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Sr. Python Developer Resume

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New York, NY


  • 8+years of experience in Web/Application Development as a senior Python Developer in analytical programming using python with skills in analysis, design, development, testing and deploying software applications.
  • Good experience using various python libraries to speed up development (libraries used: Beautiful Soup, SciPy, Matplotlib, python - twitter, Pandas data frame, network, urllib2, MySQL, NOSQL, dB for database connectivity, JSON libraries)
  • Involved in Developing a Restful service using python Flask framework.
  • Made Django web-based apps for Insurance premium calculations.
  • Developed entire frontend and back-end modules using python on Django Web Framework with GIT
  • Successfully Migrated the Django database from SQLite to MySQL to PostgreSQL with complete data integrity.
  • Working in UNIX environment in developing the application and familiar with all of its commands.
  • Experienced in working Stretch Database feature of SQL Server 2016 for the cold data residing on on-premises SQL Server Databases can be migrated transparently and securely to Microsoft AzureCloud.
  • Hands on Experience in Data mining and Data warehousing using ETL Tools and Proficient in Building reports and dashboards in Tableau (BI Tool).
  • Proficient in using Confidential Web Services AWS. Extensive experience focusing on services like EC2, VPC, Cloud Watch, Cloud Front, Cloud Formation, IAM, S3, Confidential RDS, Elastic Cache, SNS, SQS.
  • Configured AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Groups and Users for improved login authentication.
  • Hands on experience in design and development of Unix Shell Scripting as a part of the ETL Process to automate the process of loading.
  • Automate different workflows, which are initiated manually with Python scripts and Unix shell scripting.
  • Experience in Creation and managing user accounts, security, rights, disk space and process monitoring in Solaris and Red hat Linux.
  • Proficient in using Confidential Web Services AWS. Extensive experience focusing on services like EC2, VPC, Cloud Watch, Cloud Front, Cloud Formation, IAM, S3, Confidential RDS, Elastic Cache, SNS, SQS.
  • Worked in agile and waterfall methodologies with high quality deliverables delivered on-time.
  • Extensive experience in system analysis, design, development and implementation of web based and client/server application using HTML, Angular JS, Bootstrap, underscore JS, Node JS, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JSP, JDBC, XML, XSLT, Python, Django, PHP
  • Developed Java/J2ee applications using Hibernate, XML, Android, XSLT, and Basic ASP.net applications including using Core Java concepts like OOPS, Multithreading, Garbage Collections, and Collection etc
  • Experience in Implementation of MVC/ MVW architecture using Servlet, Django, and RESTful, SOAP web service and
  • Excellent Experience of Databases such as MySQL, Oracle 8g/9g/10g, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQL/PLSQL concepts
  • Experience with continuous integration and automation using Jenkins.
  • Expertise in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and its related technologies like Web Services, BPEL, WSDLs, SOAP1.1, XML, XSD, XSLT etc.
  • Developed ColdFusion Components, custom tags and modified CF Objects
  • Experience with Unit testing/ Test driven Development (TDD), Load Testing in JIRA, JENKIN
  • Wrote AJAX framework to transform Datasets and Data tables into HTTP-serializable JSON strings.



Confidential, New York, NY


  • Designed front end using UI, HTML, Bootstrap, NodeJS, underscore JS, AngularJS CSS, and JavaScript and Strong Expertise in working with server-side technologies including databases, restful API and MVC design patterns.
  • Have utilized Python libraries such as NumPy and Pandas for processing tabular format data.
  • Installing and automation of application using configuration management tools Puppet and Chef and Creating and configuring virtual development environments with Chef and Virtual Box.
  • Involved in the development of the applications using Python, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, JSON and jQuery.
  • Involved in MVC frameworks like Django, Angular.js, React.JS, JavaScript, and Node.js and had analyzed the SQL scripts and designed the solution to implement using Pyspark.
  • Implemented AWS solutions using E2C, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups, Optimized volumes and EC2 instances.
  • Utilizing MEAN stack (MongoDB/AngularJS) and JSON for data transfer and technologies related to server-side scripting.
  • Responsible for creating efficient design and development of responsive UI using with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node JS) and React JS.
  • Developing an enterprise MEAN Stack application by writing server-side code with Node.js and Express framework, a database to store and retrieve data with MongoDB and front-end web pages designing with ReactJS
  • Designed and developed the application using Agile Methodology and followed TDD and Scrum.
