS in SAP ECC Box to send and receive Marketer's Sales Data, Freight Deductibles Invoices, Marketer's Fee and other information to DOW ECC system per PMLA contract. It also enables reporting in accordance with PMLA contract. The Product Marketing Lifting Agreement PMLA is a contract between the Sadara Shareholders that defines the terms and conditions under which a Marketer will take in product from Sadara and sell it in the marketplace. Involved in Implementation/Support of SAP CRM Web UI Components for the PMLA project.
  • Developed Batch Analyst report using WebDynpro ABAP, FPM and BRFPlus.
  • Maintaining Performance metrics webdynpro ABAP application for Product testing and UAT Bug fixes.
  • Maintenance of Cost rate Upload and Update webdynpro application for Product testing and UAT Bug fixes.
  • Enhancements on BAR Report with a new Tab stripped element for MB51 View and additional changes using Web Dynpro ABAP/FPM/BRFPlus.
  • Created custom CRM Components for the PMLA CRM project.
  • Experience in enhancing standard CRM Web UI components, working with event handlers, context nodes, attributes, plugs, views, windows.
  • Experience in developing web services which were consumed by Non-SAP applications for CRM Sales Marketing invoice information.


Role: SAP ABAP Consultant

Project Description Project involves Roll out of North American template for the client from Legacy system to SAP ECC 6.0 System.

  • Designed and developed PO/Invoice/Shipment output Smartforms.
  • Involved in UAT bug fixes including Smartforms.
  • Enhancements to standard SAP Transactions LT03 for Littlestown plant.
  • Data migration of Material master data including Semi, finished type using LSMW.


Role: SAP WD ABAP Consultant

  • Project Description Project involves designing Marketing Agreement Reporting System MARS in SAP ECC Box to send and receive Marketer's Sales Data, Freight Deductibles Invoices, Marketer's Fee and other information to DOW ECC system per PMLA contract. It also enables reporting in accordance with PMLA contract. The Product Marketing Lifting Agreement PMLA is a contract between the Sadara Shareholders that defines the terms and conditions under which a Marketer will take in product from Sadara and sell it in the marketplace.
  • Developed Table Maintenance generators for Cost rate Marketers fee table using Web Dynpro ABAP, FPM and BRF Plus validations with total custom design.
  • Developed ABAP Program that reads MSEG Relevant Accounting, Sales, Purchasing, Delivery and Shipment, Master data Tables in Excel.CSV files uploaded on SAP Application server, validates data and updates Batch Tracking tables.
  • Developed several other advanced ABAP Programs which use the above updated Batch Tracking tables data to fill Marketers Sales data.
  • Developed ABAP reports that provide relevant Marketers sales data, Freight Deductible invoices and so on.
  • Developed Complex ABAP Program that reads MSEG File which involves Basic GR Movement types, complex Movement types for SALE, COMINGLE, CONSUMPTION and so on and updates relevant Batch Tracking tables using ABAP and ABAP OO Classes.
  • Developed Complex ABAP Program that tracks a batch from SADARA to any extent in DOW Supply Chain and this program is totally based on a Complex Tree Algorithm where Parent is given and the end child is given, path needs to be traced for this combination and which is been developed exclusively using complex ABAP Programming techniques including ABAP OO Classes.
  • Leading a team of 4 Members in Offshore India and meeting the deadlines in time thereby giving Project a Success factor.
  • Resolved several production support, implementation support issues in other projects due to my updated skillset on ABAP that includes ABAP, ABAP OO, Workflows, Web Dynpro ABAP specially and lead the PMLA Codes project which included 5 Offshore team members from India and brought the project pace from 10 to 95 within less time frame and been applauded as the best Project Lead for Complex Projects by Accenture Americas in my current location.
  • Implemented several Web Dynpro ABAP applications in PMLA Codes project for custom Master data for Material creation by replication SAP PPM applications which includes complex Web Dynpro abap trees includes FPM, FLUID and so on and also implemented Workflows from scratch for their object creation approvals.
  • Implemented FPM Applications using BOPF business objects for Sales Orders and Purchase Order display.
  • Integrated BRFPlus applications with BOPF Business objects for the data retrieval in the expressions.
  • Implemented Recipe application which involves, Recipe creation, display and gives user an ease to download extract/export Recipe data from the SAP Portal.
  • Enhanced standard CRM Web UI components and creation/change custom CRM components.
  • Support PMLA-CRM Project Objects using GENIL/BOL, CRM ABAP, CRM BADI enhancements.


