Technical Writer Resume
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- Proficient at developing business requirements for and maintaining a custom Remedy app inclusive of all of our many datacomm requests
- Expert at working with users to obtain user buy - in (e.g., for new system, for style sheet, for new mainframe operating system); frequently trained users on custom Remedy app
- Very knowledgeable in systems development lifecycle waterfall model
- Experienced in writing clear and concise requirements for a system
- Excel at building close relationships with internal and external business partners for federal and local government
- Very knowledgeable in designing enhancements in operating and maintenance (O & M) phase of software
- Excel at developing process improvement procedures to optimize business processes
- Very detail-oriented and customer-focused
Technical Writer
- Drafts and implements required documentation for the Tech Writer job, including numerous written procedures for reports the Tech Writer creates, as well as a style guide for the report’s writers, which received several accolades and was written on a very tight deadline.
- Produces reports for three contract deliverables at regular weekly, biweekly, and monthly intervals.
- Participates in and formulates meeting minutes for highly technical meetings related to ICD-10 coding, billing, and medical terminology.
- Interviews subject matter experts in order to rewrite portions of contract deliverable.
- Developed eight process improvement procedures for the Tech Writer job, which were all well-received and adopted.
Curriculum Specialist
- Facilitated the review and selection of educational material and related instructional aids for the purpose of providing effective instructional materials in order to meet District, state and federal educational standards.
- Developed curriculum integration solutions and related work/instructional aids for the purpose of providing students with tools for the utilization of emerging curriculum integration strategies to enhance student learning.
Information Technology Specialist
- Analyzed needed requirements to design and successfully implement an automated system in Remedy for responding to telecommunications requests. Catalogued each type of telecommunications request to ensure that all requests were accounted for.
- Coordinated and participated in staff training for the new automated telecommunications system in role as technical expert. Followed up with contractor on changes needed for Agency training package. Led Agency training of new automated telecommunications system.
- Designed and managed all changes to the new telecommunications system on an ongoing basis using Confidential ’ change requests conforming to Confidential ’ change control policy. Led weekly project management meetings with contractor to ensure that all deliverables were performed to specification and in a timely manner.
- Served as technical expert/advisor and project leader on several high profile Agency network telecommunications systems including the HIGLAS project and the 270/271 eligibility database.
- Analyzed government customers’ technical requirements relating to leased lines to provide feedback for required design documents pertaining to the leased lines.
- Coordinated, facilitated, and presented at weekly project meetings for HIGLAS project, which allowed the manager and team leader to relax their role from daily involvement to only involvement where management issues arose due to satisfied customer expectations.
- Participated in meetings with government staff and contractors as part of a multi-component design team for the 270/271 claims eligibility project.
- Reviewed, evaluated, and provided feedback for 270/271 team on documents being used for design and network implementation of the project stating customer requirements, including analyzing customer’s presented business requirements to provide recommendations, technical briefings to manager and team lead, as well as feedback to team of areas that needed to be addressed for successful implementation on the network.
- Reviewed and responded to highly technical telecommunications requests, ensuring all customer inquiries were answered timely and thoroughly and service requests approved. This required knowledge of router hardware and software, leased lines network connectivity, and network technologies such as NAT, SNA and the IP layer.
- Provided Confidential with IT project management of AT&T contract and CITIC contract, including IT operations, enterprise telecommunications support and the enterprise file transfer (EFT) team.
- Worked directly with government customer and telecommunications contractor to influence the timely project implementation (installation of leased lines at customer sites) and to conform to Confidential policy for customer access to Confidential ’ network. Won award from telecommunications customer for excellent customer service in acting as point of contact on implementation of leased lines project.
- Wrote briefing documents, procedures, and memos on telecommunications issues for management, our team, and government customers.
- Led weekly meetings with electronic funds transfer (EFT) contractor to discuss new EFT issues, provide technical solutions to customers, and review project status on ongoing contractor EFT work.
- Inspected incoming EFT requests for completeness and feasibility. Followed up with customers on incomplete requests/requests with technical issues with recommendations to improve them.
- Developed new process improvement procedure for improved intake of EFT requests, recording each aspect of the intake process.
- Worked directly with government customer and EFT contractor to provide timely implementation of EFT requests.
User Id Administrator
- Directly responsible for maintaining the Agency’s master database containing all of the user ids of Confidential employees and their partners. This included creating new user ids for new Agency hires, adding accesses to users and deleting accesses from users. Received citation for outstanding performance and time-off award.
- Maintained a database of Agency terminations for the purpose of deleting the respective user ids. Collaborated with Human Resources for notification, then removed the user ids of terminated employees.
- Reviewed access forms for the presence of erroneous information and missing data. Collaborated with Group Administrators to correct forms in order to expedite user access.
- Evaluated access forms against database to ensure that users are classified by correct type in user id database.
- Researched database for duplicate user ids and removed duplicate data.
Technical Writer
- Developed new security documentation, general systems security plan. Received noted commendation for this performance.
- Conducted research for plan by interviewing senior security specialists and extracting from their detailed explanations the information required by the plan methodology