  • Managed datasets using Panda data frames and MySQL, queried MYSQL database queries from Python using Python-MySQL connector My SQL db package to retrieve information.
  • Successfully migrated the Django database from SQLite to MySQL to PostgreSQL and Designed, developed and deployed CSV Parsing using the big data approach on AWS EC2.
  • Used Pandas API to put the data as time series and tabular format for data manipulation and retrieval.
  • Developed API to Integrate with Confidential EC2 cloud-based architecture in AWS, including creating machine Images.
  • Used Celery as task queue and RabbitMQ, Redis as messaging broker to execute asynchronous tasks.
  • Used jQuery and AJAX calls for transmitting JSON data objects between front end and controllers and Utilized continuous integration and automated deployments with Jenkins, Ansible and Docker.
  • Developed web applications using MongoDB and back-ground processes using Resque and Redis and Worked on performance tuning of cluster using Cassandra Configuration file and JVM Parameters.
  • Created Python tools to increase efficiency of retail management application system and operations; data conversion scripts, AMQP/RabbitMQ, REST, JSON, and CRUD scripts for API Integration.
  • Used Test driven approach for developing the application and Implemented the unit tests using Python Unit test framework and Development of Isomorphic React.JS and Redux driven API client applications.
  • Developed Python scripts to monitor health of Mongo databases and perform ad-hoc backups using Mongo dump and Mongo restore.
  • Managed and reviewed Hadoop log file and worked in analyzing SQL scripts and designed the solution for the process using Pyspark.
  • Developed applications using RESTful architecture using Node.js and Python as backend languages and Used Numpy for Numerical analysis.
  • Developed REST Microservices which are like API’s used for Home Automation. They also keep the data in synchronization between two database services.
  • Configuring auto scalable and highly available microservices set with monitoring and logging using AWS, Docker, Jenkins and Splunk
  • Designing, implementing, and maintaining solutions for using Docker, Jenkins, Git, and Puppet for microservices and continuous deployment.
  • Involved in the Complete Software development life cycle (SDLC) to develop the application and Worked closely with software developers and DevOps to debug software and system problems.
  • Designed and developed middleware, using RESTful web services based on a centralized schema Wrote Python scripts to parse JSON documents and load the data in database.
  • Worked on AWS data pipeline for Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading from the homogeneous or heterogeneous data sources.
  • Implemented and designed AWS virtual servers by Ansible roles to ensure deployment of web applications. Worked with multiple development teams to troubleshot and resolve issues.
  • Designed, configured and deployed Confidential Web Services (AWS) for a multitude of applications utilizing the Confidential Web Services focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance and auto-scaling. worked in Shell Scripting Server, Unix and Linux, Open stock and Expertise python scripting with focus on DevOps tools, CI/CD and AWS Cloud Architecture.
  • Knowledge of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Agile and Waterfall Methodologies and Familiar with concepts and devices such routers, switches and TCP/IP protocols and OSI layer.
  • Worked on AJAX framework to transform Datasets and Data tables into HTTP-serializable JSON strings.
  • Extensive working experience in free marker, Struts framework, Spring framework and O/R Mapping Hibernate framework.
  • Using object-relational mapper (ORM) library to automate the transfer of data stored in relational databases tables into objects.
  • Performed various Parsing technique's using PySpark API'S to cleanse the data from Kafka.
  • Worked on developing Restful endpoints to cache application specific data in in-memory data clusters like REDIS and exposed them with Restful endpoints.
  • Used SQL Alchemy as Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for writing ORM queries.
  • Developed custom consumers and producers for Apache Kafka in Go (Golang) for cars monitoring system.
  • Designed the real-time analytics and ingestion platform using Storm and Kafka. Wrote Storm topology to accept the events from Kafka producer and emit into Cassandra DB.
  • Design, build and manage the ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, graphite, Kibana) cluster for centralized logging and search functionalities for the App.
  • Golang, Infrastructure Teams and Engineering Productivity utilizing Kubernetes, Docker, influx dB Ansible, Spinnaker.
  • Deployed mircoservices2, including provisioning AWS environments using Ansible Playbooks.
  • Used Ansible playbooks to setup Continuous Delivery pipeline. This primarily consists of a Jenkins and Sonar server, the infrastructure to run these packages and various supporting software components such as Maven, etc.
