Statistical Programmer Resume Profile
Waukesha, WI
- Base SAS Programmer with Eight Plus years of SAS programming experience in Statistical analysis, Validation and Statistical report generation of Healthcare and Clinical trial data.
- Extensive experience in the application of SAS tools such as SAS/BASE, SAS/STAT, SAS/GRAPH, SAS/MACROS, SAS/SQL, SAS/ENTERPRISE GUIDE and SAS/ODS.
- Extensive experience in creating external files and customized reports using SAS procedures such as Proc Report, Proc Tabulate, Proc Means, ProcFreq, ProcUnivariate, Data Null , Proc Summary.
- Experience in validating Tables, listings and CRTs manually and using Proc Compare as well as with departmental standard macros.
- Solid knowledge of ADS creation,CRT dataset creation, CDISC and MedDra for regulatory submissions.
- Extensive knowledge of CDISC, SDTM and ADAM models.
- Strong understanding of Clinical Trials Phases I - IV , FDA guidelines, and GXPs Good Clinical Practice, Good Laboratory Practice and Good Manufacturing Practice .
- Solid knowledge in clinical trial data like Demographic data, Adverse Events data, Subject listings, Concomitant medications, Vital Signs data, Laboratory data etc.
- Worked for Double blinded study, Randomized study, Single blinded studyin Clinical trials in Oncology, Neurology, Nephrology, Cardiovascular and Immunology.
- Proficiency in writing maintainable, supportable, and well-documented SAS codes.
- Experienced in Data management, data extraction, manipulation, validation, purification and analyzing large sized data.
- Experience in generating RTF, HTML and PDF formatted files using SAS/ODS.
- Experience in developing SAS Macros, applications for data cleaning and reporting and involved in preparing documentation.
- Worked on statistical parametric analysis methods such as Correlation, Regression, Analysis of variance and general linear models using SAS STAT procedures such as PROC ANOVA, PROC GLM, PROC CORR, PROC REG.
- Maintained and enhanced existing SAS REPORTING PROGRAMS for FDA Submissions.
- Good understanding of study related STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PLAN SAP and produced Tables, Listings and Graphs based on the specifications in SAP.
Office Tools: MS Office, Excel, Power Point and Word.
Operating Systems: Windows and UNIX
Databases: Oracle Clinical, SQL Server.
Languages: C, SAS, and SQL
Role:Statistical Programmer
- Developed SAS programs with the use of Base SAS and SAS/Macros for ad hoc jobs.
- Modified the existing programs according to the new business rules.
- Extensively used SAS procedures like Print, Sort, SQL, Means, Summary, Freq etc.
- Ran the monthly and quarterly maintenance jobs on the mainframe.
- Documented the run instructions for two different processes in a project.
- Prepared new Datasets and modified existing datasets using Set, Merge, Sort, Update, Formats and Functions and created Tables and Listings for the same.
- Participated in designing, coding, testing, debugging and documenting SAS Programs
- Statistical analysis included coding the data sets, calculating simple percentage distributions, graphs, comparison of rates by Agency's t-test and chi-square test, multiple tables and reports developed using SAS/STAT
- Created RTF, PDF, HTML, LISTING, etc using Output Delivery System ODS
- Extensively used various SAS Data Step functions, SAS procedures, and SQL to write reports logics for SAS Stored Processes
- Data extraction from several databases including Oracle, SQL Server and other external files using SAS/ACCESS, SAS/SQL pass through facility, Libname statements, PROC IMPORT procedure and also via SAS Data steps
- Familiar with all phases of SDLC including Collection of Data from Raw data files such as Excel spreadsheets and External RDBMS tables, Modifying and Analysis, Coding Statistical Models, Summarizing and Presenting Results.
- Constructed SAS programs on UNIX platform to clean the data according to the specifications.
- Created SAS Customized Reports using the Data Null technique for FDA evaluations.
- Converting existing Cognos reports to SAS web reports by creating SAS Information Maps and using those maps for creating SAS web reports using SAS Web Report Studio.
- Developed routine SAS macros to create tables, graphs and listings for inclusion in Clinical study reports and regulatory submissions and maintained existing ones.
- SAS Tableau Business Analytics Platform which includes Enterprise Business Intelligence EBI , SAS Grid/Platform Administration, Data Integration, statistical modeling, predictive modeling .
- Produced quality customized reports by using PROC TABULATE, REPORT, and SUMMARY and also provided descriptive statistics using PROC Means, Frequency, and Univariate.
- Created survival graphs in MS-Excel by transporting SAS data sets into Excel spreadsheets.
