Bigdata Hadoop Architect Resume
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Atlanta, GA
- I am seeking an IT management or architect position for your organization, and provide strategic support with data driven approach to grow your business.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA
- Helped client companies managing and enriching consumer related data to provide insights from which business strategies and tactics can be developed, validated, and improved.
- Guided the full lifecycle for big data solutions including requirements analysis, technical architecture design, solution design, development, testing and deployment.
- Provided big data solutions using major big data technology such as Hadoop and IBM BigInsights. And integrated the design with existing business intelligence structure and applications.
- Design and developed supporting ETL jobs and data visualization platform.
- Provided s and seminars to Hadoop developers and big data analysts.
- Performed analysis on the effectiveness and validity of controls on log information. Created solutions to extract, transform and load data into Hadoop framework for reporting purpose.
- Designed and developed technical specifications using Hadoop technology.
- Migrated all log files generated from various sources to HDFS/HBase for further processing using Flume and Kafka.
- Written MapReduce tasks and PIG scripts to process data in HDFS.
- Utilized Storm and Spark for real - time data analytics.
- Created Hive tables to store the processed results in a tabular format.
- Monitored Hadoop scripts which take the input from HDFS and load the data into Hive.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA
- Led a .NET technology team to participate in integration testing for transition initiatives including Confidential, Confidential, Confidential and Confidential .
- Leveraged Microsoft Business Intelligence technology to provide operational and statistical reporting to business.
- Improved efficiency, productivity and higher customer satisfaction by redesigning outdated procedures with Six Sigma concept.
- Supported internal applications and managed monthly release on upgrade to these systems.
- Configured Hortonworks Hadoop environment, built proof of concept solutions for online banking.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA
Programming Consultant
- Built a Microsoft winning tool with .NET Smart Client technology, utilizing services provided by internal business partners. Provided a single user front end to access multiple business functions.
- Gathered and analyzed business requirements and created automation solutions for internal customers.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA
Senior Soft Engineer
- Participated in management of startup Software Company. Took in charge of project management and of junior developers.
- Designed and developed parking management systems for national parking companies. It’s a multi-layer application with ASP.NET front end SQL Server back end. The application is configurable to support multiple parking companies and has the first computer reporting system for that industry.
- Developed a customer service online application for national energy company Confidential . It includes a web-based customer interface and a windows-based management interface.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA
Software Developer
- Designed and developed for enterprise network web administration system for Confidential . It’s a Java based website using Oracle database.
Web Developer and Administrator
- Led a 12-member team in editing news channel for Confidential .com.
- Wrote web pages using ASP and XML in Windows NT/2000 environment.
- Troubleshot for content editor of technology problems.