  • Automated various infrastructure activities like Continuous Deployment, Application Server setup, Stack Monitoring using Ansible playbooks and has integrated Ansible with Run deck and Jenkins.
  • Created real-time dashboard for Executives, utilizing Logstash, graphite, Elastic Search, Kibana & Redis.
  • Developed an Ansible role for Zabbix-agent which will be integrated into the to the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Involved in converting Hive/SQL queries into Spark transformations using Spark RDDs, Python and Scala.
  • Used Spark-Streaming APIs to perform necessary transformations and actions on the fly for building the common learner data model which gets the data from Kafka in near real time and Persists into Cassandra.
  • Automated RabbitMQ cluster installations and configuration using Python/Bash.
  • Used Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, scale and manage Docker containers with multiple name spaced versions.
  • Developed CI/CD system with Jenkins on Google's Kubernetes container environment, utilizing Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build and test and deploy.
  • Developed backup and recovery engine for VM backup/recovery using VMware vSphere APIs, Golang programming language and RabbitMQ Message bus (communication interface).
  • Crypto Blockchain (Bitcoin, Monaro, Bitcoin Cash) E-commerce platform built utilizing Python with Flask back-end and Jinja/JavaScript front-end.
  • Currently building RESTful service API to allow users to see Blockchain transactions, orders, and info.
  • Deployed on AWS and with services EC2, S3, CloudFront. Configured AWS CLI and performed necessary actions on the AWS services using shell scripting.
  • Created Modules utilizing Requests JSON to interact RPC Wallet servers and Blockchain.


Confidential, New York, NY


  • Extensively used Python / Django Framework for developing backend applications.
  • Strong Expertise in working with server-side technologies including databases, Restful API and MVC design patterns.
  • Actively involved in Initial software development life cycle (SDLC) of requirement gathering and in suggesting system configuration specifications during client interaction.
  • Developed/supported application on LAMP stack (PHP, MYSQL and Apache)
  • Created Python and Bash tools to increase efficiency of call center application system and operations; data conversion scripts, AMQP/Rabbit MQ, REST, JSON, and CRUD scripts for API Integration.
  • Used Celery with Rabbit MQ, MySQL, Elasticsearch, and Flask to create a distributed worker framework.
  • Recording of Scripts (Web, Web Services HTML) using Vugen and Soap UI and script validation through co correlations, parameterizations and other methods. Scripting- web and web services.
  • Experience on configuring auto scalable and highly available microservices set with monitoring and logging using AWS, Docker, Jenkins and Splunk.
  • Build the Silent Circle Management System (SCMC) in Elasticsearch, Python, and Node.JS while integrating with infrastructure services.
  • Involved in developing java microservices which are interconnected in the AWS cloud also involved in consuming and building web services both and SOAP and RESTful.
  • Developed Restful Microservices using Flask and Django and deployed on AWS servers using EBS and EC2.
  • Consumed REST based Microservices with Rest template based on RESTful APIs and designed, developed and tested HTML, CSS, jQuery and React.js that meets accessibility and web browser standards for car dealerships websites.
  • Develop Python microservices with Django/Flask framework for Confidential & Confidential internal Web Applications.
  • Used REST based microservices with REST format considering RESTful APIs and outlined, built up the UI for the customer sites by utilizing HTML, CSS, jQuery and React.js.
  • Used Vagrant to implement environment for microservices deployments and testing in Docker images.
  • Designed, created, executed, and kept up answers for utilizing Docker, Jenkins, Git, and Puppet for microservices and ceaseless arrangement.
  • Contribute to the client's development standard practices of Microservice architecture by developing reusable product extensions and writing knowledge articles based on experience.
  • Experience on creating Microservices with Spring Cloud, Eureka Service Discovery, Ribbon, Spring Boot, Apache Camel and REST web services
  • Utilizing MEAN stack (MongoDB/AngularJS) and JSON for data transfer and technologies related to server-side scripting.
  • Responsible for creating efficient design and development of responsive UI using with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node JS) and React JS.
  • Created a Python/Elasticsearch based web application using Python scripting for data processing, MySQL for the database, and HTML/CSS/Ruby and High Charts for data visualization of the served pages.
  • Strong Socket programming experience in Python. Implemented complex networking operations like race route, SMTP mail server and web server.
