Technical Writer Resume
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Los Gatos, CA
- Technical Writer bringing 3+ years experience producing concise and engaging documentation to both technical and non - technical users. Superb organizational skills with strong commitment to customer success. Industry background in SaaS, video streaming, mobile technology and the Internet of Things (IoT).
- RoboHelp
- Atlasssian Confluence
- PC, Mac
- Microsoft Office Suite: Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook
- Google: Mail, Calendar, Drive
- Adobe Illustrator & Acrobat
- PageMaker
- FrameMaker
- PhotoShop
Confidential, Los Gatos, CA
Technical Writer
- Writing from scratch 40-page internal technical training manual Los Gatos dis Week, Los Gatos
- Write, edit and publish articles related to local resources, events, and businesses
- Edit ads, stories, and recent events for children’s section Alain Pinel Realtors, Saratoga
- Wrote from scratch and published trifold brochure
- Created content and published 25-page customer-facing marketing packet
- Populated website and social media platforms with relevant industry content
- Documented standard operating procedures and best practices Jasper Technologies, Inc., Mountain View, CA
- Edited customer-facing Power Point sales presentations for sales team
- Documented sales team workflows and published internally to Sales Team
- Built contract management system and published to Sales Force Creative Cultures, Santa Cruz
- Edited content for kick-starter video
- Wrote and published TEMPeffective job description for executive search
Confidential, Mountain View, CA
Project Manager, Recruiting
- Created job descriptions and recruiting documentation for hiring managers
- Recorded, documented and published quarterly interview training videos internally
- Wrote and published online content for job announcements and external events
- Project managed: Be the Match 5K event, laptop decal and t-shirt collateral creation and distribution, meet-ups for engineer recruiting, and Colege Career Fair Tours
Confidential, Sunnyvale, CA
Technical Writer, Contract
- Distilled, wrote, and created graphics content to acquire ISO 270001:2005 Certification, following industry standards
- Interviewed five cross-functional departments to understand Software Development LifeCycle (SDLC)
- Migrated and published content for engineering and three additional departments to new Wiki
- Contract renewed four times
Confidential, Sunnyvale, CA
Documentation Specialist
- Wrote and implemented all office documentation, job descriptions, and SOPS
- Edited and published quarterly board presentations by deadline
- Edited white papers and press releases for marketing department
- Project-managed office moves, annual trade-shows, events, and team off-sites
Confidential, Saratoga, CA
Marketing and Documentation Coordinator
- Created spec sheets and customer facing marketing collateral
- Wrote eye catching ads and published to local newspaper by deadline
- Generated online event and job announcements for internal and external audiences
- Followed rigorous SOPs to support Research and Development group
- Communicated frequently with engineers, graphic designers, and lead technical writer to ensure deadlines met with accuracy
- Created and edited end-user documentation using PageMaker and Adobe
- Wrote content describing eight machines and five team member biographies for internal machine-shop website
- Developed one brochure, from eight, minimized translation costs
- Edited 12-page end-user user manual into four pages, minimized translation costs
- Created, from scratch, an illustrated end-user instruction guide. Graphics printed directly onto package, eliminating translation costs by 100%
- Problem solved, managed priorities, maintained self-motivation, and inspired cooperation among team members to complete projects on time
- Director extended offer of employment and remainder of colege to be paid