Sas Programmer Resume Profile
- SAS Certified Professional with Seven years of experience in various SAS applications for interactive/dynamic report generation in Clinical Trials and Financial Analysis.
- Exposure to SAS Programming, Merging SAS Data Sets, Macro Facility, Preparing Datasets, Producing Reports, Validating Reports, SAS Formats, SAS Informants, SAS Functions, Storing and Managing Data in SAS environment.
- Solid understanding of statistical concepts and various statistical procedures.
- Good knowledge of data extraction and sorting data from various databases like SQL Server, Oracle clinical, DB2 and MS Access.
- Experience in delivering output in different formats including HTML, RTF, PDF, and creating Custom reports using SAS ODS facility, Proc Report.
- Experienced in constructing SAS queries.
- Experience in modifying existing SAS programs and creating new programs using SAS Macros to improve efficiency and consistency of results.
- Good knowledge in Clinical Data Validation, clinical phases II, III , and Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium CDISC SDTM/ADAM mapping of clinical trial data to generate SAS compliant datasets as per CDISC standards.
- SAS programming including analysis of clinical trial data and generating reports, tables, listings, graphs and summaries as per company standards and in compliance with 21 CFR Part 11, FDA and other GCP Guidelines.
Technical skills:
- Statistical Software: SAS V9.2 SAS Enterprise Guide.
- Databases: MS Access, Oracle clinical, SQL Server.
- Tools: SAS, MS Office 2003/2007, MS Access, Excel, Word, PowerPoint.
- SAS Procedures: Print, Printo, Frequency, Means, Summary, Tabulate, Chart, Gchart, Plot, Gplot, Univariate, Corr, Contents, Compare, Append, Copy, Datasets, Format, Options, Sort, Transpose, Report, SQL, ANOVA, Reg, Setinit, Import, Export
- Clinical Trials: Phases II, III , NDA Submissions, FDA Approvals, CDISC standards.
- Operating Systems: Windows 2000/NT/XP/Vista, MSDOS
Professional experience:
Role: SAS Programmer
- Extracted data from the database using SAS/SQL, SAS/Macros from different databases such as DB2, SQL server, Teradata, Oracle.
- Reviewed market data to verify integrity and consistency for completeness, accuracy and suitability and implemented business logics to solve the performance issues.
- Retrieved the data from flat files received from the vendors and converted to SAS data sets using SAS/STAT procedures.
- Extensively read different forms of Input files like CSV and other formatted files using Infile and Proc Import and documented using SAS scripting to develop data cleaning operations.
- Created Macros and used macros created by other users.
- Used SAS/ODS to generate reports on HTML web format as well as in RTF and PDF.
- Created reports using analysis output and exported them to the web to enable the customers to have access through Internet.
Environment: SAS/Base, SAS/Access, SAS/Macro, SAS/SQL, SAS/Graph, SAS/STAT, SAS/Connect, MS SQL Server, MS-Excel, and Windows.
Role: R D SAS Data Analyst/Programmer
- Worked with a team of Bio-statisticians and Data Managers for Generating Safety and Efficacy tables across Phase II and III Clinical Studies in patients taking antidepressants.
- Reviewed protocol, case report form CRF and Responsible for Edit checks of clinical trial data to identify illogical data entries.
- Designed statistical summary tables. Preparing SAS datasets, SAS Reports, Listings and Graphs, for IND and NDA submissions. Created and Modified SAS Macros for Data Cleaning, Validation, Analysis and Report generation.
- Drew flowcharts indicating the input data sets, sorting and merging techniques.
- Wrote code using SAS/Base and SAS/Macros to extract clean and validate data from flat file, Excel file, Access Database, and Oracle Database.
- Developed and improved the efficiency of programs through the use of SAS macros.
- Used many Base SAS procedures for analysis, management, presentation and access of the data.
- Used many Base SAS functions for data cleaning.
- Modified standard programs to generate data sets for statistical data analysis, generate listings, summaries, tables, graphs and reports for analyzing clinical trial data results in compliance with relevant SOPs as per SAP.
- Produced Reports, Listings, Tabulations and Summaries of the clinical trial data using procedures such as PROC MEANS, PROC SUMMARY, PROC UNIVARIATE, PROC TABULATE, and PROC REG.
- Creating routine and ad-hoc reports using PROC PRINT, PROC FREQ, PROC CHART and PROC REPORT.
- Experience in CDISC SDTM mapping of clinical trial data to generate SAS compliant datasets as per CDISC standards.
- Extensively using PROC GPLOT and PROC GCHART for generating graphs and plots.