  • Managed, developed, and designed a dashboard control panel for customers and Administrators using Elasticsearch, HTML, CSS, Ruby, Bootstrap, Ruby and RESTAPI calls.
  • Automated RabbitMQ cluster installations and configuration using Python/Bash.
  • Fetched twitter feeds for certain important keyword using python-twitter library.
  • Used Python Library Beautiful Soup for web scrapping to extract data for building graphs.
  • Trained extensively in agile methodologies and implemented by participating in scrum stand ups, Kanban mode, discussing and implementing requirements with clients.
  • Was leading an effort to build a real time click stream analytics platform for processing the beacons from web and mobile devices using Spark, Kafka, elastic and building dashboard using Kibana and Grafana
  • Experience in the Hadoop ecosystem components like HDFS, Spark with Scala and python Zookeeper, Yarn, MapReduce, Pig, Sqoop, HBase, Hive, Flume, Cassandra, MongoDB, Oozie, Kafka, Flume, and TEZ.
  • Hands on experience in developing SPARK applications using Spark API's like Spark core, Spark Streaming, Spark MLlib and Spark SQL and worked with different file formats such as Text, Sequence files, Avro, ORC, JSON and Parquette.
  • Used object-relational mapper (ORM) to automate the transfer of data stored in relational databases tables into objects.
  • Experience in using Design Patterns such as MVC, Singleton and frameworks such as DJANGO, Ability in handling Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) and SQL Alchemy.
  • Managed and reviewed Hadoop log file and worked in analyzing SQL scripts and designed the solution for the process using PySpark.
  • Developed SAS code for data analysis and report generation using Macro Processing, Proc Report to generate Excel spreadsheets.
  • Develop python code to automate the ingestion of common formats such as JSON, CSV by using Logstash from elastic search to Kibana dashboard to be viewed by clients.
  • Responsible for designing and deploying new ELK clusters (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Graphite Kibana, beats, Kafka, zookeeper etc.
  • Responsible for the Automation of the deployment of the Conductor application on AWS lambda using high-end AWS architectural components
  • Fixed issues related to OpenStack components such as Nova, Glance, Neutron, Key-stone, MySQL/Percona DB, RabbitMQ, Cech, Repose, HAP Roxy and Horizon.
  • Experienced in developing API services Python/Tornado while leveraging AMQP and RabbitMQ for distributed architectures.
  • Designed and developed web crawler in python using Scrappy framework and using RabbitMQ as a messaging server between the micro services.
  • Experience with Kibana to check logs and other time-stamped data sets stored in Elastic Search.
  • Written and Maintained Automated Salt scripts for Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Beats.
  • Developed full stack Python web framework with an emphasis on simplicity, flexibility, and extensibility. It is built atop excellent components and reinvents zero wheels. WSGI, routing, templating, forms, data, plugins, config, events, SQL Alchemy, Storm, CouchDB, OpenID, App Engine, jQuery, etc.
  • Validated BI Support events, transformed and batched events which are sent to HNM and Kafka by triggering these events using Kafka, Mesos.
  • Used micro service architecture, with Spring Boot-based services interacting of REST and Kafka.
  • Developed Kafka producer and consumers, HBase clients, Spark, shark, Streams and Hadoop MapReduce jobs along with components on HDFS, Hive.
  • Creating restful web services for Catalog and Pricing with Django MVT, Jersey, MySQL, and MongoDB.
  • Use AWS cloud management console, spinnaker to work with AWS. Wrote python scripts using boto3 library to manage ec2 instances and CloudFormation stack.
  • Created real-time dashboard for Executives, utilizing Logstash, graphite, Elastic Search, Kibana & Redis.
  • Experience in configuring and working with Flume and Kafka to load the data from multiple web sources directly into HDFS.
  • Used Redis cache for storing commonly used info and propagate the changes using RabbitMQ
  • Worked on Angular JS framework to develop interactive websites based on client needs.
  • Used Redis Cache for high performance, which creates space for new data by removing old data.
  • Developed Ruby on Rails web applications using MongoDB and back-ground processes using Risqué and Redis.
  • Utilized Python in the handling of all hits on Django, Redis, and other application
  • Helped the big data analytics team with implementation of python scripts for Sqoop, spark and Hadoop batch data streaming.
  • Used Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, and worked on Docker Engine, Docker HUB, Docker Images, Docker Compose for handling images for installations and domain configurations.