Role: SAP WD ABAP Consultant

  • Project Description Project involves Implementation of Master data create/change SAP Forms in Plant Maintenance PM Module using WebDynpro ABAP Workflow embedded on SAP Portal.
  • Developed Equipment Master CREATE/CHANGE application using WebDynpro ABAP.
  • Developed Functional Location Master CREATE/CHANGE application using WebDynpro ABAP.
  • Developed Advance Search application on SAP Portal using WebDynpro ABAP for Audit purpose.
  • Developed Mass Upload application using WebDynpro ABAP.
  • Developed Material Master CREATE/CHANGE application using WebDynpro ABAP.
  • Developed Work items SAP Inbox report on SAP Portal using by developing Custom Function Modules.
  • Developed Escalation email notification report using ABAP OO concepts with ALV, PDF Attachments several other exclusive reports as per the client requirements.
  • Developed required Custom Z tables to maintain Master and transaction data pertaining to the above Master data objects.
  • Developed respective Persistence classes for the above Z tables to create/update/delete records.
  • Developed ABAP Model classes and ABAP Main Classes to increase performance on WebDynpro application side on SAP Portal, by having business logic implemented in these classes.
  • Implemented several Custom Search helps both elementary and Multiple using ABAP.
  • Exclusively working currently in bug fixing and new changes in Testing phase for the above implemented objects/applications.
  • USER EXITS/BADIS/Enhancement frameworks for enhancing Demand to Supply systems globally across the client SAP Systems.
  • IDOC/RFC Interfaces development and enhancements for Track wise application run on third party system.
  • MD04/MIGO Transaction Enhancements for the SNC requirements.


Role: SAP ABAP Consultant

  • Project Description Confidential - Project involves Enhancing Standard SAP SD pricing procedures and Re-determination, Enhancing USER Exits, CO-PA Posting and ABAP CRM BADI Implementations, Archiving IDOCs.
  • Re-determination of pricing procedure, adding changes to Pricing Conditions for Clients Specific task LRD Model based upon the Customer's Net Invoice Price and Currency through Enhancement.
  • Revenue Transfer for Delivery related Inter Company Billing through Enhancement.
  • USER EXITS enhancement to populate missing Profit Center for Order based Customer billing documents as it is revised from Customer Profit Center to Inter Company Profit Center based on LRD Model.
  • Modify Goods Issue for Ship Bill Orders to facilitate direct CO-PA Posting through Enhancement.
  • Derivation of CO-PA Characteristics for EPC Inter-CO billing.
  • BADI Implementations for Additional Checks made in ORDER SAVE process to incorporate Restrictions in EPC Model for Cross Border and Export Sales.
  • Enhancement of IDOC for Inter Company Invoice/Billing.


Role: SAP WD ABAP Consultant

Project Description Project involves development of Workflows, Web Dynpro ABAP Applications and Enhancements for Client's Travel Management including support on SAP FI/CO Applications in TE, HCM AP/AR.

Overview of Tasks Handled:

  • Generate Classical/Interactive reports on Credit card/Trips Notifications in TE Travel Manager Application.
  • Enhancements on Workflows in TE Application.
  • UWL Configuration settings and enhancements.
  • Enhancements on SAP Scripts in SAP FI AP/AR applications for ELO Divestiture.
  • Enhancements on SAP Web Dynpro ABAP applications for SAP TE Application.
  • Enhancements on ESS/MSS applications involving PA, TM, TE on SAP Portal.
  • Enhancements of Standard SAP ABAP Classes and extensively worked on OO ABAP Principles.
  • Workflow Forwarding Approval Logs: - Extensively worked on enhancing the workflows by adding email functionalities, forwarding functionalities, approval logs, extended notifications, Delayed notifications, UWL Configs and so on. Workflow forwarding is the standard SAP functionality available on UWL I have enhanced the functionality by adding Custom Program Exit in my workflow tasks, enhanced standard tasks and retrieved data at runtime from the FORWARD Action of the Workitem thereby populating custom SAP tables from the Program exit. Worked on configuring the HR data in SAP ECC to create costcenters with Account assignments of the employees and the approvers required for approving the workitems/trips from SAP Portal.


