Senior Technical Author Resume
- Over 20 years experience writing for highly technical and non - technical audiences
- Background in computer and Web/cloud software and hardware, storage, virtualization, networking, information security, data centers, semiconductors, and startups and large companies
- Ability to quickly grasp complex topics and translate to level and voice appropriate for target audience
- Proactive team player with proven ability building rapport and cooperative exchange
- User advocate with added focus on reducing product support costs
- Experience with DITA XML, XML editors, single-sourcing, and content management systems (CMS)
- Experience interacting with end users, subject matter experts, developers, administrators, operations, architects, marketing, quality, support, and customers
- Experience gathering information from interviewing, engineering and marketing documents, working with products, simulators and demos, and basic code
- Working familiarity with product development lifecycle, and delivering against tight deadlines
- Working familiarity with document design, development, and control standards and practices
- Experience producing many information and document types, including the following:
Operating Systems: (writing about) Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, VMware ESX, Linux CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Novell SLES; (working in) Windows, RHEL, Solaris, and Mac
XML Authoring: Arbortext Editor, XMetaL Author; CMS Astoria, Vasont, SDL Trisoft and InfoShare Publication Manager, Documentum, and NovaManage
Authoring: FrameMaker, Microsoft Office Suite, Wiki, SharePoint, Socialtext, WebWorks ePublisher, RoboHelp HTML, RoboHelp, Doc-To-Help, FrontPage, Dreamweaver, and Qarbon Viewlet Builder
Diagramming/Graphics: Visio, Paint Shop Pro, and SnagIt Editor
Capture/Delivery: Acrobat, SnagIt, FullShot, and WinZip
Languages: XML, HTML, and basic Perl/CGI scripting
Versioning: CVS, Subversion, TortoiseSVN, and Perforce
Bug tracking: BugDB, Quality Center, Bugzilla, and Etrack
Virtualization: (writing about) Oracle VM, VMware ESX/ESXi, vSphere, vCenter, Converter, vMotion, Storage vMotion, and SRM, Windows Hyper-V, Xen, and Solaris Containers
Development environments: Java, .net, Agile, and waterfall
Other: Web 2.0, WebEx, IBM HTTP Server, IBM Directory Server, Tomcat, Niku EPM, PeopleSoft, SAP, and other proprietary ERP applications, Lotus Notes, Oracle, MS SQL, DB2, Paradox, and other databases, product simulators and demos, FTP clients, Telnet, PuTTy, SSH, and VPN
Servers: Virtual and physical scalable storage systems, blades, and filers
PCB: PCI, PCI Express, and Compact PCI adapters and controllers
Computing models: Cloud, storage, virtualization, virtualized I/O, high performance computing (HPC), clustered and distributed (LAN/WAN)
Concepts: SSD, SAN, DAS, and NAS storage, and networking
Protocols (writing about): 10gE, Ethernet, iSCSI, FC, FCoE, InfiniBand, TCP/IP, NFS, CIFS, NDMP, SNMP, NTLM, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, DHCP, DNS, RIP, OSPF, BGP4, LDAP, SSL, PKI, RC4, Radius, and Kerberos
Hardware (writing about): appliances, servers, unified storage systems, switches, routers, caches, firewalls, load balancers, HBAs, HCAs, NICs, and cabling
Senior Technical Author
- Working with Confidential, which targets unstructured data management solutions (virtualization, big data, and cloud).
- Documenting HDS VMware storage integration solutions, including the HNAS Virtual Infrastructure Integrator (V2I) software, HNAS vSphere APIs for Array Integration (VAAI) software, and Confidential NAS Platform Best Practices for VMware vSphere. Also documenting new features for the upcoming HNAS 12.0 release, including storage replication, files services, and integration with virtualization solutions.