  • Implemented in Jenkins for Continuous Integration and for automating all builds and deployments and Build Jenkins jobs to create AWS infrastructure from GitHub repos containing terraform code and Installed and Administered Jenkins CI for Maven Builds.
  • Ingested large CSV XML JSON data from computers around the world utilizing Python with pandas, csv, xml and NumPy. Formatted the raw data and built dynamic statistic pages for engineers.
  • Used Jenkins pipelines to drive all micro services builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes
  • Involved in multi-tiered J2EE design utilizing MVC architecture Spring, Struts, Hibernate and EJB deployed on WebSphere Application Server connecting to an Oracle database
  • Used Docker to implement a high-level API to provide lightweight containers that run processes isolation and worked on creation of customized Docker container images, tagged and pushed the images to the Docker repository.
  • Participated in development of a well responsive single page application using AngularJS framework, Java Script, and jQuery in conjunction with HTML5, CSS3 standards, with front-end UI team.
  • Automated various infrastructure activities like Continuous Deployment, Application Server setup, Stack monitoring using Ansible playbooks and has Integrated Ansible with Run deck and Jenkins.
  • Wrote Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS nodes and Tested Playbooks on AWS instances using Python. Run Ansible Scripts to Provide Dev Servers.
  • Used Celery as task queue and RabbitMQ, Redis as messaging broker to execute asynchronous tasks.


Confidential, Columbus, Ohio


  • Developed Wrapper in Python for instantiating multi-threaded application and Deploy and monitor scalable infrastructure on Confidential web services (AWS).
  • Designed and managed API system deployment using fast http server and Confidential AWS architecture.
  • Developed frontend and backend modules using Python on Django including Tasty Pie Web Framework using Git.
  • Developed Ruby/Python scripts to monitor health of Mongo databases and perform ad-hoc backups using Mongo dump and Mongo restore.
  • Worked in DevOps group running Jenkins in a Docker container with EC2 slaves in Confidential AWS cloud configuration. Also gained familiarity with supporting technologies like kubernetes and Mesos.
  • Used Test driven approach for developing the application and Implemented the unit tests using Python Unit test framework and Development of Isomorphic ReactJS and Redux driven API client applications.
  • Used jQuery and AJAX calls for transmitting JSON data objects between front end and controllers and Utilized continuous integration and automated deployments with Jenkins, Ansible and Docker.
  • Used Confidential Elastic Beanstalk with Confidential EC2 to deploy project into AWS and good experience with AWS storage services (S3).
  • Build Cassandra queries for performing various CRUD operations like create, update, read and delete, also used Bootstrap as a mechanism to manage and organize the html page layout.
  • Used Pandas library for statistics Analysis. Used Numpy for Numerical analysis for Insurance premium and Managed large datasets using Panda data frames and MySQL.
  • Developed the presentation layer using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX and Used jQuery libraries for all client-side JavaScript manipulations.
  • Involved in development of RESTful Web Services for getting and sending data from the external interface in the JSON format.
  • Used MongoDB to stored data in JSON format and developed and tested many features for dashboard using Python, Bootstrap, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Developed Order-fulfillment Microservice while listens to WebSphere Message Queue for Line Complete messages and signals BPM.
  • Worked on Node.js Middleware framework like Express.js and Hapi.js and Yoemon, essentially developed microservices and serve them through middleware. Served any Client side libraries through microservice.
  • Experienced in implementing Model View Control (MVC) architecture using server-side applications like Django and Flask for developing web applications.
  • Involved in Web development, programming, and engineering Django, Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) and SQL internal admin tools behave Behavior-driven development (BDD).
  • Managed datasets using Panda data frames and MySQL, queries MYSQL database queries from python using Python-MySQL connector and MySQL dB package to retrieve.
  • Develop python code to automate the ingestion of common formats such as JSON, CSV by using Logstash from elastic search to Kibana dashboard to be viewed by clients.
  • Responsible for designing and deploying new ELK clusters (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Graphite Kibana, beats, Kafka, zookeeper etc.
  • Managed, developed, and designed a dashboard control panel for customers and Administrators using Django, Oracle DB, PostgreSQL, and VMWare API calls.
  • Developed micro services using spring boot exposed as REST API and integrated with AngularJS based web applications.