- Formatted HTML and RTF reports, using SAS - output delivery system ODS.
- Using SAS Enterprise Guide build advanced querying, calculating computed columns, using filter, sorting, manipulate and prepare data for Reporting, Graphing, and Summarization, statistical analysis, finally generates summarization SAS datasets.
- Working on SAS Business Intelligence platform to drive the automation of standardized analytics.
- Strong command of Software Development Life Cycle SDLC and Data Warehousing concepts
- Used the SAS Macro facility to produce weekly and monthly reports.
- Coordinated with vital departments to analyze areas such as customer retention, opportunities and customer segmentation. Store and distribute SAS Enterprise Guide results in different formats such as HTML, Tagsets, PDF, WORD based on the user group requirement with SAS/ODS
- Validated programs and databases.
- Created SAS programs using Proc Report, Proc Summary to generate reports on patients who deviate from protocol specifications.
Role: Statistical Programmer
- Responsible for providing SAS programming and analysis support for phase III clinical study.
- Extracted raw data from excel and created SAS data sets that were required for the project analysis.
- Generate Tables, listings and graphs, including Patient Demography and Characteristics, Adverse Events, Laboratory etc.
- Modified existing SAS programs and created new programs using SAS macro variables to improve ease and speed of modification as well as to obtain consistency in results.
- Used PROC SQL on a SAS Server to read from/write to ORACLE tables.
- Reviewed data from clinical trials and developed plans to presenting results to FDA.
- Based on the mapping specification document created CDISC-SDTM SAS datasets which were compliant to all CDISC standards.
- Converted ORACLE data tables into SAS data files using SAS SQL Pass through Facility, and uploaded SAS data files into ORACLE tables using SAS Dbload procedure.
- Created SAS dataset from tables in Database using SAS/Access and Retrieved the Sales data from flat files, oracle database and converted to SAS data sets for Analysis using SAS/STAT procedures.
- Validated SDTM SAS datasets using SAS QC Macros, finally converting them into Transport files.
- Experience in design, development and implementation of Business Intelligence solutions and in all phases of Software Development Life cycle.
- Monitoring SAS Application Servers SAS EBI, Enterprise miner and tracking the errors to ensure smooth flow of the SAS applications and Portal.
- Managed in the integration efforts for merging BI platforms with enterprise systems and applications.Used SAS Data Integration Studio and BI for Job creation, scheduling and execution. Continuously monitored these jobs in case of any data inconsistencies.
- Generating SAS EG stored processes for product-specific analyses
- Comprehensive skills in working with SAS/BASE, SAS EG, SAS EBI, SAS/MACRO, SAS/ACCESS, campaign management etc. in windows and UNIX environment.
- Stored process with prompts is created with procsql in Stored process manager of SAS EG. These stored processes create permanent datasets that is mapped with Information Maps.
- Installing SAS tools, creating various user profiles, administrating the whole EBI platform using SAS Management Console and performing server maintenance.
- Reviewed protocol and Case Report Forms to identify irregular data entry errors of clinical trial data. Created safety and efficacy customized reports for FDA regulatory submissions.
- Involved in writing SDTM QC Macros that validates the SDTM datasets against FDA guidelines.
- Involved in creating transport files for electronic submissions to the FDA.
- Created and validated various specifications for SDTM and ADAM transfer purposes.
Role: SAS programmer
- Developed SAS programs using SAS/BASE, SAS/SQL, SAS/STAT and SAS/MACROS for statistical analysis and data display.
- Performed data analysis on the data sets using PROC MEANS, PROC FREQ etc.
- Performed Quality control on SAS programs to ensure data flow in continuous for new data obtained
- Imported workable data into SAS from various data types and formats like metadata, MS Excel and MS Access files, delimited text files, and comma separated values CSV files.
- Wrote SAS SQL code for querying data from large datasets and extracted data from Oracle DB.
- Converted ORACLE data tables into SAS data files using SAS SQL Pass through Facility, and uploaded SAS data files into ORACLE tables using SAS Dbload procedure.
- Working with SAS EnterpriseBusiness Intelligence server products like SAS information delivery portal 2.0 Web report studio. SAS/OLAP Cube studio, SAS data integration studio 3.4, SAS management console, Information map studio 3.1, Enterprise guide 4.1 and Integration technologies.
- Works with Business/IT Stakeholders to design develop SAS EBI 9.2 solutions including, data acquisition, data modeling. Creates Data Models for different level of Marketing based on the reports.
- Present results in the form of spreadsheets, tabulate, graphics and reports using SAS.