Role: SAP WD ABAP Consultant

  • Project Description Project involves Production support on Master Data Maintenance CRUD application in SAP ECC 6.0 developed using Adobe Interactive forms integrated into Web dynpro abap Applications Product Master, Supplier Master, Customer Master , Supplier Master data maintenance portal application developed using Webdynpro ABAP and New Business Processor NBP Portal application developed using Web dynpro ABAP .
  • Worked on Support Activities in SAP Master Data maintenance application CRUD Create, Read, Update and Delete developed using Web Dynpro Adobe Interactive forms on Portal.
  • Extensively worked on Hypercare cases from Low to Critical level severity on CRUD application both in process and Technical perspective.
  • UWL Configuration, settings and enhancements.
  • Worked on fixing Defects on Supplier Master Data maintenance application on portal as per the Business requirements.
  • Worked on fixing Defects on CRUD Supplier like Tax Jurisdiction issue, Payment terms defaulted to Z000 issue and so on.
  • Worked on fixing Defects on NBP Process and analysed several issues came up.
  • Extensively worked on CRM Objects developed in ABAP for Hawaiin Plant.
  • Worked on fixing defects that involved BSP coding for CRM Objects on SAP CRM screens.
  • Analysed few process cases on OTC Process which had issues on Order Processing, Invoicing, Delivery, Billing stages.
  • Processing Deliveries, shipping, monitoring material availability and processing outstanding orders, printing and sending shipping output in Logistics Execution.
  • CRUD-Supplier :- This is a Master data portal application developed using Webdynpro ABAP integrated with Adobe Interactive forms in ECC to enable the User to create/change supplier in ECC for Hawaiin and National Plants from portal end.This involves several levels of approvals like Authorised requestor, Data Analyst, AP Analyst, Data Manager. Once supplier is created, automatically it is blocked for further processing and once successfully created in ECC after all approvals Supplier will be ready for use. In this portal application itself, it undergoes several operations like MDM Address checks , MDM Duplicate Check and so on to create a replica on MDM Server. This form is facilitated with basic ZDIR, ZRET, ZINV Vendor data and partner functions associated with it as mandatory to submit to ECC.
  • CRUD-Customer :- This is a Master data portal application developed using Web dynpro Adobe interactive forms to facilitate the user to create/change Customer Master in ECC Hawaiin and National Plants from portal end. Unlike Supplier-CRUD it doesnot need any approvals rather the Cust Ops will create and submit it to MDM for approval and creation of replica on MDM Server and once response is received through workitems, the same is updated in ECC. The SLA time for MDM to approve/reject the creation is 4 Hrs. Similar to Supplier-CRUD this application too has MDM Address and Data duplication check operations.
  • CRUD-Product:- This is a Master data portal application in MM, which comes in the process of creating Material Master creation/change. There are some z Transactions developed in ECC which are used to create Material Master with basic information, which undergoes several levels of approvals before it is created. Once approvals are given to the material, Portal application comes into existence to get additional details about the Product from Suppliers.


Role: SAP WD ABAP Consultant

Project Description:

  • Worked on ABAP Webdynpro enhancements in Travel Management.
  • Worked on Support Activities in SAP HCM, FI and Travel Management.
  • Designed and Developed SAP Workflow for Expense Reimbursement and Approvals before Posting the Expenses to SAP FI.
  • Project involves development of workflows, Web Dynpro applications and enhancements for client's Travel Management and also includes production support for existing HCM applications.
  • Worked on BADIs' and User-Exits in SAP ECM and HCM.
  • Development Enhancements of SMART FORMS, Adobe Forms.
  • Worked on various Inbound and Outbound Interfaces in SAP TE and SAP HCM.
  • Worked on DDIC tables Design and Maintenance.
  • Extensively Worked on ABAPWorkbench Objects Reports, Dialogue programming, SAP Scripts/Smartforms .
  • Developed BSP Program in ESS/MSS Applications in HR Module.
  • Worked on Complex Adobe Forms like e-Prescription used for Online/Offline Scenarios using Local Database on Access.
  • Worked on Adobe Interactive form for Purchase Requisition with SAP Workflow.
  • Developed smartforms for PDF downloads of various SAP ECM Reports, developed Smartforms and Adobe print forms for SAP Travel Management.
  • Developed Online/Offline Adobe Forms for creating Purchase Requisition with SAP Workflow.
  • Developed an Line Item Fill Rate LIFR Report to measure the open order fill ratio: Order created per order PGI'd.
  • Developed Delivery Block Application program which will apply delivery block automatically on selected parameters via batch jobs. In addition, the program is executable by end users by using assigned Z transaction.