- Documented the new HNAS Series 4000 hardware platforms, the first update in four years. This series brought fuller integration of Blue Arc products to the HDS storage offering. Also included was the latest system management unit, SMU 400. Documents included very detailed system installation, configuration, and hardware reference concepts and procedures, as well as solutions best practices for use and implementation by Confidential Field Services Engineers. Also revised and migrated information for networking topics from HTML help to DITA XML.
- Experience installing Confidential NAS server hardware and associated system components.
- Authoring in DITA XML with XMetaL Editor, Astoria CMS, and Office Suite. Deliverables are PDFs, Online Help, Admin and Quick Start Guides, and Release Notes.
Senior Technical Writer
- Documented Pillar Axiom CLI Reference Guide, Axiom storage integration plug-ins for VMware vCenter vSphere, Oracle VM, and Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud management solution, and Axiom MaxRep Replication for SAN.
- Installed software, testing behaviors, creating virtual machines (VMs), datastores, LUNs, and so on.
- Contributed to design of product user interfaces. Edited existing interface designs.
- Authored in DITA XML with Arbortext Editor, Astoria CMS, and Office Suite.
Senior Technical Writer
- Worked on a new network manageability product (OnCommand) that integrated related Confidential products (Operations Manager, DataFabric Manager, Confidential Management Console Protection Manager, Provisioning Manager, and Performance Advisor) and introduced storage plug-in integration with virtualization products (VMware vSphere and Windows Hyper-V).
- Authored in DITA XML with XMetal and SDL Trisoft CMS and InfoShare Publication Manager.
Senior Technical Writer and Editor
- Worked on services kits documentation for numerous VMware products, including vSphere, vCenter, ESX, ESXi, SRM, ThinApp, View, and others.
- Audiences were technical field consultants and customers implementing VMware solutions.
- Revised various documents, including architecture, plan and design, installation, configuration, acceleration, and others.
Tools: Office Suite and SharePoint.
Senior Technical Writer
- Worked in Confidential Corporate IT on a large-scale data center virtualization and consolidation project with technically expert architects, administrators, operations, quality, business analysts, and program/project managers.
- Project involved migration of applications and databases (MS SQL and Oracle) in Windows, Solaris, Linux, and AIX development, test, and stage environments.
- Developed migration and virtualization implementation guides for system administrator’s tool use, including VMware vCenter Converter and vMotion, HP Operations Orchestration, and Solaris Containers.
Tools: Office Suite, Visio, Acrobat, SharePoint, WebEx, LiveMeeting, and SnagIt.
Principal Information Developer
- Designed and developed external user documentation for Confidential ’s Veritas-branded CommandCentral product family, a technically complex storage management suite.
- Products included CommandCentral Storage, Enterprise Reporter, and Storage Change Manager.
- DocSet included GUI, CLI, and online Help. Topics included installation, configuration, admin, user, troubleshooting, release notes, monitoring, troubleshooting, high availability (HA), programmer reference, and process flows.
- Authored in DocBook XML with XMetaL and Vasont CMS. Other tools: FrameMaker, Wiki, SharePoint, Socialtext, Visio, SnagIt, Acrobat, UNIX, Office Suite, Etrack, CVS, and Perforce. Agile and waterfall software development.
Senior Information Developer
- Planned, designed, and developed user documentation set (key contributor) for a complex virtualization product that used InfiniBand fabric and open source methodologies.
- DocSet/topics included release notes, readme, hardware and software installation and configuration (including servers, blades, HBA, HCA, switches, routers, and cabling), administration and management (GUI and CLI), monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, disaster recovery, SOAP API programmer reference, process flows, datasheets, and white papers.
- Established (key contributor) and implemented project management and document development practices, processes, standards, and styles.
Tools: FrameMaker, WebWorks ePublisher, Wiki, Visio, SnagIt, Word, Acrobat, VMware ESX 3.5 Hypervisor, Linux CentOS, Red Hat Linux, Novell SLES, Windows 2003, Illustrator, Subversion, Bugzilla, PuTTy, Tortoise, Telnet, SSH, and VPN.