- Manipulated and managed data extracted from flat files in SAS
- Using SAS Business Intelligence BI to drive the automation of standardized analytics
- Involved on the migration of the SAS 9.1.3 to SAS 9.3 EBI platform.
- Created large datasets by combining individual datasets using various inner and outer joins in SAS/SQL and dataset merging techniques of SAS/BASE
- Create reports in RTF/pdf format using SAS Output delivery system as per the client requirement. Environment: SAS 9.1, BASE/SAS, SAS Macro, SAS/ACCESS, SAS/CONNECT, SAS/ODS, SAS/Internet, App Dev Studio 2.0/2.02, SAS/SQL, SAS Warehouse, Microsoft Front Page, EJB, DB2, Unix.
- Converted ORACLE data tables into SAS data files using SAS SQL Pass through Facility, and uploaded SAS data files into ORACLE tables using SAS Dbload procedure.
- Substantial experience in gathering reporting requirements for risk, operations, performance, and management indicators, assessing analytical capabilities to answer critical business questions, designing visualization options, and implementing cutting edge business intelligence solutions including OBIEE, SAS EBI, Tableau, and SSRS.
- Coordinate with SAS developers to code for each level of the module, including embedded HTML and JavaScript to build webpages and working within the SAS EBI system.
- Created SAS jobs using SAS Base Programming in SAS EG to create a datamart in SAS SPDS. These jobs use procsql connect to Teradata extracting Claims, Member, Provider, Pharmacy, and Enrollment from the warehouse. This datamart gets appended with data every month.
- Advanced Querying using SAS Enterprise Guide, calculating computed columns, using filter, manipulate and prepare data for Reporting, Graphing, and Summarization, statistical analysis, finally generates SAS datasets.
- Extracted, transform and load datasets with basic modeling variables for each segment type using PROC IMPORT and SQL queries, imported data from Oracle database into SAS files.
- Installing SAS tools, creating various user profiles, administrating the whole EBI platform using SAS Management Console and performing server maintenance.
- Performed statistical analyses on various source SAS datasets
- Documented purpose and methods used in each SAS program.
- Used ODS statements and PROC TEMPLATE to create reports in style format.
- Used SAS extensively to create ad hoc reports.
- Used SAS Macros, PROC SQL to extract, sort match test accounts and ODS to HTML, PDF and RTF.
Role: SAS Programmer
- Wrote edit check programs to ensure data quality
- Involved in the sustaining activities required for the EBI-eCI applications.
- Performed Data Extraction to generate Ad-Hoc TLs
- Performed output review to validate reports
- Generated safety tables, reports and listings related to demographics, adverse events, lab, study completion and study discontinuation
- Thorough knowledge of Drug Development Process and Clinical Trials
- Performed data analysis, statistical analysis, generated reports, listings using SAS Tools, SAS/MACROS
- Performed sorting and merging techniques on the input data sets for Data Preparation.
- Extensively used SAS/Macro to provide reusable programs that can be conveniently used from time to time
- Extracted data from the Oracle database using SAS/Base, SAS/Access, and wrote SQL queries using Proc SQL procedures and created SAS datasets.
- Involved in data manipulations and stored the updated data into corresponding data marts in Oracle warehouse. .
- Acquired raw data from Oracle tables and loaded the data into SAS datasets for further analysis and reporting.
- Created SAS dataset from tables in Database using SAS/Access and retrieved the Costumer data from flat files, oracle database and converted to SAS data sets for Analysis using SAS/STAT procedures.
- Using SAS Version 9 especially the Business Intelligence Platform tools SAS Enterprise Guide 4.0, SAS Stored Processes Web Application, SAS Web Report Studio, SAS Information Map Studio 3.1, SAS Information Delivery Portal, SAS OLAP CUBE Studio 9.1, SAS Web OLAP Viewer For Java, SAS Enterprise BI Server, Tomcat/ Apache.
- Submitted UNIX shell script commands to clean phantom processes from the server.
- Produced quality customized reports by using Proc Tabulate, Proc Report,Proc Summary and also provided descriptive statistics using Proc Means, Proc Frequency andProcUnivariate
- Created Statistical tables and listings specifications
- Performing in-depth quantitative analysis and data analysis
- Extensively used procedures like Proc SQL, Proc Print and Proc sort
- Coding SAS programs with the use of SAS/BASE and SAS/MACROS
- Analyzed Specification and production and reporting deliverables
- Performed program documentation on all programs, files and variables for accurate historical record and for future reference by using CDISC
- Designed SAS programs to access, validate and summarize data, including validation of derived variables