Cognos Report Writer Resume
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Gaithersburg, MD
- Go - to Person for Quickly Troubleshooting Problematic Behavior and Issues.
- Diverse background in IT application development including research, data analysis, and troubleshooting.
- Proven problem solver and abstract thinker, with an analytical mind and an eye for detail.
- Excellent organizational and administrative skills.
- Effective verbal and written communicator.
Experienced in Microsoft Word, Excel and Access, Deltek Costpoint, Cognos Impromptu, Cognos 10 Report Studio
Confidential, Gaithersburg, MD
Cognos Report Writer
- Created, maintained and updated Cognos 10 reports as needed by Confidential staff. Designed several key reports that have become mainstays of the business.
- Colloraborated with key players from both Confidential and outside consultants to determine which reports were needed and consequently upgraded from Cognos 10.1 to Cognos 10.2.
- Researched changes between Costpoint 6 and Costoint 7 to determine impact of upgrade on reporting. Conferred with management and consultants to design testing methodology. Converted and tested all new reports and remediated any that exhibited incompatibility issues with Costpoint 7.
- Converted Impromptu reports to Cognos 10.2 as part of Costpoint 6 to Costpoint 7 upgrade.
- Collaborated with Confidential, Confidential Controls Naval Systems and outside consultants to determine key reporting needs of Confidential Controls Naval Systems, and to design report conversion process from JCNS reporting / accounting systems to Confidential systems. Created several key reports for JCNS business users.
Confidential, Burke, VA
Volunteer / Information Service Support
- Performed various duties as needed, including shelf reading and stack maintenance.
Confidential, Fairfax, VA
Cognos / Impromptu Report Writer
- Collaborated with a substantial cross-section of members of operational and support groups to implement and QA changes / updates, employing a number of cross-referencing files.
- All changes / updates were completed within desired timeframe set by executive management.
- Converted Impromptu reports to Cognos 10 by collaborating with team members to compile definitive list of all reports. Solicited feedback from user community as to which reports were still in use / needed. Converted all necessary reports, reducing number of reports from thousands to several hundred.
- Implemented and tested reporting capabilities as part of Costpoint / Cognos upgrades.
- Conferred with management to design testing and remediation methodology.
- Managed and executed key proprietary reporting process. Researched details of reporting tool and consulted with reporting group to utilize particular expertise in managing daily operations, resulting in seamless continuation of execution of tool process.
- Created Impromptu “mega-report” for business managers as 1-stop report containing large cross-section of relevant data points.
- Report has become a core cornerstone source for project data to business managers.
Confidential, Fairfax, VA
Accounting Analyst
- Provided internal tracking of corporate financial processes by creating and / or maintaining spreadsheets that provided data / metrics for management.
- Designed and maintained internal Impromptu access security protocols by adding different security levels that allowed for better control of access to information.
- Modified file system that allowed for better control of access to information.
- Researched management-proposed solution to waterfall reporting. Upon management approval of resulting spreadsheet efforts, implemented and maintained process that greatly improved communication between stakeholders and facilitated completion of annual waterfall exercise.
Accounting Assistant
- Modified Accounts Payable pre-process for shipping bills that improved turnaround time from reception of bill to payment.
- Reduced processing time for monthly employee personal expense invoicing from 4 days to 4 hours by automating many steps.