Exogen Eprescription Adobe Online/Offline Interactive form SAP WebDynpro Java / Adobe Application

  • Created Exogen Eprescription Adobe Online Interactive form Integrated with Enterprise Portal.
  • Created Exogen Eprescription Offline Interactive form, integrated into Exogen Setup file and Deployed onto Enterprise Portal for the end users to download and fill the form offline and submit it to the Enterprise Portal.
  • Created an MS Access DB on local system which comes with the setup file , so that users once install the setup file , MS Access DB will serve as a DB for offline form to prepopulate the data into Exogen form.
  • Created Java Servlet which includes standard BAPI proxies from SAP deployed onto Enterprise Portal, to pull the data from SAP and populate MS Access DB.
  • Created Macros in Access DB for login and DB Refresh, authenticated Sales Representatives can refresh DB anytime once a day.


Role: SAP WD ABAP Consultant

Overview of Tasks Handled:

  • Developed Custom Reports in Enterprise Portal using ABAP Webdynrpo's, Adobe Non-Interactive Forms, Adobe Interactive Forms and JavaScript in Enterprise Portal to make it One-stop-solution.
  • Created SAP ABAP WebDynpro Application with SAP Adobe Interactive form for Project Systems Posting Actual units - Saves to mySAP PLM- CFolders.
  • Created SAP ABAP WebDynpro Application with SAP Adobe Interactive form for Project Systems Posting Planned units - Saves to mySAP PLM- CFolders.
  • Created SAP ABAP WebDynpro Application with SAP Adobe Interactive form for Project Systems Request for Information-Emails, Saves to SAP mySAP PLM-cFolders.
  • Uploaded training documents using Content Management in Enterprise Portal to make it One-stopsolution.
  • Created SAP ABAP WebDynpro Application with ALV editable to Change the status of the Phase Codes from Enterprise Portal instead of CJ20N.
  • Created Custom URL Iviews for in Enterprise Portal to make it One-stop-solution.

Production Labor Project SAP ABAP WebDynpro Application

  • The features are designed to effectively utilize data that already exists in the system to provide easy to Use and understand reporting against quantities of work Production Units .
  • PMOS Labor Productivity Tracking Reports aka Operating Reports uses data sets available in SAP, 3rd Party Tool and ADP Payroll.
  • Un-posted payroll, collected via the handhelds but not posted to 3rd Party Tool, will be available the day after it is entered in the handheld.
  • Quantities can be posted in easy to use user input forms available on the PMOS web portal In addition to tracking daily and weekly performance against production goals established in the original Estimate, this functionality will help you determine where you are likely to end up on any given phase of Work based on your current performance.
  • Planning information by phase code can be input in a simple to use user input form at the beginning of a Project and updated as Change Orders are approved.
  • PMOS users will be able to input Daily Production data by Project. Or you may post Production Units to a selected week.
  • The Operating Report allow you to go back in history to see production tracked over the course of the project or phase of work. As more data is accumulated, productivity data by phase can be used to establish new prod goals.

Look Ahead Scheduling Planning SAP ABAP Webdynpro Object

  • PMOS Project Look Ahead Schedule SAP ABAP WebDynpro Application has Input screen on portal to accept the job number and it retrieves editable ALV with Phase code details.
  • After user is done with the selections in editable ALV he uses a submit button with which he can plan and schedule.
  • Output will have offline/online forms for Labor, Material and Rental Manual forms.
  • Data is updated in SAP simultaneously so that they can retrieve the data in future reports Crew/Project manager/material reports.


