Freelance Writer And Copyeditor Resume
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- Oil and Gas/Engineering: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Specifications, Drawings and Diagrams, Environmental Compliance, Seismic Surveys, Risk Assessment and HAZOP Studies, Codes and Regulations, Drilling Licenses, Bids and Procurement, Meeting Minutes, Contracts and Agreements, Financial Statements, etc.
- Medicine/Pharmaceuticals: Drug Labeling, Clinical Trials, Scientific Articles, Best Manufacturing Practices, QC Manuals, Instructions for Use, Pharmacovigilance, Patents, Medical Products Descriptions, Clinical Recommendations, etc.
- Corporate Communications/Marketing: Annual Reports, Marketing Materials, Product Case Histories, Presentations, Websites, White Papers, Booklets and Brochures, Business Communication, etc.
- Excellent writing, presentation, and research skills developed through doctoral education,
- professional freelancing, and experience teaching college - level English Composition
- Understanding of Quality Assurance (QA) practices and ISO 9000 family of standards as they relate to the development of organization’s QA Policies and Procedures
- Ability to work with little supervision independently and in a team
- An aptitude for learning detailed technical content quickly, and staying current with new product developments and enhancements
- A position as a technical writer in the energy, engineering, manufacturing, financial, or pharmaceuticals/biotech industries
Experience: over 8 years of freelance writing, editing, and translation experience for oil and gas, engineering, pharmaceuticals/biotech, and financial companies
Authoring Tools: Office 2010, Adobe InDesign, Framemaker, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Acrobat, SnagIt, Visio, HTML
Industries and Fields: Upstream and Downstream Oil and Gas, Process Engineering, Wastewater Treatment, Electronics, Pharmaceuticals/Biotech, Life Sciences, Legal, Marketing, Corporate Communication, and Investor Relations
Freelance Writer and Copyeditor
- Planned and wrote SOPs for process equipment operations and safety
- Planned, designed, and wrote a 25-page website for a translation agency
- Wrote Product Instructions for colostomy care devices and accessories
- Researched and wrote a marketing report on mini refineries
- Copyedited the Living Language textbook for Random House
- Wrote and copyedited regional assessments on Kandahar, Afghanistan for Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade while tasked with preparing the reports for public release
- Interviewed subject-matter experts to convert politically sensitive information into clear, public-ready reports
- Scheduled project milestones and delivered reports on tight deadlines
- Developed and maintained report structure and templates, glossaries, and style guides
Freelance Technical Translator
- Translated and edited technical and corporate documentation for such companies as Fluor Corporation, BP, Lukoil, Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc., USFilter Co., Exxon Neftegas Limited, Michelin, Johnson & Johnson, Abbott Laboratories, Goldman Sachs, Bank of New York Mellon, etc.
- Developed sector-specific style manuals and documentation glossaries
- Participated as a remote translator on the Sakhalin 1 oil exploration and production project operated by Exxon Neftegas Limited, an affiliate of ExxonMobil; translated and edited well logs, seismic surveys, meeting minutes, work reports, documentation for the construction of onshore processing facility, on-site housing and work facilities, access roads, flowlines, etc.
- Participated as a translator Confidential on the construction of OJSC Taneco Refining and Petrochemical Complex managed by Fluor Corporation; translated and edited process equipment bids and tenders, contracts, installation and operating manuals, safety guidelines, regulations and standards, equipment specs, plot plans, process flow diagrams, instrumentation and electrical drawings, vessel design sheets, etc.
- Edited web site content for Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc., a global petroleum consulting company
- Interpreted during ICISPan-American Base Oils and Lubricants Conference
- Translated technical documentation on industrial wastewater treatment for USFilter Co.
- Interpreted for Global Petro Chemical Processes Inc. during onsite salesnegotiations at Valero Delaware City Refinery
- Assisted in staffing a translation team for the branding company Tipping Sprung Inc.