- Designed and created SAS datasets from various sources like Excel datasheets, flat files and Oracle, created summary reports from existing SAS datasets as per SAP.
- Formatted HTML, RTF and PDF reports, using SAS Output Delivery System ODS.
- Preliminary data validation of clinical trial data using PROC COMPARE.
- Making summary presentations of business highlights to senior management.
- Documenting process flow, improving and updating procedures for existing SAS applications.
Environment: SAS/Tools, SAS/Base, SAS/Macro, SAS/Graph, SAS/SQL, SAS/Access SAS/AF, SAS/STAT, SAS/Connect, MS SQL server, MS-Excel, and Windows XP.
Role: Sr. SAS Programmer/Analyst
- Performed data collection, validation and statistical analysis for variety of health plans.
- Quickly Generated, Submitted and modified reports to meet project time lines.
- Interacted with project team members to understand reporting requirements.
- Generated tables using proc Report, proc Tabulate, and proc Print procedures.
- Used SAS/ODS to generate reports on HTML web format as well as in RTF and PDF formats.
- Extensively used Base SAS, SAS/Macros, SAS/Graph, and SAS/ Stat.
- Performed Statistical Analysis and created reports using Proc Freq, Proc Tabulate, Proc Mean, Proc Univariate, Proc Transpose and suitable options for these procedures.
- Used SAS DATA NULL and PUT statements to create the customized reports.
- Validated, documented and tested component programs in an efficient manner for inclusion in integrated reports.
- Provided programming support in compliance with relevant SOPs and working practices.
- Provided programming perspective on activities such as protocol and SAP Statistical Analysis Plan review.
Environment: SAS/Base, SAS/Access, SAS/Macros, SAS/Graph, SAS/Stat, SAS/ODS, SAS/Connect, MS Excel, HTML, Windows XP.
Role: SAS Programmer/Analyst
- Developed and designed different SAS programs to analyze financial data.
- Creating permanent formatted SAS data sets and developed reports using PROC REPORT, PROC TABULATE and DATA NULL for analysis.
- Developed reports as per business requirements and created various reports like summary reports, tabular reports etc.
- Used SAS extensively for match merge, append data validation, and data correction and cleansing.
- Responsible for maintenance and enhancements in reporting systems using SAS/BASE, SAS/MACRO, SAS/STAT, and SAS/GRAPH.
- Testing on large raw data file using FIRSTOBS and OBS option, use of Datalines to enter data internally.
- Use of PROC IMPORT procedure to import excel file into SAS.
- Loop iteration in data step using Do-End statement.
- Built the summary reports after identifying the customers, their occupancy period and the revenue generated using PROC SUMMARY, PROC MEANS and PROC FREQ. Updated the Revenue item table on a daily basis.
- Used data step options like KEEP, DROP, and RENAME as a part of storage efficiencies. Data set options IF, WHERE, MISSOVER, TRUNCOVER etc. were used in reading raw data files.
- Submitted reports for different financial services on daily basis.
Environment: SAS/Base, SAS/Access, SAS/Macro, SAS/SQL, SAS/Graph, SAS/STAT, SAS/Connect, MS SQL Server, MS-Excel, and Windows XP
Role: Programmer/Analyst
- Converted MS-Word documents and EXCEL tables into SAS data sets.
- Created web reports in HTML format using SAS/ODS.
- Using SAS/STAT to perform analysis of variance for balanced or unbalanced designs, multivariate analysis of variance, and repeated measurements analysis of variance.
- Create electronic data sets i.e., SAS transport files for electronic submission.
- Created survival graphs in EXCEL by transporting SAS data sets into EXCEL spreadsheets.
- Created Kaplan-Meier Survival Curves using PROC LIFETEST and PROC GPLOT in SAS.
- Ensured quality of dataset at the protocol level while working to deliver competitive advantage and cost efficiency to the company as a whole.
- Conducted documenting and reporting computer validation inspections in compliance with 21 Code of Federal Regulations 21CFR and other regulatory compliance.
- Involved in preparing analysis plans, data analysis and statistical report writing presentations to FDA and programming of patient profiles for statistical reports.
- Created SAS Customized Reports using the Data Null technique for FDA evaluations.
- Generated graphs using SAS/GRAPH and the SAS Graphics Editor.
- Developed SAS macros for data cleaning and Reporting and to support routing processing.
- Converted ORACLE data tables into SAS data files using SAS SQL pass through facility and uploaded SAS data files into ORACLE tables using SAS 'Bloat' procedure.
- Used PROC REPORT to generate reports.