Role: ABAP Technical Consultant

Project Description:

Legacy integration for Master data for Lawrenceville SAP implementation project

Overview of Tasks Handled:

  • Developed a BDC for SAP Material Master Integration. It is a complex interface with File interface utility to upload the data file from Application server or from the user desktop systems. Key deliverables include:
  • For all the material existing in Niles SAP Production environment relevant to Larenceville plant, extended to the new plant with new classification, purchase sales, MRP data views. A detailed report is output to the user for all validations and performs any corrections before processing the master data creation.
  • For all new materials, Material Master Views basic, classification, sales purchase, MRP, Accounting, plant views are generated using BDC. A detailed report is output to the user with all processed data.
  • Involved in creating Inventory report exclusively, worked on integrating Customer master data using the Customer-master interface.
  • Developed and modified programs related with Reports, Selection Screen in the areas of SD, MM, PP, and FI/CO. Drill down reports, Control Level reports, and ALV reports.
  • Modified SAP Scripts, Smartforms, Style Maintenance, Graphic management and Standard text modules.
  • Responsible for generating a List of Planned Deliveries in a report. This report lists up the planned deliveries by plant / storage location, within the period user selects.
  • Responsible for develop/modify the standard scripts, Customer Address Labels: This form is used as a shipping label to place on product when shipping to a customer.
  • Involved to develop an interface program is required to unblock customers by using 'FD05' for plant requirement.
  • Emphasis more on performance and Debugging of ABAP programs.
  • Designed and developed various reports using Module Pool programming.
  • Developed RFC Connections, BAPI's, ALE's and Idoc's that connects two different legacy systems Syclo and SAP.
  • Developed report program which uses advanced ABAP techniques such as OOPs and ALV's.
  • BAPI's and function modules are created and used to do the respective functionalities.


Role: ABAP Technical Consultant

Timet Titanium Metals Corporation founded in 1950, is a leading manufacturer of titanium-based metals products, focusing primarily on the aerospace industry.

Project Description:

Projects involved creation of alternative sources for modifying the Application Database tables on modules Production planning and Material master with creation of some function modules used in the product's code with proper validations by the client according to their requirements.It even involved creating some programs that are used to update vendor details and certain report generation works with scripts and printforms.

Overview of Tasks Handled:

  • Developed BDC Utility for C223 transaction for Production Version Lock Status Change in MM02 . User will able to upload flat file from the presentation server and using the Material, plant and production version combination this utility will update the lock status of particular record.
  • Developed a BDC program for the transaction C223 using session method.
  • Proper Validations are done by checking the production versions whose status is already updated which reduces the time complexity
  • Developed BDC Utility for co02 transaction for Production order Change a subsequent change in control key of routing table in Me21n .Project involved change in production order number for the given Production order number,operation number and thereby creating Purchase order from the automatically generated Purchase Requisition based on User input values vendor details.

Reports/ BDC:

  • Interactive Report to display the Vendor, Purchase Order and Item details in ALV Grid format as per the end user's mode of selection and exclusively created interactive report on sales order details that allows display and editing option to customer.
  • Classical Report to display list of sales order in ALV Grid Control.
  • Developed a Program to UPLOAD New Vendor and Material details from Legacy system into the SAP application.
  • Transfer Vendor details from one system to another using RFC Programming.

SAP Scripts/ Smart Forms:

  • Print Sales Order details of a Vendor using SAP Scripts and Material details using Smart Forms.
  • Modified SAP Script for SAP specific reports RVORDER01 form.
  • Modified existing layout set MEDRUCK according to client's requirements to insert LOGO and Field in a form.


Role: ABAP Technical Consultant

The client is a world-class, global business transformation consulting firm providing products and services in information technology and business functions. The client specializes in consulting, managed services, enterprise information management and enterprise mobile communications.

Project Description:

  • Worked on Inhouse projects related to developing accelerators, tools and templates for SAP Implementations, upgrades and enhancements.
  • SAP Upgrade tool UPTRAK development coordination from offshore
  • Development of Support Pack analyzer for automating the SAP support pack implementation
  • Worked as an offshore ABAP developer for HASBRO project and involved in developing MM, SD related conversions, reports.

Overview of Tasks Handled:

  • Designed and Developed several custom BAPI's as part of the designed tool
  • Several apps for standard and custom BAPI's are developed
  • Worked on Performance Issues of the apps built
  • Several report programs are developed based on the given functional specs
  • Created several screens and Menus using Screen Painter and Menu Painter.
  • Developed custom BAPI's for Goods Receipt and Goods Issue Processes.
  • Custom BAPI's are also built for Material to Material movement and location to location movements with handling units and substorage bin.
  • Used BDC programming for calling transaction standard transaction using session method and call transaction methods.
  • Proper Validations are done to increase code optimization and thereby reducing time complexity.

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