  • Designed, Automated the process of installation and configuration of secure DataStax Enterprise Cassandra cluster using puppet.
  • Working on Spinnaker platform for Multi-Cloud Continuous Delivery (Bake, Test, & Deploy/Container Pipelines) using Packer, Terraform, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP.
  • Wrote and executed various MYSQL database queries from python using Python-MySQL connector and MySQL dB package.
  • Experienced in developing API services Python/Tornado while leveraging AMQP and RabbitMQ for distributed architectures.
  • Design and implementation of CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins and automated CI/CD pipelines by invoking Ansible playbooks
  • Virtualized the servers using the Docker for the test environments and dev-environments needs, and configuration automation using Docker Containers
  • Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using, Jasmine, Karma, HTML, CSS, LESS, RESTFUL A Having good experience in Struts, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring Boot, Spring Security and other spring frameworks implementation and integration.
  • Followed Agile SCRUM methodology and used Test Driven Development (TDD) and Used BDD pattern for code quality and good readability standards
  • Worked on Redux making to do list reduces, reducers functions and implementing store method PI Services, JavaScript, Bootstrap, GIT, and JSON.




  • Developed web applications in Django Framework's model view control (MVC) architecture.
  • Worked on Python to place data into JSON files for testing Django Websites. Created scripts for data modeling and data import and export.
  • Made use of advanced python packages like NumPy, SciPy for various sophisticated numerical and scientific calculations.
  • Implementation of new post login navigation system and new Branding experience using Microservices and JSON logic.
  • Implemented Docker containers to create images of the applications and dynamically provision slaves to Jenkins CI/CD pipelines.
  • Knowledge or experience of agile development (e.g. XP, SCRUM, Kanban) and continuing integration.
  • Strong understanding of Messaging Middleware concepts, usage and application Experience in TCP/IP networking
  • Implemented the MVC architecture using Apache Struts Framework & Experience in Python open stack API's.
  • Worked with Rational ClearCase to provide sophisticated version control, workspace management and parallel development support. Build and maintained a Selenium Regression test suite.
  • Extensive Experience in deploying, managing and developing Oracle SQL developer clusters.
  • Involved in building database Model, APIs and Views utilizing Python, to build an interactive web-based solution.
  • Built various graphs using Matplotlib package which helped in taking business decisions
  • Created Restful API's to integrate and enhance functionalities of the application. Also Utilized Restful API in communicating with third parties.
  • Expertise in configuration management automation tools such as Chef, Puppet and Salt, HTML, SASS, Bootstrap, CSS, and JavaScript used to create UI for the website.
  • Experience in working with configuration management tools like PUPPET and ANSIBLE jQuery and AJAX call used for more interactive web pages. Ensured quality versioning with GIT.
  • Experience with continuous integration and automation using JENKINS & Used JIRA for tracking and Updating Project issue.
  • Excellent understanding and knowledge of Hadoop Distributed file system data modelling, architecture and design principles and Developed Python Mapper and Reducer scripts and implemented them using Hadoop streaming.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using JSON and involved in AJAX driven application by invoking web services/API and parsing the JSON response.
  • Developed a fully automated continuous integration system using Git, Jenkins, MySQL and custom tools developed in Python and Bash.
  • Responsible for Configuring Kafka Consumer and Producer metrics to visualize the Kafka System performance and monitoring
  • Developed views and templates with Python and Django view controller and templating language to create a user-friendly interface using MVC architecture.
  • Extracting data from the database using SAS/Access, SAS SQL procedures and create SAS data sets.
  • Involved in installing software using pip command for python libraries like Beautiful Soup, NumPy, SciPy, python-twitter, RabbitMQ, Celery, matplotlib, Pandas data-frame and used the PEP8 coding convention.
  • Migration of API code written for Sybase to Oracle and was involved in Overlook the migration activity of PL/SQL programs.
  • Communication with team members for both Ansible Core and Ansible Tower teams to clarify requirements and overcome obstacles
  • Automated various service and application deployments with ANSIBLE on CentOS and RHEL in AWS.
  • Wrote ANSIBLE Playbooks with Python, SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS
  • Nodes and Test Playbooks on AWS instances using Python. Run Ansible Scripts to provision Dev servers.
  • Used Python Libraries Pandas and NumPy, SQL and Tableau to procure, clean and aggregate data from Relational database to generate status reports and dashboards.

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