We provide IT Staff Augmentation Services!

Computing Consultant Resume Profile

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  • Skilled individual with proven success in managing projects and IT systems for State government. Individual has 17 years of service with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services NCDHHS and worked in two county departments of social services. Individual has spent an additional 8 years as a contract worker with the NCDHHS. Skills include excellent business analyst skills, research methods, organizational and analytical skills, technical writing and editing, conflict management and resolution, negotiation, customer service, verbal and written communication, training, clear and concise documentation. Possesses logical thought processes, adaptability, and initiative. Works well independently and with others. Proficient in Windows, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, and SharePoint.
  • Individual would prefer contract work.



Change Management Consultant

  • Worked as a subcontractor with Accenture as a County Readiness Liaison for the NC FAST Project.
  • Worked with twelve assigned counties to prepare them for the new processes that were needed to successfully implement NC FAST. Also worked with the pilot counties. Helped counties to achieve successful implementations.
  • Assessed and documented the current business processes As Is and developed the future business processes To Be for the counties.
  • Worked with counties to improve their business processes by providing ideas that were innovative.
  • Developed and delivered presentations to prepare counties for the changes coming with NC FAST.
  • Developed tools to help with this process, including a Change Discussion Guide and a Readiness Assessment.
  • Met with Management Teams in the counties on a regular basis to assess their readiness for Soft Launching and Hard Launching.
  • Contributed articles and puzzles for the Quarterly newsletter and content for the website.
  • Created publications for distribution to county workers.


Monitoring Analyst/Business Analyst

  • Worked as a contract employee with the NCDHHS, Division of Public Health DPH as the overseer of the division's monitoring effort. DPH has over 5000 grantees that must be monitored.
  • Developed Subrecipient Monitoring Plan for the division and assisted all program areas within DPH to develop program specific plan. Ensured the plans were updated annually.
  • Prepared training packages and provided training on a quarterly basis on all aspects of monitoring.


Computing Consultant IV/Business Analyst

  • Managed an Internet-based Contracts Database that collected data on all DHHS Contracts.
  • Performed Analysis to determine best mechanism to provide requested reports on DHHS Contracts. Requests came from various sources, such as the Office of State Budget and Analysis, Fiscal Research, members of the General Assembly, the DHHS Secretary's Office, DHHS Divisions and Offices. Coordinated gathering information from the divisions for reporting purposes.
  • Developed user instructions and provided training as needed or requested.


Computing Consultant IV

  • Reviewed, analyzed, and provided comments on Information Technology IT policies and plans with emphasis on divisional or departmental impact.
  • Federal Liaison Activities: Provided guidance to project teams and others on the federal approval process. Served as liaison between project leaders and approval authorities to obtain clarification and to grease the skids. Reviewed documents to ensure all required elements are covered and for understandability from federal perspective.
  • Provided input and reviews of Advance Planning Documents APDs and Requests for Proposal. This included the Business Process Reengineering Project, which was the predecessor to the NC FAST project.


Social Services Program Coordinator/Business Analyst

  • Managed the Income and Eligibility Verification System IEVS , which is a federally mandated system that provides for exchange of data between state agencies and federal agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service and the Social Security Administration.
  • Completed periodic Cost Benefit Analyses required by federal agencies.
  • Member of a workgroup who developed an automated query system that obtained overnight data from SSA. Our system became a model for other states.
  • Wrote system requirements, performed system testing, wrote user instructions, and provided training and ongoing support for county Departments of Social Services employees.

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